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Other European Countries to help. In his first Public Comments since his poisoning last month the russian Opposition Leader Alexi Navalny is pictured sitting up with his family. He said he is finally breathing on his own. To our viewers ones pbs and United States welcome. President trump says today is the dawn of a new day in the middle east. He is hosted a ceremony at the white house marking the normalization of relations between two gulf arab states and israel. The Foreign Ministers of united aerab emirates and bahrain joind trump and netanyahu to establish diplomatic relations the first time in more than a quarter century an arab states has established ties with israel. Trump said he hopes others will follow and netanyahuhu thanked e president forr his decisive leadership. T this day i is a pivot in history. It heralds a new dawn of peace. For thousands of years the jewish people h have prayed for peace. For decadeses the jewish state s prayed for peace. This is why today we arare fili with such profound gratitude. Im gratefull t to you, preresi trump, for your decisivive leadership. You have unequivocally stood by israels side. You have bololdly confronted th tyrants of tehran. You have proposed a r realistic vision for peace betweenen i is and the p palestinianss and brokered the peace that we e ar sisigning today that has broad supportt in israel and america and the middle eaeast and indee in the entire world. That was the industrial minister. Wu we go to washed. They have been signed. How historic is all of this. How much peace are we talking about here . Israel signed a document with u. A. E. And brain and Abraham Accords by all four including the United States as broker. We dont know all the details of what is included. They are keeping it under pwraps for the most part. Though it is symbolic and important we have to remember that the United Arab Emirates and bahrain will relations with israel for years in the shadows. This normalize is about iran that the u. A. E. , bahrain and israel see iran as a threat and want to strengthen alliances to fend that threat. These three also see a further waning of influence and american influence especially if trump is reelected in november so while economics played a part there are geopolitical factors. Are other arab states looking to follow suit . Trump and netanyahu are hoping and promising there will be a domino effect. Trump said a handful of other nations are deep into talks. We dont know which countries he was referring to but certainly all eyes right now on saudi arabia. Riyadh cautiously welcomed there but stayed mostly silent but observers will point out bahrain would not have moved ahead without the green light from the kingdom. We have heard from the saudi king in recent times he indicated there would be no normalization without solving the palestinian question but that stance can change. We have to remember there were no palestinian reference there. Abbey, thank you. Lets go now to israel and tanya kramer standing by. Lets start with news of rockets being fired from gaza at israel. What more do we know. The sirens went off during the signing ceremony right at the time in washington and the police and military confirmed that two rockets were fired from gaza into israel toward the a Southern City and one of them was intercepted by the antimissile Defense System and one landed. Two people were like r lightly injured from shrapnel and some suffered from shock. Brent how is this deal being viewed by the pal stunniansis . Palestinians. I think they heard from pal continuian officials at the time the normalization agreements r agreements were announced. Some called it a betrayal and some a sellout. I talked to some and theres a range of reaction. Some were initially angry but not surprised because the ties were known but mostly behind the scenes. There was also a sense of disappointment and abandon meme in some polls saying those countries abandoned the palestinian cause and there is disappointment of their own leadership in ramallah and gaza that it come to this and another problem with the purposes and no solution in sight. At the same time i have to say theres a sense that there might be a shift in the region. Up until now palestinians could count on the publicly stated position of the arab countries there would be no normalization until israel ends the military occupation over pal continue kwrapbsd theres a country other countries might follow and that was more so after the arab league last week failed to come together on a resolution that was brought in by the palestinians. It is beginning to look like a paradigigm shift in the middl east and not to the advantage of the palestinians. Tanya, thank you. Greece has called on the European Union to help deal with the migrant crisis on its eastern islands. Last week a fire destroyed the largest refugee camp and today the Council President also appealed to e. U. Nations to step up response to this crisis. On tuesday germany said it would take in more than 1,500 migrants from greece. As he walked away from a temporary migrant dam the European Union Council President made it clear he was not waking away from the problem. It is a very complexex situation but on behalff ofhe euroropean union i would want t say i refuse to p paper over th migration chalallenge. This iss a common europeann challenge. Byby the end of the month the european commissioion plans it t proposals. They will be tougher policing policy and renewed efforts to e resettle migrants. Earlier he and the greek Prime Minister jointly appealed for more solidarity from the e. U. Athens wants other Member States to help run the new refugee camps being built on greeces eastern islands. Meanwhile the greek army has set up temporary accommodation for thousands displaced by fires at one camp. Across the bay from these camps many greek residents say they feel sorry for the migrants and they too would like to see more solidarity from the e. U. There is not a proper solution. There are 27 European Union states and if they a all took 4 people it wouldnt even show because they are big countries. If each country took in 400 people the problem would be solved but with the e. U. So far struggling to find a unified approach to the migrant crisis at its borders a lasting solution could be a long road ahead. Brent lets get more with our Political Correspondent here in berlin. Germany has agreed to take in about 1,500 from five greek islands after talks in berlin going on for about a week. This looks like good news. Is it . Well, it is good news for now. The decision was taken by the governing coal hraoeugs between the conservative and social democrats and they took a bit long opinions were divided as to how people germany can take in. For example, the coleader had been calling on germany to take several thousand aaluminum seekers and you mentioned germany will take a little over 1500 Asylum Seekers whose applications have been accepted. We are talking mostly about families with children. They are prioritized and they will be taken in by different region states in germany. Brent why is the migration question such a polarizing one here in germany . We have to take a step back and remember that five years ago there was that defining moment when merkel said we can do this meaning germany would be able to handle the influx of refugees and that came into the summer of 2015 and germany indeed took in far more migrants than any other e. U. Countries. As a result, the German Society became polarized. We saw the rise of the far right and racist attacks yet 60 of germans view them favorably but 40 who dont and some of them fear that germany will do more than any other e. U. Member states and perhaps lets have a listen to what some here in berlin have to say on the matter. I think the e. U. And especially germany have the duty to help in emergency situations like these. I support the decision. I think we can afford to take in 1500 refugees compared to the 150 they were talking about at first. Other countries should follow germanys example because health is happenn is needed. To see them suffering is unbearable. Im not sure if we have the room but i think that everyone who needs help should be taken in. Of course, it is important to help these people where they are but at the same time we need to realize we arere sending t the message that you need to escalate the situation to get what you want. To me, that is the wrong signal. Brent the word from the street there. We know the german chancellor has tried for years to push for a european wide solution two migration and had hasnt worked. What role does the element u. Play . It seems inc. Moving a little bit after this fire and the president confirmed that they would have talks about establishing a refugee camp round by greek authorities and european agencies on september 23 with michel we heard him say that the e. U. Must provide a just strong and ever answer to the migration problem. But it has been five years and not a lot has changed things. Opinions between Member States and e. U. Member states are strongly divided with countries which are on the front line like greece, italy, spain demanding other states do take in more Asylum Seekers and others such as hungary and poland are still opposed to it. Skwraoeurb emma, thank you. The russian opposition politician Alexi Navalny has reached out on social media for the First Time Since his poisoning last month. He shared a picture from the berlin hospital where he is being treated. Theres the picture. It shows him sitting up in bed surrounded by his family. He says that he can finally breathe on his own. His spokeswoman says he plans to return to russia after he recovers. Jared reed was outside the hospital here in berlin where Alexi Navalny is being treated and he told us about the huge response to navalnys post. There is clearly a lot of good will for Alexi Navalny. His post from his hospital bed here in berlin is on track to becoming one of the most spread. He wants to come home to russia and he is puzzled but that could be some way off. Doctors dont yet know the longterm effect of the poisoning on and a half and a half. Three specialists laboratories confirmed that he was poisoned with the soviet era nerve agent. Russia continues to deny any involvement. Pure piano countries particularly germany are pushing moscow to provide answer he is. Brent the german chancellor Angela Merkel warned antisemitism in germany hasnt gone away and many in the Jewish Community still do not feel safe. She spoke today at a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the Central Council of jews in germany. It was created in the wake of the holocaust. It has been a driving force in revitalizing jewish life and culture. The yellow star gleams high above was what once the largest synagogue in germany the site of celebrations in per lin marking the 70th anniversary of the finding of Central Council of jews in germany. The mission at first was to help surviving jews leave. After the horrors of the nazi regime most of them just wanted out. But a few stayed. Where did throws people get the courage and optimism to start over from the beginning . To this day that first jewish Pioneer Generation deserves our recognition and our respect. The founders of the Jewish Community and Central Council of jews took a huge risk and gave germany another chance. Merkel said she was honored that jews again call germany home these days but had a warning. Skwraoeurb it is a disgrace a deeply ashamed of the expression of racism and anti sesemitism these times. It iss true they have never didisappeared but for some time now they have become more visible and uninhibited. Last year in halla a strong wooden door stopped a right wing extremist who intended to massacre people inside. Violent antisemitic takes have increased by 22 most by right wing extremists. Many posts on social media ooze with hatred and provocation. We must never be silent about this. However, merkel said the majority of american citizens support the Jewish Community. The Council President recognized that. Today 75 years after the showa the Jewish Community is ready to put its favorite in germany our home but he rounded it off saying he very much hoped that favorite would not be does pointed. Brent it is a terrible report card. The global plan to protect wild life and save earths disappearing species has missed every target set 10 years ago. In the latest report tuesday the United Nations says with none of these goals met, the effect on plant and animal species h has been devastating. The cotton topss tampa ran ad white rhrhinoceros. Lions all in danger. The situation is also grimm for many other species. The same for werere plantife which is rapidly losing its didiversity. About one million species face possible extinction. Amphibians, mammals, coral reefs are heavily effected there. Are many reasons for there. The World Population has doubled in the last 50 years increasing consumpti consumption. More a and more land is require for agriculture while resources like water and forest are being depleted. And even as efforts to combat deforestation increase, too much logging is still going on. And undisturbed natural areas are harder to find and there are the effects of client change. All that has had its effect on wild life. According to a recent s study t numbers in monitored wild life populations around the world have declined by 68 the lasast several decades. Scientists estimate that vastly morere animall species inclulud birds and mammals would have become extinct without legally protected areas Like National parks. Brent im joined by the executive secretary to the convention on balance diversity. She was directly involved with this latest report. Elizabeth, good to have you on the program. The world has failed to meet any of these targets set by the u. N. 10 years ago. Is there any reason to have hope . Yes, the targets agreed to and not one will be met by the end of this year. Only about six progress. There are reasons we have not met. One, many c countries took abou three or four years before the actual implementation could begin because they began developing strategies and action plans. We hope that will not be repeated. Another lesson is we needed the whole of government and society to be involved in the implementation. For many countries it seemed the matter was left to the departments of environment. When nature is everybodys business. It is the private sector, be they individuals. So i think moving forward we need the political will at the highest level to ensure the whole of government and society is engaged in the implementation of these targets which will move into a new biodiverse ityity framework. Brent you say this is everyone as business which it is. So i wonder with species dying at an unprecedented rate how is this affecting humans . The report c clearly hasas s where conservation has been put in phraelace species have impro. Actually, where the progress has been made has been on species despite the fact that the nunumbers are soo bad and milli threatened with extinction but still it is part of the profrlgt so assumingg this measure we hae been taken p place will not happened we would have been in a worse situatition than where we are today. A lot of work needs to be done. Species are still in danger. Brent for people at home listening to this, what can they do . What can be done on an individual level . Do we need to change our bebehavioror to stop this . I think we need to understand nature n needs us and w we need nature. The most dangerous species on earth are human beings. Our anxioiouses and activities have been the most dangegerous nanature. So number onene we need to r ree and change our relationship between human wellbeingg and nature. This is where everyrybody has their role to play even as individual levels. Whatever we do it is on nature. Is it the food we eat . Is 2 the agriculture . Is it infrastructure whehere we live . Because so is it the food system . Whatever we do, naturee in context with naturee and our actions have been the most dangerous. We need to change that. Brent we appreciate yourr t ti and your insisight. Thank you, elizabeth. Thank you. Brent to german politicians decided that fans can return to stadiums for this weekends first match day of the bundesliga season. Mondays german cup game have limited numbers of fans. Now for a sixweek trial periods bundndesliga clubs will b be ald to use up to 2020 of their stadadiums gas. S. Strict coronavirus measures will be in place but there are no plans for fans to be tested for the virus. Joining me to talk about how fans are coming back to the bundesliga is our sports reporter. Along awaited return what do we know about the plans . 20 of the capacity, some stadiums that are smaller will be allowed a higher number than that proportion. 1,000 is the minimum and 20 is that cap for the bigger stadiums. There will be no away supporters and no standing seat being which is a problem for some stadiums that have little more of that proportionately and no alcohol. Skwrrpbs like a beer with their football but this applies across all events. We saw a few friendly games and track and field in berlin letting spectators in social distancing with personalized tickets and masks. That will be the same procedure and it is a certain area has high cases, then those clubs will not be allowed to make use of that 20 capacity. But after were federal arguing the 16 states have come together with one solution. It will take a lot of organization and i know last season the bundesliga was the First Major League to restart after the pandemic. What was it like without having any fans in the stands . Even to the casual football fan it was a little bit eerie and awards. We can have a look at some of the footage from last seasons games. Here one of the biggest games of the season and that is how you celebrate a goal in coronavirus times. Not the same emotional experience. We see the fans s sarcastically celebratining in front of an emy stand there. There were some creative solutions, some broadcasters abroad chose to play in fake crowd noises. That kind of made you forget nor a moment that you were not living in the pandemic. Brent hard to forget that. Max, thanks you. A french free diver set a new world diving record off the coast of a greek town. It is the deepest ever recorded using socalled body fins. He sank 112 meteters in a dive ththat lasted three minuteses a4 seseconds. Hass month he mamade two attemp of breakaking the r record of 1 but failed to get them validated. Third time is a charm. You are watching dw news. After a break i will take you through the day. Ll. And a teachs first on the. The new normal from france twenty four im from thirty four. Com. Ten pm here in the french capital youre watching live from paris on france twenty four im tom burgess was in these are top stories. In a break with the past the United Arab Emirates and bahrain signed deals with israel normalizing ties President Trump says more a arab states will follow issued by the latest from our correspondent in dc kind of on board just on it. Just a moment. Rights groups expressed anger is an Appeals Court in algeria sentences the journalist khalid there are reay

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