By Premiere Networks
Jan 18, 2021
This is Manny in Kansas City, Missouri. Manny, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Good morning, Rush. Thank you for taking my call.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: Rush, the point I wanted to make was, you know, as conservatives, we need to recognize that we lost this election and we have really a buffoon in the White House because of selfish and really stupid actions of one man. And that's Donald Trump, what he did in the past 12 months. We need to detach ourselves from him, stop supporting him, and just really concentrate on the tsunami of the leftist crap that is coming our way. You know? If you haven't noticed, you know, Bernie Sanders is going to be making decisions on our taxes, and we already have amnesty lined up second day after inauguration.