Cheboygan Daily Tribune
Local calendar listings can be a maximum of 30 words and cannot be FOR-profit organization/events. The calendar is meant to be for community events such as: free events for the community, meetings of organizations, support groups, etc. Submit your local calendar listings to or drop off at the Tribune.
Feb. 25 — Veterans Travel Pay Seminar 4-7 p.m. Help Setting up and learning how to submit travel claims with new VA travel pay system, Cheboygan County Commissioners Room, must call hard for appointment, 231-627-8833
March 10 — Cheboygan County Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Group meeting, 2 p.m. at the Tuscarora Township Hall, 3546 S. Straits Hwy, Indian River. For more information, call Locia "Jean" Lang at 231-238-5165