Indonesia. But according to the united orgagazation, or of it has been lost in e lastst0 years. Ucuch ofhis is the resulul of fillinto devoplargscale plantions alongside traditional slash and burn farming and illegal logging of protected trees. One ngo called telepack is working with locals to not only preserve the forests, but also establish forestry work that provides a steady income. Its led by sylverius. Ungel is focused on community logging. His approach brings the residents together to manage the trees themselves in a Sustainable Way including the logging and selling of the wood. Community logging is being carried out in ten locations across indonesia. All told, around 7,000 people are members. Today,y, we meet the residents workining together to maintain forests and create a better life for themselves. The kulon lies on the south coast of the island of java. Nestled in the hills, a Mountain Range with peaks of 1,000 meters, its a richly forested region where many local farmers are also foresters. This is banjarrahroom village and its home to a logging cooperative. The group is named the beautiful forest of the menare hills. The cooperative was set up in 2008 with 20 locals. Today, there are 1500 m members. Each person pays 4 a month and 20 members work as fulltime staff. The cooperative manages logs and sells the trees owned by its 1500 members. The area covers a total of around 900 hectares and contains over 200,000 trees. Two of the cooperatives staff head out on a scooter about ten minutes into the forest to conduct research. They enters an area owned by one of the members. There are a lot of teak trees here. Teak is a highend resource famous for its beautiful grain and durability. They measure the tree trunk. Trees with a circumference of 30 or more centimeters are numbered and tagged. Then the tag is photographed. The trees species and circumference are recorded in a Smartphone App and then sent to a database along with the photo and gps location. Tagged trees are measured regularly and their information updated so that the coop can check their growth. A team of five handled this work. They covered the entire area of for ofs own forests owned by the 1500 members. All the information gathered in the forest is stored in n the cooperatives s database. This is the data on a section of forest owned by one of the members. On the far left is the tree specie, teak. In the center of the screen is the village name and the trees tag number. The trunk diameter is calculated from the circumference measured in the forest. The location data from the smartphones gps is also recorded. Theress even a phohoto of the tree. Theres also a link to the coop member who owns the forest. Cooperatives staff would receive an order for numbers and they find the right trees for the request. Then they get permission from the forest owners and begin filling. The filling is done by the cooperatives logging team. Each tag is checked to make sure there are no mistakes. Next, the team measured the trunk. They perform a final check that the tree meets all of the buyers criteria. One person climbs up and begins cutting branches. This ensures that when the tree falls it wont be damaged, and it wont damage any surrounding trees. This time 20 teak trees are felled over two days. The coop has decided to plant three times that many saplings in the immediate area. This will ensure that the forest remains sustainable. The 20 trees sell for around 1500, and the cut is subtracted for staff salaries, and brokerage fees with the majority going to the member who owns the land. If sales for the year are good, members also receive further dividends. Many members feel their lives have improved since joining the cooperative. Around ten kilometers a away li the village. Its the home of coop member sunarto. He lives with his mother, wife and two children. Today sunarto is the leader of the team and until he joined the cooperative he was a lumber broker. Sunarto joined the cooperative in 2008. His work as a broker trained his eye for good lumber and his Retail Experience was also of use. The Mountain Village of provara also lies ten miles from the cooperative office. One of the 20 founding members lives here. Slamet is 72 years old. A former Elementary School teacher, he lives with his wife, and they have two grown sons. For many years, locals have sold their lumber when they needed money. Most of them used brokers to buy and sell and were often beaten down on price. Just before the cooperative formed slamet was facing financial problems. His two married sons had no money to pay for mortgages and education for their kids and they came to himm for help, but slamet had retired from his teaching work and selling his lumber was the only remaining option. Thats when sylverius came to the region and gave a talk to the community logging and slamet took part in the discussion as a village representative. He saw potential in the idea and became a member. Bogor is a town 50 miles south of the capital jakarta, it has its offices here. Telepack means footprints in indonesian. It represents the steady steps theyre taking towards protect the rain forest. Today the ngo has 300 member across indonesia. They include environmentalists, nature lovers, farmers and fishermen. Lets start with the meeting together. Ungel began working to protect indonesias forests as a College Student in 1996. Born and raised on sulawesi island, he saw the devastation caused on his friends and neighbors land. Ungel and his fellow students set up a small radio station. They have illegal island and the islands vanishing forests. But their broadcast alone couldnt stop it. So inn 02,ngel andnd a fellolow environmentatal activist set up telepack. They sent unundercover researcs to examine the destruction of illelel forests and logging sites and they reported their findings on the radio, television and at conferences. Like this. This is the sample of a report, and we put the big actors, mostly them is a very rich man in indonesia. The report was enabled by environmental ngos. The investigation made it clear that illegal logging had two faces. Smallscale logging by locals and large scale logogging funde byby majajor corpoporations, lo official, ththe police and organized crcrime. But i i both cases,s, the actct logginin inransport was carried out t by poor peopople living ie area. Ungel realized that they could provide a system to provide a stable, reasonable income, these people would stop illegal logging voluntarily. Thihis is documentary footag looking at t telepackss first commmmunity loggingng projoject. It was c centered i in ungell in sououthwesternn s sulawesi w illegal lologging was prevalent. He asked locals to work in their own forests and to stop illegal lologging, but t they resisted saying thehe couldnnt make en meetet with their r lumber alon. Ungelel came upp w wh cocoerative s system to logog a sell lumber together. R. This menenant shared risk and responsibility andnd also share profitits. The communinity loggingng initie was born. After sulawesi the next community logging destination was the regency near jakarta. Today theyre havisiting the cooperative office with a member of staff. They will discuss the latest trendses trends in lumber sales. He visits the cooperatives in person. Listening to members concerns and requests was key to improving community logging. In 2016, telepack and its cooperatives sell the lumber each group logged. Its offices are in jakarta. It has International Clients as well as domestic ones which means more potential buyers. Each cooperative receives a dividend depending on the companys results. The company also works with an International Group called the Forest Stewardship Council or the fsc. It certifies lumber which is grown andfeld according to certain environmental standards. Such a high price. Annual assessments are required which cost money. Ungel first began community logging with residents 15 years ago. More regions have joined up and there are now ten looks with the total of 7,000 people registered. Today, ungel is heading out to a talk. He ask cooperative staff are looking for new members. Around 20 kilometers from the cooperative office. About 40 people have gathered, many from the village womens group. Next, village resident scarma begins to speak. Hes selling lumber as a coop member. Its the first time most of the audiencee have heard about how community logging works. Many are interested after hearing scarma explain its merits. Today, ungel is visiting a coop members land. Hes come to plant new saplings to replace fell trees. This is the owner, sukardi. It will take at least 20 years for the trees to grow big enough to sell. Community logging and the dedicated locals have resulted in the planting of 10 million new trees. A rocket attack Near Baghdad International Airport kills a Senior Member of an Iraqi Paramilitary group act by iran backed by iran. Hello and welcome. You are watching al jazeera live from doha. Turkish Parliament Groups sending troops to support libyas u. N. Backed government. Prompting a warning from the u. S. Government. Australias Prime Minister is heckled by people whose homes are threatened by the raging fires

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