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Largest refugee camp in bangladesh. And we look at how the coronavirus, following years of drought, is crippling profits from a vital cash crop in zimbabwe. Hello and thank you for joining us. The family of george floyd, who was killed when a Police Officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes, has just spoken of the grief. Our reporter is in the capital of minnesota. The family was speaking from minneapolis, which of course is where george floyd was killed. A very emotive speech from them. I do not know how much you could hear of it, but how important is it to see the family man side of george floyd, considering everything going on in the u. S. Right now . Reporter i think it has been really important to help humanize him. We have seen this in other cases, in the ronnie king case in l. A. And others, where people had been dehumanized by being accused of a crime, by being known in video only for being the body beneath Police Officers. And this is really an effort to say this is a family man. He was driving a truck, he loved his daughter, he came to minneapolis for work, that he was a man who believed in peace and he would not want the kind of violence we have seen in these protests. All of the doors all of this put a human face on huge on huge george floyd is. It is a kind of thing you see in court when a lawyer is trying to humanize someone who has been charged, to try and explain who they are and why they ended up in that terrible place. And that is what his family is doing right now, and they have done a terrific job of painting a picture of a man who really was not out to harm anybody, was not trying to do anything wrong, and just ended up on the wrong side of police and things went horribly, horribly wrong. He would never see her graduate. He will never walk her down the aisle. If there is a problem she is having and she needs her dad, she does not have that anymore. I am here for my baby. George becauser i want justice for him. Barbara very upsetting testimony of course from the mother of George Floyds daughter. She ends by mentioning justice for his killing. So where are we at now when it comes to getting justice for george floyd . Reporter we have heard again and again from the family, Terrence Floyd has said this. Now you have the mother of George Floyds daughter saying the same thing. What they want is for the officers involved, not just the one who has already been charged with manslaughter and thirddegree murder, they want all four of the officers involved to be charged with serious charges. There was an autopsy that the family commissioned that concluded that three of those officers directly contributed to George Floyds asphyxiation, which led to his death. Three of them knelt on his back. The one who knelt on George Floyds neck, he is the one who is already facing charges. The rest are not. That is what a lot of people on the street are looking for, they want to see charges against those officers. There is a sense that this is a more systematic problem within Minneapolis Police. They have 40 of a minority population in that city, and yet when it comes to Excessive Force cases by police, 67 of those involve minorities. I am sorry, it is Something Like 65 of them involve minorities. The governor has decided that is simply too much. He has launched a human rights investigation into the Minneapolis Police department. And while that investigation is going on, he also wants them to cooperate with immediate changes, systematic changes to try and make that a more racially safe police department. But essentially what people are looking for is justice in this case and then systematic change so there can be justice in the future. Barbara john with the latest from st. Paul and minnesota. Thank you. The family of george floyd has excepted an offer from former boxer Floyd Mayweather to pay for his funeral. Mayweather will handle the costs of the service on june 9 in floyds hometown of houston. He will also pay for memorials in minnesota and north carolina. Protests in d. C. Had authorities using teargas to clear the area, allowing donald trump to have a photo opportunity. Joe biden has slammed Donald Trumps response to the nationwide protests overt racism and Police Brutality, accusing the president of fanning the flames of hate. Biden also criticized trumps visit to st. Johns episcopal church. When Peaceful Protesters dispersed in order for a president , a president , from the doorstep of the peoples house, the white house, using teargas and flash grenades, in order to stage a photo op, a photo op, in one of the most Historic Churches in washington dc, we can be forgiven for believing the president is more interested in power than in visible. In principal. More interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of people in his care. Barbara excuse me. Trump and the first lady visited a shrine in the capital honoring the late Roman Catholic Pope John Paul ii. The catholic archbishop of washington, d. C. Criticized the move, saying it is reprehensible that police would allow themselves to be misused in such a way places of worship would allow themselves to be misused in such a way. Another member of the media has been attacked by police during u. S. Protests against racism and Police Brutality. Whoa. Barbara australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison have asked for an investigation after cameraman was punched and officer during a live broadcast. Police across the u. S. Have been criticized for pepperr spray attacking and arresting accredited members of the press. It is just after 6 00 p. M. In washington dc, that means there is less than one hour before the curfew in the u. S. Capitol comes into effect. This is the scene now. Take a look. Crowds have been building in the area around the white house and the capital precinct for some hours. And yet the protests have been without incidents. Our reporter joins us now. People are just standing up now. Tell us what is going on. It is amazing. Thousands and thousands and thousands have appeared on the streets of washington today to theemorate and protest death and the murder of george floyd. As you say, we are one hour from the curfew. There are so many more people here today than there were yesterday. Thousands. And not just here. We keep seeing other groups of protesters who were here for a little while but then they go off marching could we think we saw thousands walk towards the capital. Another three miles away in bethesda, the very affluent area on the outskirts of washington. Several protests going on around d. C. , thousands and thousands and thousands. The aim yesterday was to try and discourage it had the opposite effect. The call went out not just for thousands to come out and show solidarity, show their anger, but to stay beyond the curfew. That is what it explicitly said on calls on twitter and social media. Come out, wear a mask, stay after curfew. One can only imagine what they might be planning. If they are going to clear the streets after the curfew. This would be carnage. Fence have an eight foot which has sprung up between us and the police. The weird thing about that is everything is calm her and say for now. Calmer and safer now. The police are in their cage, a little bit. Yesterday it was terrifying because the police line was just there. The strategy was clearly, as with so many demonstrations, they lay waste. Without warning there will suddenly move forward, pepper spray people, then go back again. Keeping everyone on edge. Cage almost as if the stopped them. The fence has become a focal point. A lot of shaking of the fence. You wonder what would happen if that fence went down. Curfew inoncept of a circumstances like this when you have multiple thousands of people at the speech right now and washington dc, you just wonder what is going to happen in the coming hours, if they are determined to have another show of force as they did yesterday at the urging of president trump, who is now in control. He has federal control now of the national guard. We already know federal authorities have reached out to see if they can take over Washington Police force. They have said they will go to the courts if they attempted this. Even though the insurrection act has not been invoked, we have u. S. Military units, national guard, the d. C. National guard, but also units of active military that we have seen. They are deployed around washington dc we understand. We have certainly seen the hardware around d. C. At what point does donald trump or this administration decide they need to be used . If there are thousands and thousands on the streets right now, despite the curfew . It is a rather interesting situation, as you can imagine. Barbara the curfew should start in about 45 minute from now. Over the past few days police started moving in before the actual curfew. So we will crossing life to you soon just to see what is going on. Monitoring developments until then. In washington dc for the moment, thank you. And lets go to new york, gabrielle joins us from new york city where a curfew has been brought forward from the 11 00 p. M. Local to 8 00 p. M. What reaction has there been there in new york today bringing forward of a curfew . Reporter i will show you what the reaction has been. We are in the middle of a huge protest right now in grant park in the heart of midtown manhattan. I think adrian will pivot around to show you a little bit of the crowd. Just a huge, huge crowd of people here, all calling for justice, calling for an end to Police Brutality, and calling for justice for george floyd. This has been a march that has been going on for several hours. Here, and theyet are going to be demonstrating through the streets here of manhattan. I want to bring in one of my guests here. This is sierra brown clark. Thank you for joining me. Why are you here today . In light of the recent racist events happening in our country, i think it is time for us as a community to take a stand. Reporter what does it make you feel to see this crowd out here right now . This huge number of people . It makes me proud to know that our citizens are having their voices heard. It is time to stand up for what is right. Reporter what do you want out of this . I want justice but i also want peace and i want systematically, people to realize that black lives matter. I mean, this is not something new. It is something that we recognize because of technology. And now i think the pot has over boiled. Reporter is this just about george floyd, or has this become more . It is about george floyd but it is more than that. It is about racism that has been going on for hundreds of years in our country. Reporter we are in the middle of a pandemic, and we are still. How do you feel about that coming up to protest, knowing there is still a pandemic of coronavirus . I think it is important that we all remember that there are people out there who are putting themselves on the front lines. My mother was a nurse, and i have friends and family who are doctors working in hospitals, but it is also important simultaneously to remember that we have to fight for justice. Both are very important issues for me. Reporter there has been some looting and violence by a small group of people. The governor is talking about maybe calling for the national guard. What do you say about this . What are your thoughts on these difficult scenes . I know that different people react differently to what has been going on in our country, and you are going to do what you feel is necessary. But i think it is important for us to maintain the peace, and i am not a fan of the looting and rioting, because that can loot ruin lives. I am a Business Owner myself. But you are going to protest in the way that you deem necessary. I am here for peace and justice. Reporter people around the world are watching this. Sentences, what is your message for people around the world watching what is happening here . My message is that racism is unacceptable, whether here in the United States or throughout the world. Reporter thank you very much. Good luck tonight. The thousands of people out here to take part in these protests. The curfew kicks in in new york city in about two hours or so. As you can see, images do not lie. Protest of the death of george floyd. Barbara the latest from that protest in new york, thank you. Going to the other side of the country, the west coast, a curfew remains in place in los angeles, which has seen some of the biggest unrest and looting. Lets go to rob reynolds. Los angeles has seen its share of violence. What is it looking like now . Its gotten much more tense here in the last 30 minutes or so. Marchers going up and down hollywood boulevard, several thousand of them, police then arrived, set up a skirmish line, and began firing these foam projectiles from their weapons. Now weve got a situation where there are demonstrators on all sides of this intersection, and police are forming a line here to keep these demonstrators in place. Byid not see any aggression any of the demonstrators towards the police, or any attacks on them, any objects thrown at them, but i cannot be sure that there was not anything like that. But eyewitnesses told me there were none. Police helicopters are overhead. It is a chaotic scene here. As you can see, the demonstrators are just facing of losh this line angeles Police Officers. Are several thousand people over there. This is quite a wellknown intersection, hollywood and vine. Its kind of synonymous with show business. Now it is becoming more identified with chaos and tension. The protesters of course are denouncing Police Brutality of the death of george floyd, and of others in incidents involving the police. Also many of them carrying signs saying defund the police. A large share of the budget of the city of los angeles goes towards the police department. A growing Movement Among the protesters to say let us start funding social programs instead of all of those police activities. Thats about the situation here. Now. Busy right i am busy. Ofwe have been seeing a lot stuff on the immediate. Stuff like looters, people are violent always worth reminding that the vast majority of the protests have been peaceful, even though we have seen the seen violence and looting in many places across the u. S. Thank you for that. Obviously a difficult place to report from for the moment. Thank you, rob. Coming up this newshour, a spring of landslides strikes in india, killing at least 20 people. And Police Brutality and racism in brazil. Sayproblem the protesters the president is only making worse. Plus, petrel is flowing again in venezuela, but at . 60 a liter it has never been so expensive. Voters in eight u. S. States and is the district of columbia are taking part in primary elections. President donald trump is likely to face the present of democratic nominee, former Vice President joe biden, but many states have postponed their vote until now because of the pandemic. We have more now from maryland. Reporter nobody thought the election would look like this a few months ago. Andybody wearing masks, they have all the procedures in place to make sure people socially distance, only so money people can go in at one time. In maryland, normally you have to show up to vote, or in some cases you can ask for an absentee ballot. But the republican governor of the state sent out ballots to put much everyone in maryland who is a registered voter. A lot of people voted in advance. They have been dropping them in the box behind me. I cannot remember a time in recent memory where there was much this much traffic at a u. S. Primary vote. It will be interesting to see when the numbers come out. I have been speaking to voters, democrats and republicans, and democrats say this handling of the crackdowns and Peaceful Protesters, that they are fired up even more, because they see the president is stoking racial tensions to make his base happy. At the same time i spoke with voters, and he said for him it is about immigration. He think the president did as much as he could to deal with the coronavirus, and he blames the protesters for the police actions. So you are seeing people really dig into their political identity. That said, the president s approval numbers are falling quite a bit. They are down quite a bit in the last couple weeks. So this election will definitely be a referendum on President Donald Trump and how he handled all of the different crises. Exploded inomb has a mosque in the Afghan Capital kabul. At least two people were killed and two others wounded. People were at the mosque for evening prayers. It is unclear who was behind the attack. Landslides have killed at least 20 people in indias northeastern state. Homes and residents were buried in mud, and children are among the met. Here is mark among the debt. Among the dead. Reporter an entire village rallies to save a neighbor. Qs among those who survived the landslides in india. For other families, a loss of hope. No need to rush for an ambulance, as this man carries a lifeless body. Families were still sleeping when the landslides washed over their homes. There was no warning and no time to escape. Amir says he lost his father, mother, and three siblings. He desperately tried to save them but it was too late. It was early in the morning and it was raining hard. Then the landslide hit. All the houses drowned under the mud. Reporter the before rescue teams arrived, neighbors tried to find survivors. He managed to save his two children but lost his teenage sister. Was in the middle of my morning routine. I walked towards the street and then i heard the noise and saw the landslide. I did not know what to do. I realized my son and daughter were both under the mud. I started shouting, asking people for help. I then gave my son to my father and tried to grab my daughter out. I managed to rescue her, but i could find my young sister. Reporter heavy rains hit the districts in recent days. Thousands of people took shelter here last month when heavy floods threatened entire villages. Even more concerning, the region is expecting the monsoon season in the coming days. Now, as an entire community mourns, its also bracing for more rain. Antiracism demonstrations have an ongoing in a country where around 50 of the population is black or mix rates. Protesters say abuse around them have intensified. Reporter dozens of protesters chanted stop killing us on the streets of rio de janeiro. Even the spread of covid19 in the country not prevent them from demanding an end to Police Brutality in south americas largest nation. We are here today because we want to leave. We are here today because we are tired of this state. We are here to say no more. Thoseer the names of killed in Police Operations were read out loud. Most of them have one thing in common they are black and poor. Police said the protesters were throwing stones. When they confronted them with tear gas and nonlethal force. Two weeks ago, a 14yearold teenager was killed but police during a raid. The autopsy report showed before he was shot in the back with a rifle he was laying with his cousins in his room. 18,000 people were killed in policerelated incidents, a state with a long history of Police Brutality, and a political leadership, including president bolsonaro himself, who vowed to stop crime. This year already, over 600 people have been killed. Brutality,ing police is because there is increasing top crime or is it because there is increasing discourse from the president . Problem controlling the police prior to bolsonaro, but at least they were trying to address a problem. Before bolsonaro, military police try to reduce the amount of people killed. But when he came to power, alog with the Current Governor of rio de janeieiro, that changed. They tell the police to kill more, as if that will solve the crime problem. Reporter human Rights Groups also say that the pace of killing is astounding. U. S. Police were killing people at the same rate as those killed in ri you would haveo, in the u. S. At least 36,000 deaths per year. Reporter people have also been protesting in other cities as well. They say racism is already part of brazils reality, and president bolsonaro is making the situation even worse. I spend a lot of time in montreal. It really is, together with copenhagen and barcelona, one of my favourite places on the planet, a home away from home. But i still have a problem putting my finger on what makes this city so great. Through the centuries, montreal has found itself at a global crossroads where nations, cultures and languages have met,

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