What They Say
“Class rivals June and Lucia vie for the honor of being named the Queen of Light, entrusted with protecting the people from the King of Darkness. June is an attractive girl whose feisty, hot temper, and general laziness may prevent her from receiving the crown… Lucia has a more regal quality and a strong desire to match, but she is always overshadowed by June. Will petty jealousies, love triangles, and one cute boy interfere with the Queen’s royal duty?!”-
The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
A highly trained reviewing professional will have to read a fair share of duds; that just comes with the territory. Duds can come in many forms. For instance, you might have a book that seems to have a decent idea for a story but is an adaptation and tries to cram too many events into too little space, like