Trying to be responsible. Bolt says he has n no sympto. The 34yearold retired sprinter won gold in the last three olympics. He celebrated his 34th birthday on fried with at a party with no masks or social distancing. According to the tally by Johns Hopkins university, around 1,600 cases have been confirmed in jamaica, which has a population of 3 million. But the government has been calling for thorough precautions after a recent spike in cases. Meanwhile, officials confirmed 182 new cases of the virus in tokyo on tuesday. Infections, again, topped 100 after a dip on monday. Over 19,600 people have now tested positive in the city of 14 million. Researchers in japan are emphasizing the importance of thoroughly ventilating rooms to prevent infection. A team from the decon Research Institute used the worlds fastest super computer to study the effectiveness of face masks against viral droplets released by other people sneezing or coughing. They say using a mask made of unwoven fabric can cut the amount of droplets a person inhales by about 2 3 compared with not wearing them even when there is a gap between the mask and the e face, but they f foun such m masks offer no protectio against t droplets smaller thah0 micrometeters in size. Translator these r results show the imporortance of ventilation to protect yourself from getting the virus from others. Across japan, more than 64,000 cases have been confirmed, over 1,200 people have died. Experts say the outbreak has likely peaked in the country. One months has passed since the japaneseowned cargo ship ran aground on a rauf off mauritius. Estimates s an oil spill extend 30 kilometers along the island nations southeastern coastline. About 1,000 tons of fuel oil leaked into the indian ocean after the bulk carrier broke up. There are fishing ports and man grove forests along the coastline. A member of a Japanese Relief Team sent to the scene says the areas coralrich, shallow waters, less than a meter deep, are making cleanup efforts harder. A local Police Official said they were navigating in different waters than usual at the time of the incident. The coast guard attempted to contact the vesselel several tis bubut there was no reply. Ththe crew finalally responded r the ship ran aground. Authorities in mauritius arrested the ships captain on suspicion of endangering safe navigation. Japan has sent two small teams to help assess the damage and assist with the cleanup. Some of the members spoke at a News Conference about what they found at the spill site. Nhk world has more. Reporter this is what the Southern Coast of mauritius looked like last year. Its white sand beaches and rich nature attracted tourists from around the world. And this is what it looks like now. The roots of the mangrove forest along the coast are covered with thick rered oil. The second team from japan has been surveying the damage since they arrived on thursday. Its Seven Members are trying to figure out how to restore the mangroves, which are famous for their biodiversity. But thats easier said than done. Translator if workers enter the area and step into the mud, their boots may push oil sitting on the mud below the surface. If that happens, t the oil coul remain buried there fofor a lon time. Negatively affecting the mangroves and other organisms. Reporter despite the challenges, some of the slick has been removed in a few places where it has washed ashore, but theres a a long road ahead. D. And what about the coral reefs . Translator we havent seen any dead coral due to cocontamination n from theil, b there is nor oil sticking to the water or the seabed. Theres a lot momore morbidity the water when the ship ran aground. This is s happening because the wrecked vessels rockinin the waves, cruining thcoraral low. Reporter sakaguchi says the conditions could affect the ability of the corral to reproduce. Whilile the team survey and the work will end soon, the leader of the mission says japan may provide longterm aid fofor a resesearch institute i mauritius. Translator i recognize that we are working in a very difficult environment. As some countries are limited to providing remote support due to the coronavirus. So we want to provide as much support as possible. Reporter but its still far from clear when this tiny country will see an end to the disaster. Shirakawa marina, nhk world. In u. S. State of wisconsin has become the latest flash point of racial unrest that has spread across the countryry in recent months. Media says police shot a back in the black several times leaving him in critical conditions. Video showsws o officers fol jacob blalake to his vehicle before shooting him in the back. Ththe familys attorneney say blblacks three children were i the van at the time. Police were responding to a call about a domestic incident, but they did not exwhy the officers opened fire. That dont make no sense, that you treat somebody like that who arent give you no problems, didnt throw no punch or nothing. The shooting smashed immediate public backlash. The state called in the National Guardd to rein in prprotests wh saw crowds set fires and smash wind windows. Wisconsins governor says he stands against the excessive use of force by police. The u. S. Postal services top official denies trying to block mailin voting for novembers president ial election. Louis dejoy is a major donor for donald trump who objects to mailin voting during the pandemic citing the potential for mass fraud. Any further assertions by the media or elected officials is furthering a false narrative to the american people. The postmaster general was speaking at a congressional public hearing. The democrats suggested hes forcing r reductions in m mailb and sorting machines on behalf of trump. Dejoy described the claims as outrageous and vowed to deliver every ballot on time. Dejoy became postmaster general in june. Hes been carrying out reforms to cut the Postal Services huge financial deficit. Delivery delays have been common ever since. The situation has sparked protests nationwide including a major rally in front of dejoys home in washington. U. S. Authorities are charged a Texas University professor for deliberating lying about his ties to the chinese government. They allege he was part of a Program Designed to bolster chinas scientific, economic and security goals. Jhung dung cheng is accused of conspiracy, making false statements and wire fraud. Augt thortsds say the 53yearold knowingly provided faltsz information to secure a grant from texas a m university and nasa. Authorities also al lrj his misdeeds gave him access to unique resources including the International Space station. China say is exploiting universities and building its economy with bricks stolen around the world. Last year a Senate Investigative Team Released a report on the talent recruitment program, saying china enlisted more than 7,000 people and targeted u. S. Government institutions and american universities. German doctors treating russian Opposition Leader alexi nah val difficult may have been poisoned. He fell ill after drinking a cup of tea at a siberian airport before boarding a flight to moscow. The doctors say navalny is in serious condition but his life is not in danger. They added more tests are needed to find out what substance was used. He was put on a medical evacuation flight from russia to berlin on saturday. Russian investigators and officials at the hospital where navalny was initially admitted said he showed no signs of poisoning. German chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement that russian authorities are urgently called upon to investigate this crime to the last detail and do so in full transparency. Eu high representative and Vice President joseph borel also issueded a statement saying theu strongly condemns what seems to be an attempt on no val the anys life. It wouldnt be the first time a friend of putin has become sick. Another died in 2006 after drinking green tea laced with ammonium 2210. And in 1918 sergei was poisoned with a nerve agent in england. The kremlin has repeatedly denied involvement calling them anti russian provocations. Moving to belarus where the president is looking for more International Backing as protests against his rule gripped the country. Lukashenko spoed with Vladimir Putin and agreed to help test a coronavirus vaccine. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the belarus capital on sunday trying to force lukashenko out of office. The leaders spoke by phone on monday. State media in beal ruse say lukashenko agreed his country would join final phase trials for the russian vaccccine. Belarus will be the first foreign nation to receive the vaccine when tesesting is iniffished. Earlier putin said russia is the first country to grant Regulatory Approval to a vaccine. Some vaccine experts are skeptical about how safe anand effefective it will be. People across japan head to emergency shelters when disaster strikes. Some worry those fleeing tsunami, typhoons and earthquakes during a pandemic may face another danger. Our next report focuses on two communities that found a solution for crowded shelters was hiding in plain sighght. Reporter this is where the first of the show gun was born. More than 450 years ago its also famous for buddhist temples, lots of buddhist temples, more than 300 of them. So when the city started looking for more disaster shelter sites, it realized the solution might be right inside. Oak saki was alreaeady short of spaces for some 5,000 people. The pandemic added to the urgen urgency. Translator we were ordered to make sure each evacuee would have four square meters of space. Reporter he seventy out to talking to volunteers. Evacuees could sleep right on the flooring. Many temples are divided into multiple rooms, allowing for social distancing. The grounds are often large enough for cooking and food distribubution as well ass park. Translator m my fundamental belief i is temples shohould he people. Were quite willing to accommodate those in dire straits during natural disasters. Reporter the city hopes to cultivate similar relationships for temporary evacuation sites all over town. Next iss the city of toyota, famous for the car company thats based there. Municipal planners think autos can assist in emergencies without even moving. The city hopes that vehicles powered by rechargeable batteries can provide electricity in times of crisis. That would reduce the need for evacuation shelters. This car could supply four days of electricity for an average family. Translator by providing power, vehicles like these could enable people to stay home in a disaster related blackout. The city created a sticker to identify cars of any manufacturer that can do the job. Its also encouragiging residen to buy vehicles of that sort so that half the cars in town will fit the bill by 2025. Translator evacuation doesnt always have to involve a former facility. In the right circumstances, other places may be good enough. Reporter natural disasters can come in an instant. These two cities hope to be ready by thinking outside the evacuation shelter box. Its time for a check on the World Weather with meteorologist jonathan oh. Dry conditions continue in argentina making it hard for firefighters to put out wildfires. Jonathan, how is the situation for People Living there . Hello. We have been dealing with a very dry pattern with severe drought taking place in a good portion of argentina,a, the corordova province has been dealing with major wildfires as well. This video from the region as fires were expanding over the cordova province during the past weekendhreatening to destroy houses. Strong winds and a lack of rain have worsened the situation. At least 14,000 hectares of grasslands and mountainous territories have been burned. The blazes have already destroyed power lines and threatened to shut down major highway routes. Other huge fires are also occurring in argentina. We might, might see a few showers as we go through tuesday as we see a little bit of a disturbance in the region. In general, we are looking at a dry pattern to continue, and that means more wildfires in various parts of argentina with major smoke problems being reported as far as buenos aries. Were talking about real problems that will continue to be in place for the near fooe future. High pressure is controlling the region and that is also leading to high temperatures in the desert southwest, not seeing much in terms of changes as we go throughout the next few days as dry weather continues. Meanwhile, across the northeastern areas of the united states, a cold front is dropping out of canada and were looking going to see strong to severe thunderstorms as we go through the day tuesday. Down to the south, marco is bringing a decent amount of rain into the Florida Panhandle and the gulf coastline. Laura behind it is a stronger hurricane as we head throughout the next couple days with concerns for the major flooding and storm surge potential for areas in houston eastward into the coastline of louisiana. Thunderstorms into new orleans with a high of 32 as we go through tuesday. Meanwhile, keeping an eye on typhoon bobby as it continues to batter the okinawan islands. Slowing the the east as well, bringing high waves and strong winds into kyushu and making its way toward the Korean Peninsula as we go throughout the next couple days. This is something well have to continue to monitor. Hope you have a safe day wherever you are. That concludes this edition of nhk newsline. Im raja pradhan in tokyo. Coming up next is newsline biz with ramin mellegard. Tokyos benchmark stock index rose sharply on tuesday, just about returning to where it was before the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The nikkei average ended at 23,296 up about 310 points or 1. 35 . The gains came after the Dow Jones Industrial average in new york reached a sixmonth high overnight. Stocks rallied after the u. S. Government approved a potential treatment for covid19. From february to march, the nikkei dropped about 30 but has snapped back by 40 . Investors are closely watching developments toward any new vaccine, but analysts say its far from clear whether the recovery trend will continue as there are many uncertainties around the coronavirus situation. This is newsline biz, im ramin mellegard. Itochu held a 50. 1 stake in the subsidia subsidiary, raising the bid to 57. 7 . Family mart is trying to revamp its Business Model in the face of challenges. The impact from the coronavirus has clouded its business outlook. Tough competition from online retailerers and a severee labor shortage add to its trtroubles. Itochu plans to u use family marts Customer Data when it makes investments in new businesses and aims to reduce logistics costs at the convenience stores. Officials at Kirin Holding say they have scrapped a plan to sell their australia Beverage Service to a chinese firm. The company cites a low likelihood of gaining approval from australian authorities. K rin decided last year to sell its lion dairy drinks to china for about 420 million u. S. Dollars. They ran into difficulty getting the green light from australia officials. They are increasingly at odds over issues related to the coronavirus, and hong kongs political situation. The sale was supposed to be part of drastic reforms at the japanese company. Now kirin is seeking a different buyer. A japanese joint venture is taking a new step to promote car sharing, promoting Public Transportation during the coronavirus pandemic. They lease vehicles to individuals who can then share them with others. Company officials told nhk they plan to provide new customers monthly rebeats up to 40,000 yen or 380. The incentive is given on the condition that the customers provide their leased cars for the firms car sharing program. The Company Believes more commuters are interested in car sharing, viewing it as a safer way of traveling than on trains and buses during the pandemic. The officials also point out that unlike car owners, the drivers and passengers wont be burdened with maintenance costs. Major japanese nonlife insurers say their Auto Insurance payout have tumbled, citing fewer accidents as many drivers are choosing to stay home during the pandemic. Three nonlife insurance groups together paid out about 4 bibillion during the aprpril toe quarter, down about 17 in yen terms from the same period last year. It isnt clearar whether customs will benefit financially from the trend. Lower insurance payouts usually lead to lower premiums. The insurers say they will closely monitor the situation to see if payouts continue to decline. Online shopping is booming amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the experience often involves a degree of uncertainty for consumers. They dont know whether the product they ordered will be worth its price until they see it for themselves. One i. T. Company has come up with a service aimed at delivering value to online shoppers. Reporter these bags are made by a company in osaka. They can be hung over the shoulder or used as a knapsack. Theyre ideal for shopping. The opening is wide and items inside can be kept warm or cool. So how much do they cost . Translator we asked customers to set the price. Reporter the system works like this. A shopper orders a bag on the internet and can try it out for about two weeks. Then they pay. The consumer decides the price, as long as its above a predetermined minimum. They make their own evaluation, taking into account such factors as quality, design and user friendliness. They can also see how much others have paid using those prices as a reference. The system caters to consumers who worry whether the price they pay online for a god or service will be worth it. Translator were producing our bags with full confidence in our skills, conveying our aspirations directly to customers is quite a challenge for us. Net protectiontion launched a radical Pricing System in august last year. Online businesses in a variety of fields have adopted it. Onee is a provider of housekeeping services. The Company Originally set a special price for firsttimers, around 100 for a threehour plan. Many consumers were reluctant at that price point. They found it difficult to know whether the price was worth it. After the company adopted the new system, demand soared. Clients on average now pay more than the original price and a minimum of rurly 60. The Developers Say many consumers who order first and pay later for services believe theyre getting a good deal. They say their purchases are worth more than ththe minimum prprices. Translator more consumers are keen to make judgments by examining the quality of services with their own eyes. Services are no longer apprececiated if their quality falls short. I believe goods and their value have become more inseparable. Reporter consumers setting prices also help the sellers as they can gauge customer satisfaction. If the system continues to spread, shoppppers could have choices and influence like never before. Okay. Lets get a check on the markets. And thats it newsline biz from our tokyo studios. Imes republicans use scare tactics day one of their national convention, sending dark warnings about americas future if donald trump is not reelected in november. A second night of protests in kenosha, wisconsin after a police offfficer shot an unarmed black man in the back. The governor condemning the shootiti but also sending in the national guard. A two day appeals hearing is on mladic. Ague for he was convicted for crimes including

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