A Southern Minnesota Pizzeria is offering up an Elvis inspired pizza during the month of January. Pizzeria 201, located in the 'Kolacky Capital of the World' Montgomery, is offering up a peanut butter and banana topped pizza for those looking to honor 'The King's' January birthday. Check it out.
The post from Pizzeria 201 on Facebook goes a little deeper into what you'll get on your pie. You'll have a pizza that features "peanut butter, banana & real maple syrup . . . topped w/ either bacon or chocolate (Elvis liked his peanut butter & banana w/ bacon)."
Elvis of course made the sandwich of peanut butter, banana, and bacon famous in 1976. According to Southern Living "As the story goes, after a 1976 concert, Elvis and his police bodyguards ventured to the now-closed Colorado Mine Company restaurant for a bite to eat. There, he ordered a Fool’s Gold Loaf—a sandwich made with a loaf of sourdough bread, a pound of bacon, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly." After that, they say the rest is history.