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Boris Johnsons Conservative Party with a working majority of just one seat. For joining us. Statess is withdrawing from the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty. In 1987 byluded ronald reagan. Was with the goal of limiting conventional and nuclear intermediate range missiles. S. This is withdrawing saying saying moscow did not respect it anyway. The u. N. Secretaryggeneral has called it a dangerous step. I asked philip from our International Affairs desk why the deal has fallen apart. If you go to 1987 when the treaty was summoned the first time, there was enthusiasm to limit the range of these weapons when it came to them being fired into europe by the then president of the soviet union, mikael gorbachev. End. Period has come to an those two leaders workrking to reduce arms. Now we are in a different period, where you have the russian leader, the u. S. Areident, and china, which all keen to develop Nuclear Weapons capacity. That explains why this deal has fallen through. Nato has joined forces with the United States saying it was russia who broke the rules. Russia is developing a new wasse missile, denied it developing it, but said we arere developing it, but it is not consigned by the treaty. That, and saiddo it was withdrawing completely. Today is the deadline for pressure to conform and it has not. Russia says it is withdrawing, too. Russia has just recently issued a statement saying the treaty is dead. This open the door to a fresh arms race . Both russia and the united istes are convinced china keen to become the leadd armss controller in asia and under this deal, that limited their ability to be able to fight back by yielding up their own stocks of weapons. This was not concerned by deal. It was only russia and the united statates. This deal being dead means the United States and russia can build their arms in the face of china. It suits russia and the United States this deal comes to an end. Civil servants are taking part in a rally in hong kong to show support for prodemocracy protesters. To thehave been taking streets, venting their anger at an extradition bill. The movement has grown into a broader set of demands. A general strike is due to be held in hong kong on monday. Asian markets plunged after Donald Trumps hiking tariffs on more chinese imports. Fell 2. 2. 5 percent. Trump says the additional 10 tariff on 300 billion worth of goods will take effect after the start of septembeber. China has responded, threatening unspecified countetermeasures. Hiatuss,a three month any hope surrounding the shanghai meetings were shortlived. D. After the talks concluded, donald trump took to twitter and announced 10 tariffs on another 300 b billion worth of chinese imports starting in september. He said the chinese have not been living up to their commitments. , i think president xi somebody i like a lot, i think he wants to make a deal, but he is not going fast enough. He said he was goingng to buy fm our farmers, he did not do that. The measures are in addition to the 25 tariffs on 250 billion of imports washington imposed in the last year. Virtually all imports will be taxed this fall. Ofy will apply to a range consumer goods. Shoppers could fill price hikes in the could feel price hikes in the fall. For the Chinese Foreign minister, the move is counterproductive for efforts to end the trade war. It is not a constructive way to solve the problem. Are slated forks september. The announcement has been felt worldwide. U. S. , european, and asian hit,ts have taken a raising concerns the trade war will continue to slow global growth. South korea has announced seoul will remove japan from its white list of trading partners. The south korean president has called japans decision reckless and selfish. They did 85 billion u. S. Dollars worth of business last year. Authorities in saudi arabia have taken another step towards lifting social resestrictions on women. The kingdom has changed some laws, meanining adult women can apply for aa passport without te consent of a male guardian. It also grants women able the ability to registered child birth, marriage, and divorce. Royer tells us more. It is the latest step takeken by the rulers to open a conservative muslim kingdom. Two years ago they allowed women to drive. They have expanded female rights even further. A series of royal decrees signed changeding have regulations regarding trouble, civil status, and work. Women over the age of 21 can travel without permission from a male guardian. They will be able to register childbirth, marriage, or divorce and have the right to employment without gender discrimination. The ambassador to the United States and a womans advocate said on twitter, these regulations are history in the making. They call for the equal engagement of women and men in hours society. Approach tostic gender equality that will create real change for saudi women. The move comes as the defective ruler drives his , whichc reform plan encourages more women to enter the workforce. He has led a crackdown on activists, including the women rights campaigner, who demanded an end to the male guardianship rule. The country continues to face scrutiny over its human rigights record. Adam is a middle east researcher. You givens out for the changes . What is a meaningful change. The new regulationsns make changes to three laws. Travel documents, civivil statu, and labor law. Aremost important changes the removal of permission restrictions for womomen to obtn a passport, as well as the banning of discrimination in the workplace. Those things go along way towards allowing women to play an equal role e to men i in saui society. In terms of perermission to travel, that is not addreressed. Local media has reportrted women will be able to travel without pepermission of a male guardian, but that is notot in it itself. We will have to see if they do that in practice or not. Saudi arabia has s a long y toto go when it comes to reachig gender parity. Feedhey trying to drip these new measasures so it d dt happen at once . There will be some people out there who will think it has gone too far with the measures they have annnnounced today. Remembered, the king has absolute power now. He has jailed, tortured, and put away anyone who might be in a position to criticize or oppose him. There is no change they cannot unilaterally make right now. There is not a lot Saudi Society can do about it. These changes should have been made a long time ago. There is no reason they could not do them now. Socociety needs to wait, society is conservative, but they cannot use that excuse anymore. It is c clear authorities are tryiying to improve e the imagen ththe wake of the repression, ofest, and the brutal murder Jamaal Khashoggi. Feed ofo put out a drip small changes here and there around womens rights. I would characterize these as bigggger than small. L. These are important. Many of the w women who f foughr these changes remain in prison or on trial for no justifiable reason, based on solely their human rights activism. Arabia, these are significant changes. You are saying these are a smokescreen from some of the issues confrononting saudi arabia, especially the criticism they have faced internationally. Kingsthink that is the key motive here, to distract us . That is a byproduct of it. The not to d diminish imimportance of ththe changes announced today. Theyey are going to improve the lives of many women. By theart of a strategy authorities to change the convnversation, to try to impro, to r restart the reformist image they put out there over the last couple of years with their pr campaign. The goal is to promote Forward Investment and t try to achievee economic goals. That took a big hit last year with the criticicism of his authoritarianism, anand the murr of Jamaal Khashoggi as well. It is important they do not stop here with advancements for women. They need to remove e all discrimination and release the womens rights activists who campaign for this. There is no reason for them to be in jail or on trial for things that aree not crimes. S. You this lastsk question. You analyze the whole of the middle east. Worst in classa if you were to draw up a table . Would you put saududi arabia a t the bottttom when it cocomes to womens rights . Previously, yes. That makeaspects saudi arabia the worst, however, with t these changes, they have brought themselves closer toto what we would call the discriminatory practices that occur in other countries around this regegion. Thank you for speaking with us. The brititish Prime Minister, boris johnson, has been on the job for nine days, and is facing serious challenges. His party has lost a special election in wales, where the candidate was convicted and spot convicted and fined for expenses fraud. A one voting majority in parliament. It could make matters compmplicated in p parliament ie runup to brexit. By thet was won democratic liberal party. Will finind mr. Boris johnson, wherever he is hiding playing withstop the future of our communities and rule out a no deal brexit now. U. K. Stern words for the Prime Minister from the candidate in wales. Thank you for watching. Stay tuned. Our life today isnt the one we dreamt of. Wewe thought in ththe city everything would be easier. Finding a job would be easier. Thatat is not the case. My h husband does odd jobs. That is how we make ends meet. R income isis not stable and everything here is expxpensive. She, her husband, and her daughters used t to be nomads. Left, lord byy the idea of a better life here. They are lacking everything here, money, f food, and space. She would love to go back, but this is impossible. Our animals. Going back would be difficult. There athave a future all. Just like them, millions have abandoned the grasslands to start a new life in the capital. They are running out of space. It is overprpopulated and unable to deal withth the influx of migrants. The city is home to half thehe countrys population, more than i can handle more than it c n handle. Suffocated with small created by coalfired stoves. Families leaving the steps . How are they adapting to a new sedentary lifestyle . Whwhat does the future have in store for mongolias nomads . Is understand this, it important to meet mongolias last herders. Is prepariring his flock for winter. His animals will spend the coldest part of the year. Degreesready 40 celsius. I hope it is going to be ok. I hope we are going to make it. If the weather is bad, we will feel the consequences. The weather conditions have been extreme. Part of his flock did not survive. Goats and sheep. Today, because of this, i only have 400. It is the worst nightmare, a glacial winter following a dry summer. Theground freezes, stopping grass frorom growing. Animals lack food and are too weak to survive. The animals are the only source of income for nomamads. If we lose our animals, our income limits. This has an effect on our way of life. It is a challenge for nomadic herders. The w weather p phenomenon t new. In thehe past few years, it h hs bebecome more frequent and intetense. Years, hundreds of thousands of herders have , and exodusppes ulaanbaatar is unable to cope with. Its p population is three times its cacapacity. Migrants have to deal l with poverty, as well as water and electricity shortages. To keep warm,m, they burn coal. This family burns through 300 kilos per month. At night you have to get up twice to fill the stove. Day, you have to do it every five or six hours. Anyone who lives in a yurt knows it is impossible to live without coal. Temperatures can go under 40 degrees celsius. Three times a week she stocks up at the market. How much is the coal today . How much is the coal today . It is 120. Would . Wood is one euro. Of coall take one bag and another of wood. Where do you want me to put them . I go through one bag of coal and one bag of wood. She spends 35 euros a month to keep warm. A third of the households income. Heating,use electric it is one way of doing it. It is too expensive for me. I cannot afford it. In ulaanbaatar, all former nomads do the same thing. In the neighborhoods, there a ae 200,000 families and as many chimneys. In winter, breathing is hard. The air is more polluted than in beijing or new daily or new delhi. The consequences for ulaanbaatar s children are dramatic. In the hospitals, pediatric departments are overwhelmed. Theiratory diseases are firsrst causes of mortality in children under five in mongolia. Does he haveve trouble breathing, especially y at nigh . Know, during the day, as well. He has been in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. Is your neighborhood very polluted . What are you doing to help your child breathe . I try to cover him with scarves. The air is still polluted. It is hard to see one of my children fall sick. Andll get throat aches cough for several days. To see my son sick withthout beg able to do anythining pains me. The number of Sick Children in ulaanbaatar has increased, so much that in a year they had to double the number of beds in the department. The children who come here have breathing problems. There respiratory organs are damaged, they are out of breath, and there is not enough oxygen in theirir brains. It is difficult to treat them. They have difficult complications. To protect the children, the government has taken a radical and unprecedented step. This winter, all of the schools theiranbaatar will close doors for longer than usual. Here are taking their last classes before the holidays. The children in p primary school, middle school, and high school will be on holiday by middecember and until february 10. It is the first time holidays will be this long. Usually it is two weeks. It was taken to protect them so they dont leave the house and breaththe in bad air. All of the students s t this class s say the pollution affecs them on their way to school. Throat. Rts my it makes me want to throw up. When you walk and you feel the pollution, you feel bad. You get nauseous. Your head starts spinning. When you leave the house, you have to wear a mask. Authorities in mongolia are not able to reduce pollution. Ngos like unicef for help. One of their projects is designing yurts with better insulation so they need less coal to keep warm, leading to less pollution. Leading this project is jeremiah from zimbabwe. We have six here. One has been lifted so we can [indiscernible] property, 40 kilometers from ulaanbaatar, they are testing innovation. Looks like this one. You can see the plane door without anything. Put this insulating fromial to prevent heat escaping. Measuresde, a device temperature, humidity, and Carbon Monoxide levels. Jeremiah is full of praise for a project that preserves mongolia s traditional habitats. Adjust andave to modify things. We have tried to maintain the traditional operations. The way the door is facing is standard. It is important for their identity as a community. Aspreserving traditions sedentary lifestyles replace nomadic culture. 15 years ago, herders represented half of mongolias population and only 30 still where this steppes, man wants to believe he will still look after his flock for a very long time. His wife and he are worried about the nomads leaving around them. When herders leave everything behind to go to the city, lose their animals, it means we are losing our culture and traditions [jazz playing] Kris Kuramitsu we have this idyllic image of 1950s america with families b buying homes inn thehe suburbs, theres jazz playaying on thehe stereo, technology is ushering in the new jet agage. But while that stereotytype was trtrue for some, that ararticulr American Dream was not available to everyone, nonot even some of those a artists and d designers whose work really y visually define that t era. Alexandra lange not only are all of these artworks immediately recognizablble icons of postwar american art and design, but their Second Generation japanese american

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