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Fossil energy sector. We are dealing with the agricultural sector, so theres many things that need to happen as a next step. The Climate Emergency statement was our first step in the process. Its interesting you raise the use of fossil fuels or agriculture. Within the european union, nobody dares touch agriculture and the fossil fuels and coal mining are huge here in germany. Thats going to be a very bitter pill to swallow. Yes, it will, and its nonot only germany. You also have countries like poland and the Czech Republic who also have substantial amounts of coal, so they are going to expect some kind of compensation, so i think one of the things we are likely to see in the december meeting of the heads of state is discscussions ababout how compensation mechanisms canan be introduced o help thohose regioions and those countries that are heaeavily dependent on fossil fuels make a transition away from them. That will bring in the sort of social justice e element to this whole question, but there are a lot of areas under pressure, and agriculture is one of them. The sulfur dioxide emissions that that is putting into the waterways and the problem that is causing, it is contributing to biodiversity loss, and on top of that, you have Climate Change, so the Farming Community is going to be hardpressed to make some transitions, but it needs to happens. Good talk. Thank you so much for joining us, professor. Thank you. From wildfires to floods, hurricanes to parched riverbeds, Scientists Say Climate Change is making itself felt evermore urgently around the world. Even the polarized caps are melting and raising sea levels. Beautiful but endangered. Greenlands ice sheet is melting at record speed raising sea levels across the world. Global warming could redraw the world map as we know it. When i was a boy, there was a lot of ice. 10 months a year sometimes, but in recent years, there are only wouldve five months. In october, everything used to be locked in ice, but now only in december, not before. Scientists are on a mission to predict just how much sea levels will rise globally. If it happens at a rate w whe we are looking a at many feet of sea level rise, the next 50 or 100 years, that it will have a huge impact for cities all across the planet. Cities like alexandria and egypt are spending hundreds of millions of euros to hold the water. In the netherlands, billions of euros are being invested on water managemement innovatioiono ep t the country above water. Rising sea levels are just one aspect of Climate Change. Withth the future of climate at stake, activists around the world are demanding radical action from governments while theres still time. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. Medical sources say iraqi forces have shot dead at least 25 protesters as unrest continues to grip the country. On wednesday, demonstrators set fire to the iranian consulate. In uruguay, a conservative opposition candidate has claimed victory after a dayslong count of the countrys runoff election. The leftwing broad front has been in power. U. S. President says he is restarting peace talks with the taliban. The announcement came during a surprise visit to afghanistan. He also said h he wants to drarw down the number of u. S. Soldiers in the country. It has been busy today. The u. S. President has signed a law meaning there will be an annual review of the favorable trade status that washington grants and threatens sanctions against chinese officials who commit human rights abuses. Chinas foreign minister has denounced the move, accusing america of meddling in its internal affairs. Earlier on thursday, they held a rally in gratitude at the u. S. Law. Tens of thousands of hong kong protesters were celebrating the passage of the human rights and markers the act. They gathered in a rally with a theme of thanksgiving, meaning they were thanking the u. S. Government for passing this bill. For activists in hong kong, the passage of the bill is important because they know that the stance of the u. S. Can hugely impact the opinions of other World Leaders and for this movement, they understand that International Support is very important. More on this from our washington correspondent. Tell us more about the bills that President Trump signed today. As we have just heard, it is called the human rights and democracy act. It is almost selfexplanatory in some ways. It was actually introduced earlier in the bill prior to the protests in hong kong. Protesters in the u. S. Actually overwhelmingly approved it last month. The law calls for essentially sanctions against chinese and hong kong officials who commmmitted human n rights abuss and what is also interesting, the United States can basically revoke this special status that the u. S. Has for hong kong, which gives it you know, its a different treatment from the u. S. To hong kong compared to china. Basically, they are saying that if they see there is anything that undermines the freedoms of the people of hong kong, they will revoke it. Also, what is interesting about this is that it is getting a little bit less traction that the president has signed a second bill which bands crowd control military weapons, which is what they are being called now. Thats weapons such as teargas and rubber bullets from being exported to the police in hong kong, so you could say President Trump is sending a very clear message to china. Why did President Trump sign these bills . As is always the case, i would say with President Trump, it is very hard to interpret exactly why it is coming now and he said he signed it out of respect for president xi jinping , also respect for china and also the people of hong kong. It has kind of been difficult i would say to intnterpret what President Trumps stance has been on the ongoing protests in hong kong. He said that he is with the people of hong kong but also at the same time, he has said that about his chinese counterpart, president xi jinping, that he is a great guy. What he did say and what is i suppose most important to the ongoing trade talks with china is that he was concerned that signing this into law would also or potentially cause problems or could even disrupt those talks. Thank you. The son of a former german diplomat has been in prison in the United States since 1990. He was convicted of the murder of his girlfriends parents, though he initially admitted his guilt, he then retracted his confession, insisting he was innocent. Despite this, he was given two life sentences. 30 years later, he is being released and deported back to germany. This is the state prison in virginia where he has been held since 1990 when he was found guilty of two counts of firstdegree murder. This footage is from an interview. He repeatedly requested a pardon but to no avail. A former state governor wanted to send him to germany to serve out his sentence, but his successor disagreed. The german ambassador in washington has welcomed his impending release on parole. The relevant authohoty granted him parole on monday. He has spent many decades almost 3 in prison. We have always sought to have him released and are very pleased this goal has now been achieved. In 1985, a couple were stabbed to death at their home in virginia. They were the parents of his then girlfriend. They fled to england when they became suspects. They were caught in london and sent back. At first, he confessed to the crime, but he later retracted his confession. He said he had wanted to protect his girlfriend and thought that as the son of a german diplomat he enjoyed immunity from prosecution. At his trial, he insisted he was not the culprit. Im innocent. The conviction proved controversial. The evidence was circumstantial. Experts said he was wrongfully convicted. Later, dna analysis failed to link him to the scene of the crime. Hes been locked up for 33 years or crime thahat myself and other investigigators do not fel like he was there that we do t feel likike he was present when the actual murders were committed,d, as he has maintaind since he went on trial. He has missed his 20s, his 30s, and his 40s, so it stands it is time to let him go. The board has called his conduct in present exemplary. Governor Ralph Northam has made it clear he is not pardoning them but per rolling them on the recommendation of the board. In a 2016 documentary, the promise, he again asserted his innocence and said he considered himself the victim of his former girlfriend. Looking back, i know thahat i never knknew this woman. All or most of the stories she told me were not true. I do not know who the real elizabeth was. The films codirector is pleased he is being set free. The key thing for me is that the trials and circumstances of conviction are notot beyond a shadow of a doubt. There are too many unanswered questions. He assumed to be deported to germany. The date has not yet been announced. We welcome the documentary filmmaker you just saw in that report. What sort of person is he . He is a kind of nerd, i think, or he was when he was a young fellow. He was 18 and not on eye level really with elizabeth. What happened with him that he tried to become on i level together i level with her. She was much more pretty than him in a certain way, much more mature, and i think there was also the sexual abuse coming on, which she told him about. You believe he is innocent . I dont know, really, if he is innocent. I think there were a lot of questions in the trial and in everything. Nobody knows what really happened, but from a personal point of view, i was watching the trial footage. I think it is time to revise the whole thing. Thats why i think the decision by the parole board was made that he can go home very soon. And this was a massive case here in germany, attracted a lot of publicity. Oh, yes, right now. Everybody is reporting about it. He was convicted when he was very, very young for having to serve such a long time in prison , and that is why the interest of getting back to germany was this incident in 2 29 when the whole thing was revoked, is a very important journalist who was writing since then about it. How did he deal with the jail time for crimes that he claims he did not commit . I think he was doing exercises every day. He had a time when he was meditating a lot, writing a lot of books. I think he wrote around 10 books about how it is being in, how it is to overcome such circumstances, and i think he is a fellow who is trying to get involved with his maids in prison with his mates in prison. He was never aggressive and present, and i think that is why a lot of his supporters are claiming he cannot be the culprit because he never reacted aggressively in prison. How does he now go about preparing to return to society . It has been 30 years since he is out. We have the internet and mobile phones. Thats going to bigger just thats going to be a big adjustment, isnt it . Oh, yes, that is a big adjustment. We would love to be with him filming when he comes into this new life. Of course the world has moved on. I mean, the last time he had already dreams when he was about to be released which, of course, within destroyed, i dont know which dreams he has now, but he is young enough to be able now to have a life, and i think he has a lot of friends all over the world or supporters who would help him. I think its great that he is coming back and i hope it will be before christmas. Are you now looking at making an update of your documentary . I would love to, but of course, it is totally up to him. It is his life right now. We would, of course, accompany him because the camera can always give a hand as well, and i think it is very interesting how it is to come back into life. Yes, i would love to, but it is totally up to him. The first funerals have taken place in vietnam for some of the 39 people found dead in a british truck. British investigators investigating the debts have arrested the driver. The victims bodies were flown to vietntnam on wednesday. Two families paralyzed with grief. Finally, though, able to lay their loved ones to rest. Cousins. The previous day, scores of villagers helped as their coffins arrived in rural vietnam in an emotionally charged and grim homecoming. It capped an agonizing week for the bereaved families who kept vigil for weeks. After a month of waiting, the family has been so sad. We could not eat. We could not sleep. The younger of the men was just 18 years old. He went to work abroad with the help he could have money for Better Future for him and to help the family, but its devastating. Its r really paininful. The pair traveled to britain in search of jobs, but their journey ended in tragedy inside this lori this lorry allowing 39 people to suffocate. As the procession made its way to their final resting place, the focus was not on justice but on a Community Morning together. The whole village and the people from other neighborhoods came to bid farewell to them, Holding White roses, and that, i hope, might comfort the family. This loss is immense, but the compassion we see here might help ease this terrible pain. These deaths may yet carry meaning. The priest here asked the children to let this be a lesson not to risk their own lives by leaving. The Police Officer in charge for a stadium disaster has been found not guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence. He was match commander when 96 liverpool fans were crushed to death inside the stadium the prosecution argued 75yearold or personal responsibility for what happened on that day, but he was cleared by a majority vote after a sevenweek trial. The acquittal follows a long campaign. 96 liverpool football fans lost their lives following a crush at the venue in 1989. In the wake of the tragedy as an entire city grieved, authorities tried to falsely blame supporters for overcrowding in the standing terrace. A front page story in the Sun Newspaper compounded the myth. Victims families have been fighting for justice ever since. Dw learned about thahat fateful day. Wee went t to a footbtball m, and t that is what we witnessed thatat day. We will never forget it. Police had opened a gate to try to relieve overcrowding outside, but a crush then ensued inside. An initial inquest said the deaths were accidental, meaning criminal charges could not be brought, but the families did not give up and kept pushing for a new inquest. An independent panel was set up to review the evidence. In 2012, it found police had tampered with witness statements. A new inquest in 2016 ruled the deaths to be unlawful and the Police Match Commander was put on trial and charged with manslaughter by gross negligence. The verdict and a saga which shamed the british establishment. Virtual motor racing is one of the dozens of the sports that is booming around the world and for a one time former world hopeful, computerbased competition means a second shot at glory. Though gamers do not face the physical demands of a grand prix, their chosen discipline is taxing in its own way. He swaps the cockpit for the controller, the reallife track for the simulator, but he still loves motor racing. The 19yearold gamer, once a Junior Academy driver at renault, now competes for them in the formula one east sports championship. Physical fitness is taken seriously even for virtual drivers. They might not have to contend with extreme temperatures or geforce, but their discipline presents its own challenges. Sitting in a simulator for big part of the days going to make you stiff. Jack it can reeses reallife cars but has an appreciation of the difficulties of virtutual competition. They do get pretty hot and sweatyty, but we obviously havo deal with dehydration during the races, but it is very much a mental game for them. The strain of having to concentrate for quite long races that takes a mental toll so they havee to be fit for that as well. Otherwise use the training in the videogame coming to the real track, and it makes it interesting and special. Collect the transition from the track to the simulator has already brought him closer to a title. He is currently third in the east sports drivers championship. The east sports the esports drivers championship. Millions in the United States are celebrating the holiday of thanksgiving and in new york, the best way to get into the holiday spirit is simply to look up. Thousands gathered in the street to watch Fan Favorites take to the skies. The floats and festivities are all part of the macys thanksgiving day parade, which is the largest in the country. This is dw. I will be back in just a second with the day. More world news at the top of the hour. Have a good one. E. E best thing you can take to any tape. Kekennedy to see watching fronts twenty fold live from paris im margot and these are the main world news headlines. Twenty eight people have been killed in the unrest in the south of iraq. People to defy the curfew to attend funerals for the torching of the iranian consulate in najaf. Michael stands by his remark that nato is brain dead the french president met with the alliance secretary general jens stoltenberg. Paris he said it was a wake up call. The members to face up to the new common enemy terrorism. China has reacted furiously this thursday to President Donald Trump signing up to build into supporting human rights inn hong kong

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