Arkansas State University Heritage Sites, KASU public radio, and the Mississippi County Hospital System will sponsor the second installment in the summer concert series, "Live from the Cash Porch," at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16.<br/> <br/>Blind Mississippi Morris and Brad Webb will perform in the admission-free series starting at the boyhood home of music legend Johnny Cash in Dyess.<br/><br/> “We are delighted to have Blind Mississippi Morris and Brad Webb at our second summer concert,” commented Penny Toombs, director of Dyess Colony: Johnny Cash Boyhood Home, an Arkansas State University Heritage Site. “As before, we encourage folks to come out with friends and family to enjoy this special experience of live music on the Cash porch.”<br/><br/> A native of Clarksdale, Miss., and blind since age four, Blind Mississippi Morris is the embodiment of the Delta bluesman. Rated one of the 10 best harmonica players in the world by Bluzharp Magazine, Morris has taken the Delta blues worldwide from Memphis, where he lives and often performs.<br/><br/> A Memphis native, Webb has been producing, writing and recording music since 1986. He has played guitar with some of the greatest names in the industry.<br/><br/> Those attending the Cash Porch event may bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy drinks and snacks available for purchase. Tents will be set up for shade.<br/><br/> The series will continue next month on Saturday, Aug. 20. More details are <a href=";!!PirnAJVEmx4jpg!5A1YRjMSvG_8M3tKH-6IfBdErJghWqlzJniaX53OjqUytzuVoBKbL7_nxptKiDblEjTMJ5B4ZTIV_zo$" class="ProsemirrorEditor-link">online</a>.