The best dancers out as they compete in the world tango championships. Barcelona suffered a nightmare start for their title defense. Crushed in opening day last year. Welcome to the program. Our top story. Crisis in kashmir has taken the spotlight for the first time in decades with the United Nations Security Council discussing tensions that have engulfed the territory since india revoked its special rights. The territory itself, hundreds of people have been under a security lockdown in its 12 day. Millions of others have been forced to stay in their home without access to phones, television, or the internet. Indias move invigorated pakistan, which claims cashmere in its entirety. The pakistani government vows to keep supporting residents and to take the crisis to the international community. Russias representative pointed out he was born in the year the Security Council last met to formally discussed what was listed on the agenda as the indiapakistan russian. In 1971. Born we will see. Sometimes it is better not to touch upon such issues. Reporter the meeting lasted just over one hour. In the absence of any joint statement, chinas ambassador outlined the position of his country. The kashmir issue should be resolved properly through peaceful means in accordance the the u. N. Charter, Security Council resolutions, and bilateral agreements. This represents the International Communities consensus. Reporter the indian ambassador quick to argue that china was claiming consensus when none exists. Insisting any resolution lies not in international mediation, but i lateral discussion, as set out in the discussion in 1972. We are ready to air out these issues in a manner that states we will have normal approaches to international ties who administer them. In our case, we are committed to the agreement. It is now for pakistan to make that commitment. Reporter pakistans ambassador made clear her country would continue pressing for greater human involvement, claiming the meeting itself is a victory in this protest. The fact that this took place is testimony to the fact that this is an internationally recognized dispute. There was an effort to stop this meeting from convening. We are grateful to all 15 members of the un Security Council for agreeing to having this meeting. Reporter in recent days, protesters have gathered outside the building demanding greater International Involvement in the crisis and calling on the u. N. To enforce the kashmir dispute. The lack of consensus from the Security Council is a bleak response, offering only the possibility of another wait before the matter is taken up again. My canada, al jazeera. The government has told the Supreme Court it will lift restrictions within the next two days. Hundreds have been arrested, including opposition politicians, local activists, and a prominent journalist. We have more from new delhi. Reporter anger spilled onto the streets following fridays prayers nearly two weeks after india stripped the region of its economy. Vented their pentup frustrations of being unable to move in their own homes and shut off from the inside world. Look at how many days they have been under curfew. It is the Prime Minister says everything is fine. He should lift the curfew. Reporter the protests happened as Indian Officials in the region announced plans to ease restrictions imposed to counter security threats. Telecom conductivity, which has been uncertain, will gradually be eased and restored in a phased manner, keeping in mind the constant threat by terrorist organizations in using mobile connectivity to organize terror actions. Unverifiable statement. Reporter this journalist doubts the governments explanation. They can give whatever excuse they want to say, whatever resin with asian rationalization. We can say it is incredulous. But how are we to know whether it is true or not . Reporter whatever the truth, exasperation is on display. The Indian Government says some of its offices have already resumed operating in the region. Schools will reopen on monday. It will gradually lift restrictions on communications. They will believe that when and if it happens. Studentskashmiri studying in new delhi have not been able to speak to their families back home for nearly two weeks. They are weary of Indian Government promises to loosen restrictions. Let us talk to family. It willoping that actually happen. Especially the students, we are in a mental siege. Reporter while restrictions were relaxed for fridays prayers, which allowed for these protests, even the Kashmir Valley seems aware of plans to ease the lockdown. All they know is they cant move or live freely right now. Pakistan has hailed the United Nations Security Council session as a diplomatic victory for them as the meeting took place, despite indias opposition. We have more from islamabad. They may be different interpretations about the outcome of the meeting of the un Security Council, where china voiced his concerns about the humanitarian crisis and the fact that it is an issue that should itsolved bilaterally, and was a historic issue between the countries. Also important to note that the Pakistani Foreign minister spoke after that press conference by the pakistani administered or to the United Nations, in which they said it was indicating pakistans position that the voice of the people of kashmir was being heard internationally. The foreign minister also said the curfew should be lifted immediately. Restrictions should be listed. The leadership of kashmir should be relieved so people find out the truth about the feelings of the people there. It is also important to know that the Prime Minister made an urgent call to the u. S. President in which he apprised the u. S. About pakistans position on this particular crisis. The is important to note is fact that the Pakistani Military india wasady said trying to divert the attention around the line of control and towards pakistan in order to continue with its indian administered kashmir. Tensions remain high. Today, developments in the United Nations Security Council are hailed in pakistan as a major diplomatic break, indicating pakistans position that it is no longer a bilateral issue, but one that Needs International intervention. In other stories, the brother of the Afghan Taliban leader has been killed in a blast at a mosque in southwest pakistan. It happened in the troubled baluchistan province, weather has been regular violence. He was a younger brother of at least four others were killed and dozens more wounded. No group has claimed responsibility. Another bit of news to bring you syria. At least 14 people, including children, have been killed in a suspected russian airstrike in the country. Volunteers from a rescue group said it happened south of idlib. A group of people displaced by the violence gathered in the town when the strike hit. Syrian troops have been on the offensive. Up in recentpicked days after a shortlived ceasefire collapsed. An economic crisis that is crippling zimbabwe is boiling over into anger on the streets as hundreds of demonstrators defied a protest ban to rally against their leaders. There were met with a Brutal Police response. Gas, and beattear back some of the protesters, injuring some of them. At least 80 people were arrested. We have reports from harare. Reporter what was meant to be a protest over the economy turned into chaos. Police in zimbabwe had demonstrations saying they were expecting violent, alleging opposition supporters were armed. A High Court Judge dismissed an application by the Opposition Movement for Democratic Change to overturn the ban. Opposition leaders called off the march. Some of their supporters were defined saying they had a democrat defiant, saying they had a democratic right to protest. A country with a history of violence. Zimbabwe is not free. Where we going in this country we are suffering, we are hungry. We cant afford to send our children to school. Reporter every time the Police Disperse the crowds, some kept trying to come back. Opposition supporters are refusing to disperse. Riot police are trying to push them back. The aim is to get them out of the city center. The police fear if people are allowed to stay, they can be damaging property. Many zimbabweans explain blame the government for soaring inflation, rising food prices, and growing unemployment. They want an end to their misery and to be heard. Every road leading into harare stops. There are thousands stopping people coming from harare. Hour forsking for one marching and presenting our position to parliament. Stopped. En reporter much of the city center was unusually quiet on friday. Shops and businesses were closed. Many people stayed home fearing violence. The president says fixing the economy will take time, and zimbabweans need to be patient. For some, patience is running out. Is miredwes economy in its worst crisis for decades. The price of almost everything has ballooned. People are grappling with rising inflation, which last month doubled to 175 . The cost of a loaf of bread has doubled. A tub of butter is now around 17. Violent protests broke out after a sharp price hike in fuel. Andortage of clean water power with widespread blackouts that can last for up to 19 hours a day. Need ofn people are in urgent food aid, with half on the brink of salvation. Joining us is a zimbabwean political analyst. She joins us from massachusetts in the u. S. About the Police Brutality against protesters today, work in this lead where can this lead . I think the government is going to continue their strategy of using violence against protesters. What we have seen this afternoon is an indicator of what we should expect to hear overnight. In the past, the government has been very good at objecting people and beating people during the night. I anticipate we will hear about that tomorrow. I think they are just emboldening the opposition to have more protests. If they allowed the opposition to protest today for one hour, and for whatever reason they had time out, i think the opposition would not have been as motivated to continue planning this. A lot of opposition is continuing to have a protest on monday. The opposition is feeling very strong, that they need to continue sending a message to the world. Saying this is a government that does not allow us to protest. When we do protest, they respond with a heavyhanded mess and unjustified violence. People were gathering to protest the dire Economic Conditions in the country. Inflation has reduced people to poverty. Is the president in a position to change this . He was. Unfortunately, i think he has used up a lot of his goodwill. Theres still an opportunity for him and the minister of finance to come back to it. Opposition says they are not really interested in a government of national unity, but i think both parties now have to really sit down and come up with a strategy that works for the people. As you have told your listeners, things are bad in zimbabwe. I keep telling people to imagine only having electricity for 4 hours a day in the middle of the night. It is not sustainable in urban areas. The food crisis is not sustainable. The country is really headed towards bad times, economically. The president still has time to turn things around. The president has said he called for dialogue with the opposition and they have ruled that out. Do you think amidst the deteriorating so shell Economic Conditions in the country that the opposition might try to capitalize on this politically . Is thatnk the problem both sides have their own interests. They have to use a particular language. I think the president has not been genuine. I think he is trying to give the leading opposition a meaningless position to say we met, so you should tell your supporters to back down and stop demanding things. I think the opposition is also asking for a lot. They are asking for the president to completely step down. I think they have to meet each other halfway. Now, i think the president is in a corner. His Security Forces behaved very badly today. Some people were badly injured. A woman was on the streets for a very long time. People say she is in critical condition. I think it is up to the president to go to the opposition and say we cant keep having people out in the streets, having more blood on our hands. What can we do to Work Together . Opposition is genuine and are really doing this for the people, they should come back with clear demands and say this is what we think we need for us to Work Together. So far, the calls from the president have not been genuine, in my opinion. Thank you very much. You are with the news hour live in london. Much more still ahead. We look at the devastating evil areaeak spreading to a new in congo. Cathay pacific flies into hong kongs political firestorm as the ceo resigns over the protests. Indias cricket coach is given a new lease of life. We will have the details in sports. Spanish rescue ship with 134 refugees and migrants on board remains stranded in the mediterranean as the political battle in rome prevents it from docking. Offered tories have take in the migrants picked off of the coast of libya almost two weeks ago. Afterip remained stranded it was barred from docking by the interior minister. He ordered italian officials not to let the migrants disembarked. An iranian tanker seized by British Forces last month is preparing to leave gibraltar by sunday. Supreme court judges have ordered the release of the tanker. A new crew is on board and the ship has a new name. It is sailing under the iranian flag. Andrew simmons brings us the latest from gibraltar. Reporter heading towards this renamed, reregister ship 44 days after she was seized off of the coast of gibraltar. Our Identification Systems still think grey swan. Destination, the mediterranean. As you can see, there is nothing on the flagpole. The flag has been removed. The iranian flag will eventually arrive. Down below, there is no signage whatsoever to indicate what name this vessel has. It is the adrian barry a. It was grey swan, but no sign of it now. The Navigation Systems all indicate it is still grey swan. Law, it hasmaritime no visible identity. You are clear to proceed. Reporter midway through friday afternoon came an alert. There was a transmission from the radio system on the bridge to the Port Authority asking for permission to leave. That was granted, but the anchor in the process of being listed suddenly went the other way. Then came this radio trans mission. Sunday evening we should depart. While this supertanker stands still, the political messaging has been moving at a pace. The Iranian Foreign ministry saying it can sell its oil to anybody, anywhere. Syria needed oil and energy, it was not going to syria in the first place. There was a response from the gibraltar government saying to look at the facts, there has been evidence it was going to syria. A written assurance by iran that it would not go there. What about the movements here at sea . Local media is reporting six new crew members may be officers. They are set to include a new skipper on their way to gibraltar. They are likely to arrive on sunday, which could fit the earlier impression given by the radio exchanges between the port and the ship. U. S. Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has rejected an offer by the Israeli Government to visit her family in the occupied west bank. Israel had initially banned her and ilhan omar for making an official visit over their support for a boycott movement. Entrance onred humanitarian grounds to visit her grandmother, but she will not take the offer because of oppressive conditions designed to humiliate her. Her relatives in palestine support her move. If her visit to her homeland is under conditions, we reject that. Its her right as a palestinian to come and visit her country. Reporter the u. S. President donald trump has not commented since the michigan congresswoman rashida to leave has decided not to go to the west bank to visit with her grandmother and other members of her extended family. On friday, she put out a statement saying her initial decision to accept a visa on humanitarian grounds in essence was undercutting the very reason why she chose to run for the u. S. Congress to stand up for the rights of those whose rights have been oppressed. She says she cannot live with herself even though she very much wanted to spend time with her 90yearold grandmother and with other members of her extended family. This prompted an Immediate Response from the israeli interior minister, which accused her of essentially trying to play the visa application process for political gain in the u. S. The Israeli Government recently enacted a law that bans those supporters of the bds movement from visiting israel or the occupied west bank, but because of her status as a member of congress, and because she promised she would not discuss politics while in the occupied west bank, the interior ministry decided on thursday to give tlaib a visa to visit her family. The ebola virus has spread more in the democratic republic of congo. A 24yearold woman and her baby contracted ebola in the epicenter of the virus. They traveled 700 kilometers by bus, where they tested positive for ebola. The mother died on thursday. Malcolm webb brings us more from nairobi. Reporter 2 new cases. The woman and child are the first cases in the south kivu province. The woman died on tuesday and was identified positively as an ebola patient. Her journey began in the epicenter of the Ebola Outbreak that started a year ago. She traveled by bus, then by boat thorugh 2 densely populated urban centers. Firstly, the city of goma, with a population of about 2 million. We first saw ebola cases there last year. Then she traveled to the south shores of lake kivu. We have not seen any ebola cases there. Then she traveled to a remote village. This is more than 700 kilometers from where the Ebola Outbreak started. More than 1800 people have died since then. In spite of a very effective vaccine and recent reports of success of drugs used for pati ents, it is clear the government is still struggling to control this outbreak. Is at Lancashire Lancaster university. He says the threat of it spreading regionally is high. The situation is not different in any other part of the country. Many other cases are undetected. That the disease is still in the area where there have not been reports is pretty high. Especially in this case. Have been circulating in the country for a while. Catchre highly likely to this infection, because this particular virus is highly infectious. Anyan easily transmit from contaminated sources to any person who gets in contact with it. When we talk about ebola like ot only just the therapeutics and a vaccine would be a solution, the challenge is more complex. Theres a lack of community engagement, overall commitment. At least 32 people are missing and feared dead after a boat capsized in lake hkivu. U. More than 70 passengers were on board. At least 46 people were rescued. Plenty more still ahead on the program. Divided debates on u. S. Gun control. Also, why Pacific Island neighbors are blasting australia for its stance on Climate Change. Once. Adrid already fined it might be after another. Plenty of sunny skies through much of the mediterranean. Plenty of clouds, rain, and thunderstorms to the north. System after system streaming in from the west. Brighter spells in between. Once the rain has stopped, you get nice pictures. This is fine for. Isthis is myy first this frankfurt. We have dryer skies and susunshine. 28 in vienna. Not quite as hot. 30 celsius in rome and athens. Taile end of these systems catching greece. Fairly unsetettled across much f the northwest. Winds are strong. Through h much of francece. Paris has a wet day. The e same for the south. Even with the wind,d, not really cold in ndonon, high of f 21 celsius. In moscow, a couple of wet days. Sunday, 17 celsius with more rain. Northern africa, no rain or showers. Temperatures are fairly high. 38 in cairo. 34 in unit. The best is towards morocco, 25 celsius. Welcome back. A look at the headlines. The un Security Council met to indias tensions in it i administered kashmir. Kashmiris defied the lockdown in his 12th day. Riot police in zimbabwe have used tear gas to swell antigovernment protest. They rallied against the soaring cost of living. The Ebola Outbreak spread to a third province in the democratic republic of congo. A woman and her child contracted the virus in north kivu, consider the epicenter of the disease. Chief executive of hong kongs biggest airline, Cathay Pacific, resigned after taking part in prodemocracy protest. The board said he needed to be replaced because the airlines commitment to safety and security was called into question. Chinas leaders warned staff not to take part in the protest, which closed hong kongs airport and grounded hundreds of flights. Protesters across the territory are planning more demonstrations this weekend. We have more from hong kong. Reporter hong kong is gearing up for a weekend of many rallies and protests. About five of them are scheduled. You have people who will be on the streets because they support beijing. The bigger rallies would be the prodemocracy protesters. Sunday is a key day. Tens of thousands, if not, hundreds of thousands, are expected to attend that rally. Authorities have not given the permission for any marches, citing the fact that there have been these scenes of violence unfolding on the street. Ask anyone, they will tell you they expect some protesters would break away. There is anxiety that we can see teargas and violence in hong kong. At the end of the day, you have the resilience of these protesters. They will continue making their voices heard, getting them as loud as possible until they get what they want. Other Global Companies are also getting caught in the crossfire of hong kongs political crisis. Versailles g, coach, and geo guangxi have been forced to apologize after they posted pictures of tshirts that did not properly designate hong kong as a past of china. Price board Health Keepers has been condemned for not condemning them forcefully enough. The Company Later said the post was a fraud. Calls ine also been Mainland China to boycott the taiwanese bubble tea franchise after staff in hong kong pledged support for the protesters. An agent for the Company Later said it backed the one country, two systems principle, in turn angering customers in taiwan and hong kong. Ryan patel is a Business Analyst and senior fellow at claremont graduate university. He joins us live from los angeles. This is quite a dilemma. The head of Cathay Pacific has resigned. The airline is not the only company to get caught in the standoff between the authorities in hong kong and the protesters. How difficult is it going to be Going Forward for the Business Community in hong kong to with stand withstand pressure from beijing . The rules of engagement of doing business in china and hong kong has changed. There is not a rulebook. There is a lot of pressure. You have 2 different consumer bases. China, hong kong, different consumers, and you have employees. For the hongle out kong businesses something that is not detrimental to your business . We have seen it has been over the past few weeks. Only this past week there has been more global attention and pressure behind it. There is an effect that has been going on locally and the multinationals. They have to address this every day with employees and how to react to this and the consumers properly so they can ensue their product and services being delivered on a high level basis. This varies between companies. For them, or is it how will they make a decision like this . Is a purely based on their consumers and profits, or is it about reputation . I think the profits is the last part. Your mission and your goal, depending on where the company is, if it is a u. S. Multinational, u. K. Multinational, they will handle it differently. You so what happened with Cathay Pacifics ceo stepping down. Without the protest, that would not have happened. You have to think about employees, consumers, and understand what they want. There will not be a clear answer on either side, but how do you create guidelines for people to voice their opinion in a way that doesnt affect the business . The rules of engagement have now changed in the climate we have been living. You have to address some of these concerns, at the same time, not try to be too extreme away from your values. Nobody wants to lose the crucial market of Mainland China, but i suppose if there is a chance of being on the brink of some sort of historic event or change in the territory, these companies have to be conscious of possibly being on the wrong side of the argument. Exactly. You some what happened with coach and the other retail brands. Their timing was really poor with the tshirt of sovereignty. They apologized immediately, because they know cash flow is coming from china. Hong kong real estate companies, hong kong is a big trading hub, i have not seen too Many Companies stand up for that perspective. At the end of the day, the rhetoric i have seen is they want peace in the region, they want everybody to get along, but you have to take a stand somewhere for some of these businesses to allow that to happen. The Business Community is in a reactive role right now. They are hoping this will get resolved peacefully. The violence hurts everybody involved. See . At are we going to from what you say, there will be a scramble on many parts of the companys to show their support for the authorities in hong kong and the government in beijing. I think this is where you see a lot of behind the scenes, when these Multinational Companies have parties. They are working on both sides with hong kong, china, what to do, how to better prepare their company. These demonstrations have increased the awareness. There is awareness to the companies. Saturday and sunday will be to these companies. Disney and marriott have taken a hit. E hospitality hospitabl sector will affect their quarter earnings. They are in a pretty tight bind come both political talks to more of a better rhetoric. Right now, it is hard to make a move. Thank you very much, ryan patel, for sharing your thoughts with us. North korea has rejected further reunification talks with south korea and fired 2 shortrange missiles into the sea. South koreas military says the missiles were launched on friday off of the countrys east coast. It came after a spokesperson described the president as impotent and said the talks were over. Pyongyang has been angered by joint military drills with the u. S. That resumed last week. Clearedppeals court has the way for the Trump Administration to object requests for asylum from migrants across the southern border into new mexico or texas. The Border Patrol says nearly 50,000 people crossed into those regions in july. Critics of donald trump has blamed his increasingly hardline policies for the deaths of some asylumseekers. We have reports from new mexico. Reporter sand, rocks, and vast emptiness. The Chihuahuan Desert in the u. S. State of mexico stretches hundreds of kilometers. This is where groups of hundreds of migrants, mostly families from central america, have chosen to surrender themselves to the u. S. Border patrol. The question is why is a growing number of people choosing to cross in this hot and barren place . Last december, a sevenyearold girl died after journeying here more than 3000 kilometers with her father from guatemala. She was in u. S. Border patrol custody. Her body temperature was more than 41 degrees. It was a horrible thing that never should have happened. If the people had not been forced into the desert, it would not have happened. Reporter michael seems works at the general store in a nearby town. He says the u. S. Border wall that guards urban areas and the greater number of Border Agents lead migrants to cross in more remote places. Even so, he says the migrants cause no trouble. He says trump calling this an invasion is wrong. There was no invasion of people. A lot of people came quietly, honestly, as honestly as they could. Reporter a few blocks away, and this couple says they are worried about the number of people crossing so close to their home. In those large groups, you dont know how many of them are criminals, or part of a cartel coming through and trying to be part of that group to get into the country. Reporter the married couple says like most americans who live in this politically conservative town, they support trumps border policies. Bestfeel he is doing the job you can do with what he has had to work with. It is an ongoing problem that has been here for three years. Reporter as the desert heat source, the number of migrants crossing the u. S. Southern border has dropped to 72,000 in july. That is higher than previous years. The fear is more people will die in the attempt. Heidi joe castro, al jazeera. The gun control debate in the u. S. Is a clash of cultures wheren rural areas, gun ownership is common, and big cities worried about crime and Mass Shootings. According to a survey, three in 10 American Adults say they own a gun. Whether they own a gun or not, americans have brought exposure to firearms. Nearly half of the Adult Population say they grew up in a household with guns. 44 of people say they know someone who has been shot. Most gun owners say they use weapons for protection. Others quoted hunting or gun collecting as a main reason. Reynolds has been speaking to some gun owners in a small town on the californiaarizona border. California sizzles in the mojave desert, where summer temperatures topped 49 degrees celsius. The meandering Colorado River provides a little relief. It is a conservative, gun toting, trump supporting town at the edge of liberal trump loading california, where new, more restrictive state gun laws have recently gone into effect. Much,as rankled logos so they took the unusual step of declaring needles a gun sanctuary city. What kind of want to get their attention the sanctuary city. Range is this shooting just across the river in arizona, where gun laws are much more lenient. Californians want to purchase and musician ammunition are subject to expensive restrictions under california law. Gun shop owners say the rules dont make sense. If there is a will, there is a way. If they want to get it, they will. Reporter across the u. S. , states that have tightened up gun laws in response to crime and Mass Shootings find their efforts effectively neutralized by neighboring states with relaxed and rules. The teenager who killed people at the california garlic festival in july used an ak47 style semiautomatic weapon purchased legally in nevada. He wasnt old enough to buy one in california. The research is pretty clear, states with restrictive gun laws have a lower gun homicide rate. However, that doesnt stop people from still traveling firearms, taking a weapon that is legal in one area to another state where it is illegal, because we dont have a border checks from state to state. Reporter officials want an exemption from state laws so that residents can buy bullets in arizona. They say it is too inconvenient to buy ammunition in the nearest california gun shops, which are hundreds of kilometers away. They also want this though packing neighbors from arizona to be allowed to carry their weapons openly when visiting needles, which is prohibited. They dont want to unload. They dont want to leave their weapon at home to come over here and eat. Reporter the messy patchwork of state laws is another reason why gun control advocates say Congress Needs to change gun law s on a nationwide basis. Rob reynolds, al jazeera. President has formally proposed moving the capital from jakarta to callie menton on the island. The havent decided where exact site for the new city could be, nor when it would be built, but the idea of creating a new capital has been debated for decades in indonesia. With sea levels rising, jakarta is one of the fastest sinking cities on the planet and can be submerged by 2015. Pacific island leaders have blasted australia for refusing to commit to strong action on Climate Change. Leaders from 18 pacific nations have been meeting on the lowlying island. There were hoping to reduce a statement produce a statement on Climate Change targets, but negotiations collapsed twice. ThePrime Minister says australian counterpart was central to the dispute. Exchanging language, expressing theut concerns of leaders. It was very heavy with the exchange. Prime minister morrison stated his positions. I stated my positions. We need to save these people. One of the Prime Ministers actually cried. The leader actually shed tears in front of the leaders. The sensitivity to these issues, particularly where we are standing. I have respect towards that. Not just about australias economy, it is about how australia can continue providing when it comes do to the protection of any nation on the planet. We invest 1. 4 billion in the region every year. Thats the highest it has ever been under my government. Joseph mcgonigal leo is the head of greenpeace. He called the foreign statement a monumental failure. It is very much existential. People talk about Climate Change as this far off thing that might happen. In the pacific, it is our daily reality. Many of our communities hahave o decide to be able to stay in their ancestral homes or leave forever. I dont know if you can really fully grasp that until you can feel the dread of what it would be like to leave your homeland forever. The otheher thing is, there are countries facing increased dissemination of the soil, which is dwindling agriculture and consequences for the region. At all levels, we are being hit by this crisis. Theeally need everyone in region, particularly our larger partner, australia, to push ahead and do the right thing. It is considered one of the most passionate yet difficult dances to master. The worlds best tango masters are gathering in argentina for the world cup. Daniel schreiber put his best foot forward in the home of the famous dance, buenos aires. Reporter and they say that tango is more than just a dance. You,u let the spirit take it will help you to better know yourself and your partner. In this music, we cant explain without words what we are feeling for each other. Sometimes, really deep. We cant even describe the words. Reporter it was developed in one of cyrus by 19thcentury immigrants. Ineloping their fight moves the rough slums of the emerging city. It grew through the 20th century in popularity and respectability to become the swirling dance form it is today. Now danced around the world. Every year, the worlds best dancers return to reacquaint themselves with the home of tango. Tangos soul lives around the world because tango is universal. It is one of the most important things it has achieved in its history. The possibility that the whole world can dance. Reporter the world cup has 2 categories, traditional tango improvised with the dancers not knowing what they will have to work with, and choreographed stage tango. It is among the thousands of argentines both young and old that the essence of tango is still alive and thriving. Luciana learned from her father. Three minutes, theres a connection between a man and an that takes them from the moment. Tango is danced with the feet, but is felt in the heart. Reporter she teaches classes to foreign tourists. Long providing the soundtrack to life in argentina. I believe it is in our dna. Its the way we live, love, and feel. Its not to do with whether you are a good dancer or can sing, or play an instrument. Its with being born here and living here. Reporter they say everybody is able to learn tango, perhaps with some exceptions. Every year, tango comes home. In argentina, it never really goes away. Still to come, more of the latest sports. Ashley bartee takes another set towards reclaiming the top spot in the world rankings. Heres a look at sports. Barcelona has made a nightmare start to their title defense. The champions went down 10. Without their captain, ruled out unfit until this last burst that had won all of their season 10 to since losing begin their 20082009 campaign. Madrid will be without ethan for the first opening game saturday against after he suffered an injury. 165 million following the move from chelsea. The spending might not be over. Rumors that brazil star can return to spain. Namar is not a real madrid player. I said the important ones are those who are here. Liverpool goes into their clash against south bend on saturday with a major goalkeeping crisis. Their number one was injured in opening day. Is athe backup keeper serious doubt. He was injured in a bizarre incident following super bowls cup win over chelsea and is double midweek. The team celebrated winning on penalties, a fan who was trying to join the festivities slipped and collided with adrian, injuring his ankle. Will they find a shortterm cover . When we are all together as a , chased by some security and hit hised ankle. Swollen. Today, i spoke to him, he said it is better. We have to see. Moving on to tennis. Ashley barty has taken another step towards reclaiming the top spot in the world rankings. The australian has booked her place in the semifinals of the wta premier event in cincinnati. It wasnt an easy night against her opponent. Fought back from a set down, eventually winning 57, 62, 60. She has a chance to reach the final position if she reaches sundays final. Matcht and the first between sri lanka and new zealand is in the balance following day three. The day began with sri lanka on a 227 for seven reply to new zealands first innings of 249. They were eventually brought out for 267. This remained in spinners. Unbeaten 63 steadied things for the black caps new zealand. For seven. Three remaining. Second test the with heavily disrupted by rain. England did manage to come back after being brought out for 258 on a day 2. Australia was 80 for 4. Day one had already been a washout. Positive. Lly it is 90 over the next couple of days. Both teams, it has been enough to ball each other out. There is certainly hope for both sides. It could be quite an interesting game. We have lost so much with rain. Our falling units aim is to get the next six by lunch. India has reappointed in their coach. The former all rounder was one of six applicants, including the likes of tom moody. Speculation that india would look to someone new following their surprise semifinal exit from the world cup. In the end, he was given an additional two years. One of the biggest names in u. S. Motorsports, dale earnhardt, jr. Had a lucky escape after his private plane crashed on its way to a nascar race. He was traveling with his family in tennessee when his plane rolled off of the runway and caught fire after landing. His wife, baby, and the crew escaped uninjured. The 2 time daytona 500 winner is one of the biggest names in nascar, having won 26 races before retiring in 2017. When i got close to the air, the first person i came in contact with was mr. Earnhardt. He was laying on his back. Injuries, the family and their staff will be taken to the hospital. He was alert, fine, did not appear to have any cuts or anything. Was totally conscious and alert. Thats it for me. That wraps up the news hour. I will be back with a full ballast of the news for you very shortly. I will see you in a couple of minutes

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