Different factories mexicos Foreign Ministry says over a hundred of those detained our system. Welcome to the friends twenty four newsroom on eve irvine its good to have you with us. Well 70 of the eaearths land is currently used by us humans are a lot of it for agriculture and if that does not change our planet it is set to get on very pretty hot the latest study from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Says land use needs to chchange adopting or diet and reducing the amount of meat eight and would help reforestation another step in the right direction but the real problem when it comes to Greenhouse Gas emissions of course is our energy sector. So land use would also havave to be given over to b bio Energy Schemes a shirley is a bon takes a closer look. These images of barren fields. Of cattle dying of thirst or no common in many regions in the world. Heat waves are trying out the land land thats over used and damaged by changing weather. Imagine what these fields will look like in thirty years when temperatures are higher and there are billions of extra people to feed. Thatss what the you whens intetergovernmental panelel on Climate Change has s studied inn its latest report. And it says the current use of land is not sustainable. Extensive agriculture generates about one quarter of Greenhouse Gas emissions and it makes land less productive. But the group says there are solutions. For example using less chemicals cutting down food waste and also cutting down meat consumption. Humans should revise their eating habits because meat production generates toxic gas. For example almost halalf o o all methanee emissions having an almost vegetarian diet based on nuts seeds greens and vegetables could bring enormous potential. It could slow down Global Warming. Security to all of humanity. Well joining us now is one of the older is all of that report hey signed is with the i. P. C. C. And director of a Scientific Research of frances agriculture food and Environmental Institute mister jump on sources on a thanks for your time and has this report it is in the first time were being given a warning about the state of the earth and that we need to make changes but it does focus on our land use. Im how bad are things you know what did we discover in this two year long. Study and what can we do to waste of time to change things. Yes so we start twists. Better understanding of t. Interrelations. Between sees the challenges that our Food Security we have currently more than eight hundred million people. Chronically undernourished. But also the land degradation we have. A quarter of our land which is decorated. And desertification where we have five hundred million peoples that are exposed to desertification. And we try to understand how in the future. We could change and improve the situation. Those who improving the situation relies on a set of options. And those options we can see our party. System will land management. Its really greenings event. How could we protect our forests how quickly husky frustration. How couldld e greeeens you agree culture land. Having sold protectioion. Vegetation cover throughout the year. And house and could we also after our demand. All food fiber. In order to cope with a more Sustainable Land management. And there you could reduce your waist and losses of food. You could change your diets. Particularly having. Less me too products. Based on the fact such ins you we see countries. We are eating exceses me ten anymore products according to see. Our recommendations for nutrition of z. House organization of the world health organization. Who would actually even be making ourselves healthcare by helping the environment around us in money yes exactly there is veer too sweetie of doing things where we could imagine such as it would be benefits for health since we have. Approximately two billion people that are overweight and obese. And expose string trees risks of chronic diseases. If we were to rebalance the diets to reduce the food and ways to protect our land. And to re green its through the forests. We could achieve tremendous benefits for the climate for the environments for is by diversity. In for Food Security of course. A lot of. The time this is an intergovernmental. Panel discussion but when it comes to making changes that often comes down to the money would thihis be an expensive change then you know i mean so Many Industries the cultural industryry will put up. P. A a be shortly. Y. So i do not see this is just without calsid comes with costs but howevever is some moderate costs so technologies are well established mostly. It is a matter of for bringing this is technology that skill and changing our behaviors to we cesar turf here are really large possibilities even within a few decades because we need to. Houses changes very quickly the cost of elections are huge i would like to see such a this report shows such as it would be disruptive changes in our food system. If Global Warming was to reach two degrees celsius or more and please remember such were ready are a 20 degrees celsius Global Warming due to a change has to happen is more you lets make it now props while we still have. Options available and the other thing you know of course its our Greenhouse Gases we think of the fossil fuels we still use at the port looks at bio fuels are you know what what that consist of how much land we have to give up are we there technically on the field. To start with us to climb the trees in a one point five degrees celcius warming. Which is the aim of the Paris Agreement we would need to recapture part of the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. And to do so is he better energies are powerful week. Because we would replace a full said few used by energy from the biomass the problem is. Is that if you want to skills a swiss lets seee dozens of mimillions of consumers are squarare which had would be used for by energy. You wouldld just havave to plant susan monocultures extensively this would compete for land with the Food Security challenge and was about over cicity. So then can do a lot but controlled we have certainly t o reduce grereenhouse gas emissios quickly in all sectors okay i have to change our practice mr jump was. Also as im not thanks so much for coming in and get into that car. On the situation appreciate your time to. Now turning t to italy and deputy Prime Minister Matthew Salvini says the government is finished and is calling for new elections the leader of the right Wing Likud Party saidd he told the Prime Minister that his alliance with the five Star Movement has collapsed to findnd ouout more we can cross our correspondndent. N romeme just. Movement and the fall r rosh elaine puddydy ever since his coalition wasas formed a yeaear ago. Theres been specululation constantly in the press that the government would collapse. And is every sign to not that it is about to collapse following this statement from the deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. Saying its useleless to go forward. Fightig amongst themselves and usually the italians navy surgeon t. They want security. And they dont want to see any rain shuffles or technical government so it looks like hes really pushing for elections. And thahat w would mn probably cooling. A parliamentary votote of confidence flows. To indicate that there is no longer support for this coalition. And then pushing forward with elections possibly as early as october. And choosing were jusust not hearing it reaches a meio is saying is that his five Star Movement is not fearing a fresh elections. Hey you know so indeed it does look like that might be were easily is headed but you know it if it does go to new elections. What did not end. Up with the sameme kind ofa Coalition Partners h how does te feelel look. Well the timing hee is interesting i think Matteo Salvini noise that hes in a very strong position in the recent polls show that he has around 38 of the vote. Thats double where he and his party were a year ago. And in contrast the five Star Movement has fallen to around fifteen or 16 so its popularity is harmed from where it was a year ago or so the test of any. Is watching those polls he knows is in a strong position hes out there on the beach is conducting a a kind of a Beach Campaign at the moment while attendants are on vacation. And he knows that he can push ahead with elections confident that he can possibly form a coalition if he doesnt have 40 of the voters. Enough to govern on his own he can form a coalition with other right wing policies that will take him across the line. And allow him to push ahead with some of the policies that he wants to go ahead with this week we store a very divisive polland when the five Star Movement opposed the high speed rail link between touring. And lee all that is a project that the league favors and i its a an indication of jt the divisions between t these to major parties in the Coalition Government initially at the moment. So definitely tapering on the brink of collapse and were likely to say that government collapse in the next few days. I think if we see movement in the parliament. Okayay just been we continue to keep us up to date night thanks very. Much indeed just mean because theyre coming to us from room. Pakistan says it i is not looking at taking military action against india after its stripped c cash meryl but so is home to me tensions over the disputed region remain high however has troops keep it. Under lockdown islamabad has promised to take the matter too the u. N. Security c council meananwhile in his first Public Comments since making the move indias Prime Minister narendra modis. Defended his decision saying it was necessary to end pakistani backed terrorism. But a lot of good thought of as a family. Operating you i and the whole nation for their basic in a historic decision eight at the i was brothers and sisters from Jammu Kashmir an attack. Had been deprived of their rights. Integrated obstacles. That development. Jamaica now. This obstacle that has been reremoved. D. As a resusult of ar i. D. Coddle sieve bungee. Arrested nearly seven hundred people at seveven differentnt factories Us Immigration authorities have carried out amounts of work site enforcement operations saying they detained undocumentedd mimigrants mexicoos f foreign ministstry confirms that one ovr one hundred of its citizens were among those arrested. In early has the full story. Gearing up say nice cracked down some six hundred immigration officers puts on body on that to track down work is in seven chicken factories six hundred and eighty mostly latino work as well rounded up in one sweep in mississippi on wednesday. Theyre accused of living and working in the u. S. Without the right documentation republican congressman stephen pullout say welcome to the news. I commend all federal agents for upholding the rule of law and ensuring Public Safety we are a nation of laws an n old yu all and wish to be in the United States must abide by those rules. The democratic mayor of the State Capitol jackson disagrees he described the raid and dehumanizing and ineffective. Icice reads d do nt to make our communities safer they criminalize on neighbors and decrease Community Trust for law enforcement. Rights groups condemned the methods used by the Us Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency including the effects they have on immigrant communities as a whole local network w. J. T. V. Janice alex love posted photos of children after wednesdays crackdown. Many of them found that what happens when the parents failil to pick them up off to school. Donald trump has revived what pace raids his predecessor barack obama provide more discreet Company Owned it. Trump campaigned promising to clamp down on immimigration and in twenty eighteen over two hundred and fifty six thousand people were deported from the west. Follow other than the record four hundred nine thousand immigrants. Ununder the obama presidencycy in twenty twelve. Finally a french filmmaker who was very critical of french cinema and dismissed the Cannes Film Festival as a joke youll be on ricky has died at the age of eighty six. Well he was first a teacher after before turning to film making he worked with some of the biggest stars of french cinema including has it in the notes. What he meant dozens of movies he often struggle to get financing for them and some actors who worked for him for free okay never won a major award himself and at one point had to buy his own cinema in paris to get some of his movies shown. Just a few days. Ago he was said to be talking about his next movie. And thats were gonna have to leave it for this edition do take care. And thats all nonsense i. Resort to these different destination or self. Welcome. To your friends and say because im not a shall be honest with you find us. The one thousand and sixty First Edition of the flood quote for. That in east of paris. A veritable institution french children and adults. Every spring and for two months the site is open to the public seven days a week come rain or shine and its hard to believe surrounded by such dizzying round about the your up the biggest fun festt firstt startrted out as a gigingerbread festitival. Eleven cecenturies ago in nine hundred and fififty seven but as well see later in the program full is not fun at the fat as frances longstanding tradition. Is under threat especially in city centers. Lets take a look at the rich history all this particular form of entertainment. Bankers and merchants. Travelers and street entertainers. Fair grounds in medieval france gathered people from all over europe. For busisiness and for fun. Full f the french which affect ground workable phone means someone who came from outside the city who moves from place to place theres a french expression that translates to paying in monkey money background workers instead of paying to enter the city gates would give performances. As they had monkeys this expression was born. In t the nineteenth centuy fairgroundnds were dividided ino specialized section. One area for merchants selling wine or books for example. And ananother for entertainment. For the latest invention. Like this electric bicycle merry go round fascinated visitors in an interview america around was bicycles instead of wooden horses was a novelty bicycles was held in chains were invented in france in the eighteen sixties the immediately became the justice popular at fairs as on the road people learned about speed seventy Kilometers Per Hour was incredibly fast at the time people learned about new forms of transportation of commercial. There is a place of discovery fantasy andnd sometimes love. A scene in the film children of paradise. If. The food for when it couldnt only for a very lolong time backgroundnd so also whwhat placece of romancece novs which floats while playing phone because. Women in certain attractions they would kiss someone. Even under occupation in nineteen forty one. Fares were in full swing. Well see see good. After word war two fair attractions became bigger faster and more mechanized. Today in france some one hundred thousand. Early on the tradition for new generations. One thing that hasntt changed this insurance is the hereditary nature. Down without grew up on his fathers dont jims right before taking over his initials as queen pusher machines which he now runs his wife and children with thousands of applicants and limited s sce the family knows that securing. A spot of this particular fact can make all the difference. What we call. The place to be for our friends fairgrounds still hold. We without a doubt. The first of the season so we cant wait to get started gives a trend in the sense of how business will go during the months to come so yes we always look forward to the flood your phone. How many people are we talking about here based. On the point of your own work because itll serve the public. All the dis there are two hundred and fifty fairgrounds families who run a total of three hundred rides a visits is. At least three million come on every year. Well yeah this weekends we can have up 2223001000 people a day. Gathering is it is much. The professional highlighted. Of course were always happy to arrive here because it marks the end of the wind so low we get to see people we often havent seen for almost a year so its a real pleasure to woror togegether again but also to socialize which is why you before the fair opens to the public we always stage a bit of a celebration friend says have tays itll say the years two years later that is there pressure to always. Come up with big scary shinier ryan. Yes its changed a lot and its a hold very fast. New Technology Means that rights just keep going faster and higher. Thats precisely the kind of real that young people want to experience today. With all the remember that the ones who bring in the adult. So yes we always try to update hostels and ride. With a new lights and music the whole nine yards. Im pretty sure you dont do the rides anymore. Do you have one thats still your favorites we momentous but yes my favorites is still the bomb because. Thats the right that my parents used to have when i was a little kid. A so i know it by heart and it brings back memories so thats my favorites symbols and well put that. Or even just trying to reach three. Wait a moment to remember. One lets start setting g things up last. Its the same ritual every year everything must be ready for the opening of the file to corn. Theres something for everyoyone people who like safina gets will not necessarily like semi harder hard hits and the other way around. Can he may you has roamed france with hostile since she was eighteen. She sells all the typical fairgrounds staples from sweets to donuts two rows and candied apples. She knows all the recipes by heart and now shes passed them on to his son harrison hes been working with her for a year. And both of your sons not too hard on me but shes very careful about the quality of the products everything has to be perfect for a problem yeah. Cutting herself learned the trade from the parents she comes from a family of fat ground work is that goes back. Nine generations. In the nineteen fifties have great grandmother was among the first to sell marshmallow at the file to tone in paris. Of the moon. So there you hahave my y grandfatheher ad here y you have my g great grandmother. All the family is here. Generation after generation the passion has remained intact in t the family life as a fairirground well to s not without sacrifices from living in a caravan to woworking on weekends for easy to do when you have children you have no choice but to send them to a boarding school shulgin aging schools every other month is too complicated he still for harrison and frankly if theres no shadow of a doubt theyll do the same job as the mother. We see me yes i want to work att fun fairs why. Yeah je donne i love the atmosphere is the music the energy and the joy and as for the wherever they go kathleen and her two sons say they feel part of a big family. Scabies always run into people. For where you can can you see someone you havent seen in a year. And the children grow up and they come to say hi. You see even the little ones. For carrying and his son theres no time to lose they have to prepare for sixty days of festivities. But as weve just seen jennings children all the time in. The Family Tradition but unfortunately that way of life could be under threat a recent change in legislation and a shortage of space in city centers lead sometimes to displace and sometimes even turned away you traveling fun fast and rights. Much to the dismay and anger of those seats. Generations of china trade across the country. Their anger painted on the front of their trucks fare workers rally in the mall. Protesting decision from local authorities to move the fairground to a site six kilometers outside the citity. Ththis figure has spentnt over a century in the same spot and now were basically being white. Local Authorities Say keeping the fair in the city center was on feasible. The site can no longer house increasingly larger rides or handle the crowds. You can see the need shooting some fairground workers had a tendency to spread out from there are signs bought into alleys and side alleys and each time the town hall was left to repair the damage new bus so this isnt about excluding fairground workers. Its about containing the fair. Here in la mocking set for right. All mall. In now see the fun fair opened as usual at the end of march. A retaining this prime spot downtown is come with compromises. Like agreeing to turn off the rides at ten pm. He was if we were forced to move say ten kilometers away from here all revenues will be divided by eight to ten. Everyone knows t the non c. Fun fair is here a no where else it would take years from visitors. To get used to any relocation wall. Yeah another cause for concern an ordinance approved inin july twenty seventeen that requires municipalities to issue a call for bids for all public entertainment sites. From service because they will know how much what a cool the bits in violence but fairground what his travel to thirty or forty pounds every year. Can you expect us to deal with forty different beds and a ton of paperwork. Each time its impossible to get your head round. In pararis is no exceptin to the controversy after two and a half decades on the central plastered icon called. My city campeon stairs willl was forced out in may last year. With the court ruling in favor of the town halls decision. Thank you for watching 08 08 19 08 08 19 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from new yoyork, this is democracy now today the women of kashmir have come out into the streets in support of our sisters and mothers across the border who have sacrificed the lives of their sons, brothers, and their children. His heinous not in activities, these mothers, daughters, these women will remain on the roads and support the people of occupied kashmir

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