May 12, 2021
MATTAPOISETT — The Mattapoisett Lions Club has announced the 2021 Peter Hodges Memorial Scholarship awardees. The two $2,500 scholarships are sponsored by the Lions Club.
This year’s recipients are Colin Mackin of Rochester, a senior at Old Rochester Regional High School, and Bridget Farias also of Rochester, a senior at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School.
Mackin will be attending UMass Amherst, where his education will focus on Environmental Studies. Working within COVID restrictions, Mackin is recognized for community work with the Rochester Council on Aging for delivering Meals on Wheels, spearheading a drive for sanitary supplies, volunteering at Damien’s Pantry and delivering books for the Joseph H. Plumb Memorial Library. Mackin’s Eagle Scout project culminated from many hours of work designing and building the Little Hundred Acre Woods, a reading garden in the wooded area on the library grounds in Rochester.