Schoolteacher and a schoolteacher. But i am a also living another ndnd of life. The viking age has such spspecil characteristics. All we have are th folktales and stories. Of miscononceptions arouound the vikings. You might think about it, tall long, along man tall, men, and that is actually thee opposite picture o of the vikis. Of c course, the vikings were ge a violence, as well. They were very violent times. Compared to other countries, they were more violent than anywhere else. Usually about a holiday, maybe some battle, sort of like game of thrones without the killing. [laughter] [speaking foreign language] [shoutining] [singing in foreign language] this particular larp is about the death of a young king and the politics surrounding his funeral. We are purely interested in the history and mythology of the viking age and having fun. We are not in any way in Nationalistic Movement at all. But i love that as soon as i talk about my intererest in vikg culture, people becocome worried ort y are a racist anomaly. Beating] [speaking foreign l language] these are infomercial flyers. [speaking foreign lananguage] [speaking f foreign langugua] [speaking foreign language] are main our main forum ii on f facebook. A group of about 1300 people who love viking heritage very much. We are not a part of thehe nordc resisistant movement. Even though they try to take our heritage. The Nordic Resistance Movement is a fascist group. They believe in the supremacy of the northern culture. Their main goal would be to prevent any other culture from entering the nordic countries, according to their own propaganda videos. And the arrow they use is frorothe viking age. [spspeaking foreigngn langua] [applause] there was this guy, frederick,k,f the Nordic Resistance Movement, a praganda person of my town. And live here i live here. The perfect small town. It is big enough to have everything you need, but small enough to get some peace of mind. I live in one of the more diverse areas. Theres a lot of people coming in from all different kinds of backgrounds. To me, its my hometown. I am a teacher at an elementary school, where a lot of kids are first, second, or ththird generationon once in aa while, i dress up asa viking andnd teach the kids history and culture. For me, its important that they know that the viking world i is something g inclusive, even if your background isis from anotor part of ththe world. [speaking foforeign languauage] it was really in the 19th century that the nationalists started saying that vikings intermixed with a lot of different cultures, from the middle east, the americas. So the vikings were very tolerant about the culture of otheher people tyy met. They didnt adhere to the concept of nationalism. [speaking foreign language] we would d be targetsts of te nordic r Resistance Movement. Csed an increas of unemploynt. And theres been an increase of people coming from afar. A clear scapegoat group to pit these peoplegainst. Who loves this to, it isard toto watch. I am really seriously considering if i s should actuay try to l leave so i can confront themem about the use of viking culture. [speaking foreign languguage] [speaking f foreign langugua] ive been thinking a lot about security, me, and my family. It is a risk. Nordic Resistance Movement is famous for harassing people, even hurting them. [speaking foreign language] here, in 1995, thereas a boy who was severely beaten, tortured, then murdered by nazis because he was antiracist. [speaking foreign languagage] [speaking foreign language] t this murder was a a big shk for everyone here in the r regi. Teacher started the total list project here. H here. Ist projecect [speaking foreign language] it isis an outrtreach prograo prevent young g people from joining radical groups, which grew and grew. Leadinggarded a as a acadademic. De actively works to radicalize neonazis. Meeting him is that i can share some of my experience advice forear some him on how to approach and talk to the Nordic Resistance Movement. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking fororeign languaga] [speaking foreign language] [applause] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] the nordicc resiststance movement is tryingo protect viking valuess and prevent them fm m outside ininfluences, butt the vikings themselves never had such wellknown, they traveled all quelms, world such they traveled all l over the country, embracicing other cultures, which would be an anathema to the nordic istance movement men momement memr, s sin they wawant an entirely different view of Nordic Heritage that nenever existed. Are going to a meeting with the Nordic Resistance Movement. I have never had direct contact, only through social media, with them. I have had social media supporters contacting me, commenting o on something i have shared, or something that i have written on social media. It usually boils down to, you are wrong, this is how it is, and the conversation stops there. It is very easy to throw something out in an anonymous way and leave it like that. Thats why i i believe in these facetoface meetings. Unfortunately, lots of my viking frieiends could nonot make it t. Im doing this solo. Im very nervous. Some people might get violent. And, yeah. And the police are here. Thats gooood. So, here we have the nordic resistancece movemen they a a having a a small speec. Of maybe 50 people. Here we e ve the cououncil demonsnstration. That has become a thing to turn your back against the nazis, against everything that they stand for. I would say there are more of us than them. Thats good. [speaking foreign language] [laughter] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [applause] [cheering] [spspeaking foreigngn langua] [applalause] the nordic c Resistance Movement i is not being challend with logicical arguments, with facts. I can understand that pepeople t , and wantgett afraid them to go away. Shownot if i do not other r people theirir f flts, y will get new recruits. Thesee to show that people do not know what they are talking about. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreieign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] honestly, i can say that i was quite scared. I thought about whether i should do this or not, but in the end, i think i did the right thing. Even if the conversation i had with them sort of ended up hitting a brick wall. After frederick, i heard somebody called out that they appreciate my clothing. So i turned around, and there thereour or three guys looking at me. One of the young men said, well , maybe we have our differences, but we have something in common, as well, the realization that therere is something in common, and we can talk about that. It made ththat connection possiblele. Stilll human beingngs. If we can see them like that, if we can find something, anything that connects us, then we can build a bridge on that connection and start to understand each other. And maybe they will not feel so afraid am so angry and so in great. I believe that angry. Afraid and so standeve that the nazis on fear and hatred. So far, i have not seen any part of the world in any history books or any era where fear and hatreded are conquerered by fead hatred. [speaking foreign language]] this is dw news, live from berlin. Tonight, a crime of attempted murder. The german chancellor says there is no doubt a kremlin critic was poisononed. She wants pressure to explain. The figure remains in intensive care in a german hospital. The German Government says he was poisoned with the soviet nerve agent. Berlin and washington, now demanding answers from moscow

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