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United Lebanon Special concert special consulate. Hours correspondent joins us from paris. \ thank you for joining us. Lets go straight to the concert hall here in paris. The whole program performing to raise money and boost awareness of the plight of the people of lebanon struggling to rebuild in the wake of the huge explosion that destroyed the court on august 4. Lets listen. [speaking forereign language] [speaking foreign language] that was a Favorite French artist. We will get more t throughout te program. 192 people lost their lives in the explosion in beirut. Those responsible perhaps not held to account. For the victims, its an all go ash ongoing ordeal. There was already chaos caused by corruption and poverty. 300 million is a conservative estimate of former government inside beirut who spoke earlier to france 24. Lets go to our reporter who is outside the concert hall. She was there for all of the buildup backstage. You have had to come out of the venue because of covid19 rerestrictions. It is s the bare minimum of peoe allowed inside. Give us a taste of the atmosphere. Thehe atmosphphere is prettyy excited. There is an allstar lineup. The artists performing here tonight, which you can seat behind me as i am outside in the street and no longer backstage because covid19 Restrictions Mean we cannot have too many people in an enclosed space at the same time. The stars performing tonight are a big deal here in france had we have already had an algerian singer extreme we wellknown here in france but internationally as well. They are huge big stars. S. Im not sure if im getting the message across to you are not. These stars are big here in france. We also heard from staying. Sting. We got the message. Someone was just on before you, he is one of my favorites. A great singer. Great character, as well. You cant put a finger on this, but ballpark, what are they hoping to raise from this event . It is very interesting. I asked around and tried to find out, but the answer i kept getting was yes, we need the money. 300,00000 people either lost thr homes or saw them badly damaged in beirut. T. Schools have been shut down. What everyone kept saying was yes we want to raise money, but tonight is also about giving love and showing the lebanese people that outside, people are still aching of them. People are still thinking of them. One of the performers said he was born in lebanon and raised in paris. He wants to show that outside the country, people are still thinking of a lebanese. Unfortunately, i did not get the ballpark figure. The answer i kept getting was that they are trying to show the people love. Its great to see you there outside the famous concert hall. United for lebanon is carrying on with mostly french but old wide starsrs as well. Worldwide stars. Lets go to our reporter in beirut. Seeing things for himself. You are at the center of the explosion. Are there any s signs of progre . Thats right. The explosion took place nearly two months ago just a stonenes ththrow from where im standingg just behind me. Leleaving behind d a deep p crad massive amounts of destrucuctio. There is some progreress in the sense that the debris around here has been cleared. D. If you look aroround at the buildings, windows are m missin. Doors have disappearared. There is still so much to accomplish. Another striking feature about this neighborhood closese to the port where the explosion took place is s the fact that so many apartments are empty. I have been told that so many of these people havave lefthehe coununtry. That is one ofof the saddest features of this crisis which is as you mentioned, compounded with so many of them currently facing just to mentition a few. There is a majajor political crisis. Also, a refugee crisis with so many people coming into the country frorom neighboring syri. In tererms o t the progress, a t of the locals i have spoken to say that the Silver Lining to thisis is barriers coming down between the various communities that are usually so divided inin this community and this country. There was a very bloody civil war between 1975 and 1990 that divided into bloodied this city. The u. N. Office in lebanon, when comparing damageges caused by te blast t which lasted teen secon, id it wasas comparable to the 50 years of civil war. A lot of the p people are tellig me that this has been an occasion for people to come together and basically do what their government is not doing. Thats one accusation that keeps coming back and every single conversation i have out here. Theres a little bit of progress, but only because citizens are taking things into their owown hands. Theyey are engaging in cleanup operations trying to rebuild. Of course, that goeslowly because another feature of this crisis is financial. At the economy is strapped for costst cash. Peoples savings have evaporated or you did evaporated. D. When you ask t them how t that happened, they poioint to corruption. 300 lien dollars 300 billion, one of the guests was saying. What part is france expecting to pay in the reconstruction . Its an interesting q questi. There is a long shared history between ranson lebananon which s under french m mdate a a long shared history between rants and lebanon. There e still a strong connection between the two countries. France is operating in two ways. One of them is channeling funds into the country. The french government and french organizations are trying to circumvent political leaders and the establishment in order to channel the money straight into local ngos that are active on the ground. The other way different the other way that france is trying to have influence is by exerting political pressure. Notably, recently he accused the lebanese Political Class of having betrayed its people. Those were harsh words from a french president who came here after the blast and has grown frustrated with the capacity of the local government here to enact the kind of change that is necessary to help the country and the city to rebuild. The money going straight to projects and skipping through the levels of bureaucracy that might see it being sent elsewhere. Thats a good sign. Thank you very much indeed. That was our reporter very near were the explosion disport destroyed the port. We will show you more as we go to the program. When to pause at the moment and come back soon as there is Something Interesting the stage. As by john says another hahas bn killed. The death is over 100. Turkey, a close ally, has rebuffed russia and the u. S. Over ceasefire moves. Russia is now saying it is ready for close coordination with turkey. Heavy shelling between forces spilled over to a fifth day on thursday. Officials described overnigight situation asas intense. Momore than 100 deaths h have bn confirmed including civilians wiwithototh sides claiming to he inflicted heavy losses on the other. The separatist leadership backed by the armenian government issued a warning on wednesday. [speaking foreign language] the province away in the 1990s shortly after the fall of the soviet union. Populated and controlled by armenians, the independence is not formally recognized by any other country. Conflict firired up again on sunday with each side blaming the other. [speaking foreign language] the two rivals have repeated International Calls to end the fightiting. Vladimir putin discussed the issue by phohone with emEmmanuel Macron wednesday night. Both e expressed concern about turkey sending mercecenaries to bolster forces. This is the calling from the healthth minister. Covid19 cases are searching across france. The capital and suburbs have already breached their hospital threshold. The situation in the paris metropolitan area, we see a worsening that is accelerating in the city and suburbs. Since yesterday, in the past 24 hours, paris has passed three threshold to become a maximum alert zone. If this is confirmed, we will have no choice but to place paris and its subururbs under maximum alert starting monday. That was a warning that paris could be on lockdown, bars complete we closed from monday. Lets take you back to the concert hall in paris where another performer has taken the stage. This is a big concert organized to raise money for lebanon. France 24 is really involved in this. In pushing and televising what is happening in order to raise awareness and hopefully bring about a better, Brighter Future for the people of lebanon. I will now that you listen to the concert. Its a big night there in olympia and in beirut. We will bring you back to both locations thugughout thehe program. There we go, raising money and awareness for be rude. In the united states, tens ofof thousands of workers are out of a job. A day after disisney announcd it was cutting 20 eight thousand jobs, american and United Airlines are laying off 32,000 staff members. Federal aid for the aviation sector ran out at midnight and with it, the condition that payroll remain intact. Congress has failed to agree on new funding for the sector. Air traffic i is still 70 0 bew normrmal. Airlines have said they have no choice but they will recall employees if the federal government comes through with more support. Thehere is a lot of d debate about whwhether airlinine workes should continue to be singled out as a wororkgroupup deservinf focused singngleminded aid. There is a feeling that airline workerss may notot necessarily deserve the s support that realy what is needed i is something brbroader. That will aid moree ameriricans, all amerericans who are out of work foror no fault of their own because the pandemic. The number of americans claiming unemployment decreased slightly last week. 837,000 new claims were recorded by the labor department. That is more than the previous week and it is still above prepandemic levels. California has suspended its processing of new applications to combat fraud and that may have distorted thursdays data. Due to be released on friday is the Unemployment Rate dropping slightly to 8. 2 . That is the last jobs report before the election. I early spark earlier spoke to a senior economist about the state of americas labor market. Its interesting that we were at nearly 15 unemployment in april down to 8. 4 8. 4 in august. Most of the low thinning fruit of jobob gains have been picked over the summer. Businesses are staying low becausee o of thehe ppp l loansd consumers that were benefiting from insurance payments, the extra 60000 per week and also direct payment from the government. They were reaeally storing additional consumption. Now that the eight has expired, for both businesses and consumers, they are not going to be able to spend as much money which does not bode well for businesses. Theyre probably going to see increased pressure to make e ens meetet. Many o of these busesses, esespecially resestaurants havey smalall margins. They are not going to be ableleo continue at 90 capacity. They will continue to cut their payrolls in order to survive if not completely clolosed shop. Pecially if the weather turns and they cannot continue operations outdoors. Lets take a look at todays trading. Wall strtreet has closed i in te green. Hopes for progress on capitol hill get to fade. Tech stocks led the gains. A mixed closed for the major european indices. Bayer lowered its guidance for the year. A report by the british and government says huawei has failed to improve its Security Standards enough to be used there. The boards of the chinese tech giant could only provide limited assurance that all risks to u. K. National security could be mitigated in the longterm. In july, the u. K. Backtracked on a plan to allow huawei to provide limited role in the 5g infrastructurere. The u. K. Has tried to ban them altogether. Irelands top port court has ruled that the bread created by subway contains too much sugar to be considered bread. Sub whitehead applied for a tax refund saying that as a staple food, it should not be subject to the tax. The dough has sugar content that is 10 the weight of the flower and faces the same tax of more indulgent products like ice cream and popcorn. I dont know puts quite enough to be classified as a desert. Subway insist that the bread is just bread. Thank you very much. Great to see you. Catalina is here. How are you . You talk about asylumseekers. This involves a long voyage. There are many locations around the globe. Detailed brainstorming sessions on how they intend to crackdown on the migratition crisis. Why . Downing ststreet said that itits drawing up plans to strengthen its legal migration and asylum policies. You can see migigrants more migrantsts arrrrived lasast monn all of 2019. These e were pubublished b by me news souources. Onone said t the goverernment is sending asylumseekers to offshore immigration centers. These leaks revealed more concerning plans for those trying to cross the channel illegally. They had the idea of installing boats that would force migrants into french waters. The idea was missed due to ththe risk that the e migrants butut t capsize. It michael people. It might kill people. The idea of transporting people like that, it goes back to when britain transported people to australia. They are basing some of their ideaeas bang ideas on the australian model. The guardian reported they were going to senend Asylum Seekers offshore. Thats based on the strict australian migration model where they hold asylumseekers offshore. Other measures include a report that migrant hostiles were reported off the shore of scotland. One official said any proposal to treat human beings like cattle will be met withh the strongest possible opposition. How we treat migrants shows who we are and what we think and it doesnt say much about the u. K. Government that they are planning that. Thats my own personal view. Now moving on to free the uighurs. Cliques that is trending in france. It people arare wondering why instagram and twitter are filled with blue squares. It is to support supply support for uighur muslims. We can compare this to blackout tuesday when instagram users posted a blackck square in suput of blackck lives matter. Some p people arare wondereringy now . This is been happening for years. This european deputy launched a movement, a call for action to creaeate a turning point in the mobilization for uighur detained muslims. They will be c calling to a actn and doing different proposals. Todays proposal was the blue square. There also calling on Emmanuel Macron to do actions to protect leader muslims in china. Finally, social media users campaigning for demonstrations that will happen on tober third. Cliques these things that china allegedly does but we still do business with china. Thank you very much. Lets take you back to olympia where there is another big star on stage from lebanon. [speaking foreign language] the president of kenya answers questions in an interview. He t tells us abouout the counts Economic Situation in the face of an unprecedented crisis. He will also be discussing trade agreements with france. The conflict with his Vice President as well as terrorist threats hanging over his country. Watch this exclusivennncwnnnqc 10 01 20 10 01 20 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from new york, thisis is democracy now mohammed bin salman, rolled out the red carp for thicar. W one of eoggi dissentingoices. He kw what the stakes were. He was publishing articles that wercritical of the udi reme. That could not be tol

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