Local restaurants have weathered a year of virus-related hardships, here’s how they’re doing
Dos Amigos manager Kina Gilson gets slammed with lunchtime takeout orders on Friday afternoon. GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff
Dos Amigos manager Kina Gilson gets slammed with lunchtime takeout orders on Friday afternoon, March 5, 2021. GEOFF FORESTER—Monitor staff
Published: 3/7/2021 4:37:29 PM
When the pandemic suddenly upended lives last March and abruptly closed all restaurants in the state on St. Patrick’s Day, the uncertainty was one of the hardest parts for Kosmas Smirnioudis, owner of the Windmill Restaurant in Concord.
“It was very nerve-racking not knowing what was going to happen, not knowing how things were going to turn out,” he said.