However, he’s not the only one.
“He’s outshined in the paranormal by his niece, a little girl named Ada who died here when she was just seven years old of scarlet fever," explained McInvale. "And she sort of has become the ghost of note here."
Just up the road is Fort Griswold, a revolutionary war battlefield in Groton. Two hundred men met their untimely demise and it too is believed to have spirits around.
“My understanding is that we have two different types of hauntings if what we consider to be an active haunt is that a spirit is aware that they’re gone and that it’s a different time and they linger behind," McInvale explained. "It’s usually because they have some sort of story that they need to communicate or it’s a place of significance to them that they’re going to continue to return to it almost as if checking in as our loved ones might check in on us."