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Rivals in the first televised political debate. We begin in egypt. Francois hollande was among World Leaders witnessing the opening of a new part of the suez canal. The president of egypt took center stage. It was on his orders it was finished in one year in stead of three. It is hoped it will be a boost to the economy. Claire williams has the story. Claire welcome to egypt. This is the egypt sisi wants the world to see. It was a moment of national pride. The president arrived on the same yacht that sailed on the canal when it opened in 1869. We needed to reassure ourselves and reassure the world that we are capable of building. I believe this is the first step, the very first step. It is the first step of a thousand more we will make. The first step on a long road, i tell you. Claire there was a flight path from some warplanes. The french president was among leaders from europe, africa, and the middle east. The new project was completed in one year instead of three as was initially planned. It is intended to power an economic turnaround. 49 ships pass through the canal every day. Egypt hopes twice as money will in eight years. Many economists have questioned whether there is enough traffic and trade to meet the ambitious revenue target. Laura the families of those who went missing along with the flight mh370 are furious after mystics makes messages. Officials claim to bury belonging to the flight was found on the island. Investigators say they have no evidence of this. One week after a wing flap washed up, malaysian authorities recovered more debris on the french territory. There was some aluminum foil, many items. Many items collected. We have sent to the authorities for verification. That process will take place in a lab where teams are currently running tests. Australia has been heading the search for the missing mh370 flight. They say they are confident the search perimeter in the ocean is the right one. This drifting pattern released by the National Science agency shows the possible westward movement of wreckage. What we have found in the western indian ocean seems to indicate the plane did come down where we thought it did. For the first time, we might be a little bit closer to solving this mystery. On wednesday the Prime Minister confirmed the wing flap does belong to mh370. French prosecutors are hoping test will reveal details about where the debris fell and whether it could belong to the missing flight. 17 months after it disappeared with 239 people on board. France has announced it will be deploying new air resources in the search for debris. Belonging to mh370. All of these mixed messages from investigators are a source of pain and frustration to the victims relatives. Some of them took part in a demonstration in beijing this thursday. Finding the debris does not mean the passengers are dead. I believe the passengers are separate. They are still alive. It is suspicious the airlines never showed us the video of the passengers boarding the plane. Some of their phones were still working. We believe they are still alive. Laura Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack on a mosque in saudi arabia. 15 people died. The suicide bomber targeted the mosque inside a special forces headquarters. Most of those killed were members of the Saudi Special forces. Saudi arabia and its allies are taking part in a coalition to bomb Islamic State positions inside syria. Some cooperation from russia and the United States with regard to the war in syria. Both countries have signed off on a document that calls for those behind chemical weapons attack to be brought to justice. Hundreds of people died after chlorine gas was unleashed on civilian areas. August 2013, a chemical weapons attack so severe that it could not be ignored. Over 1400 people were killed. A Security Council resolution ordered Bashar Alassad to give up his chemical weapons. He agreed. Inspectors arrived and the weapons were taken away and destroyed. And yet attacks using toxic chemicals continue in syria. Inspectorsthis year chlorine gas was being used. They would not comment on who was to blame. This means the International Community cannot hold assad responsible. It is suspected the government has hidden stocks. Now russia and the United States have come together, supporting a further resolution to assign responsibility for the attacks. What we are trying to do is get beyond the findings of the fact it may have been used, and actually find out used it. And designate accountability for its use. What we will achieve with this resolution is the creation of a mechanism which will enable us to do that. No information on how it will work. The vote is expected on friday. Laura tens of thousands of people have been gathering in hiroshima to mark 70 years since the atomic bomb. Prime minister abe addressed people today. It luke brown has the story. Luke in the shadow of the atomic bomb, lanterns floated onto the japanese city on thursday. A symbol of the 140,000 who died after he beat United States became the first and only nation to use a Nuclear Weapon in war 70 years ago. The remains were left as a monument. The only building to survive. There was a heap of corpses where youre standing. It is what i imagined hell is like. Luke tens of thousands turned out to mark a moment of silence the exact moment the bomb deafen detonated. A nations whose military outlook altered after the war. Is the only country that has suffered a Nuclear Attack in war, japan has an Important Mission to make the world free of atomic weapons. Luke it comes as japan makes motions away from its pacifist constitution, expanding the role of its military, making japanese soldiers available for the First Time Since 1945. Laura search teams dont expect to find any survivors after a migrant ship sank. 200 people are thought to have drowned in this latest tragedy. A wave and a thumbsup from this little boy as his journey to europe comes to an end. 367 survivors docked in the sicilian city of palermo rescued after they capsized off the coast of libya with 600 people on board. Irish and italian rescue boats were the first on the scene, followed by doctors without borders. They continued their operation on thursday, pulling to safety 87 people. The ngo called on the European Union to do more to curb the crisis. The European Union needs to make sure people who are fleeing have the possibility of making their way to europe in a safeway and can apply them political asylum. They need to change his policy, which forces these people to travel across the mediterranean in order to risk their lives. Italy and greece are demanding their partners taken more migrants. In april, military action was approved. They have failed to reach an agreement on where to send 40,000 migrants stranded in greece and italy. Since the beginning of the air 2000 people have died trying to reach europe. 200,000 refugees have been rescued. Laura 13,000 people forced to leave their homes, 43 properties destroyed. People in california are counting the cost of the wildfires. 23 fires are blazing across the region. One week after they began firefighters are trying to gain the effort hand. Crews are making some progress. The largest blaze is 40 contained. Republican candidates are preparing for the first televised debate. One candidate is set to take all of the limelight real estate mogul donald trump. He has been making headlines with some criticism of his fellow conservatives. The trump tower, a symbol of his character, everything from. He grew up at this address in queens. He was taken into the family property business before branching out building the brand that helped propel him into the republican race. Donald trump is everywhere. He is part of the american conversation. Everybody knows who he is. Trump has regularly landed in hot water, saying that senator john mccain was not a war hero because he was captured. In his announcement speech, he claimed mexico sends migrants that have diseases and are rapists. Nbc dropped his Miss Universe pageant. He never fully backed down. Mr. Trump mexico is sending people mexico does not want. Everybody knows that is what i was saying. Everybody knows i have great relationships with mexican people. His policies include building a wall along the border, tax cuts, and a repeal of obamacare. While he is doing well among republicans, he is unlikely to win over the nation. For now he is well ahead of his rivals, making him the one to beat. Laura to talk more about the Republican Debate in the trump factor, lets cross over to the United States. The university of virginia thank you for being with us. According to some polls, donald trump has more support than the next two candidates combined. How do you explain his support . He is provocative, he is well known for his other exploits in the market and on television. He is interesting. That is different than saying he will win the votes for the presidency. He is wellknown. Laura how is he shaking up the race . Some of the comments about mexicans, some disparaging things about rape. Nothing good to say about any of his rivals including the former contender john mccain. Why is he going down well with people . Prof. Ceaser he behaves like a bully. What is attractive is people see him as someone not part of the political class. A lot of republicans are sick and tired of the political class. He plays up on that. He also plays up on the fact he is rich. Instead of regarding that as something to be ashamed of, he puts it up front. That it shows i can get things done. So he is appealing to a spirit of frustration. Whether this continues is the question we will see this evening. Laura he made some interesting comments on twitter. He congratulated the other candidates for going to the koch brothers, insinuating they are having to take donations from them. Do you think that is a plus for trump . He is not dependent on donors . Prof. Ceaser the rich have used to that a little bit. You can trust me, i cant be bought. It is a way of showing this independence. I think he is playing that cardwell. These things are not going to be serious in a president ial campaign at the end of the day. People will be concerned with where the candidates stand and are capable of becoming president. This is all foreplay months before the nomination race actually gets underway. Laura will he be forcing the other candidates to be more right than they would prefer to be . Prof. Ceaser it is not clear whether trump is right or laughed. He has taken some stances on a couple of issues. I think the issue tonight is on the character of trump. Is he going to continue this. Of thing a flamboyant person, or tried to use this occasion to show he is a statesman and he can be serious . That is his challenge tonight. If he wants to break through, he will have to show himself to be immature political leader. I dont know if he is capable. Laura do you think he can secure the nomination . Prof. Ceaser i would say he cannot secure the nomination. Three in four dont back him and would prefer some any other candidate to him. I would say the top people will be senator rubio and scott walker. The governor of wisconsin. It is early. We want to see how they perform. Laura all right thank you very much for joining us, professor. Lets get to some business news. Hi. Were going to start with this deal that has fallen apart. France was planning to sell warships to russia. Now they are sorting out the final details. That is right. It was suspended last night. The kremlin said it received a full refund for the total amount. Clare murphy explains. Claire it was first signed in 2011. Last year its contract started to unravel under pressure from the u. S. And other allies. This week confirmation the paris and moscow have agreed, allowing both sides to walk away. At what cost . The government had paid 784 Million Euros. Add to that the cost of installing equipment and training, the final bill reached just over 1. 1 billion euros. There will be no penalties incurred by france or legal action and the government of Francois Hollande owns the ship once more. The initial price was 1. 2 billion euros. The cost of the deal will be less. Russia will be reimbursed for their financial commitment, the exact amount announced in parliament. Claire it is costing one Million Euros a month to keep the ships. The government is looking for new buyers. There is a market for this type of vessel. Countries like india, canada brazil. The primary targets for selling this ship. Claire whoever ends up with it will need to repaint them to cover up the russian names and markings. Delano the russian ruble has slipped. The currency fell below 64 against the dollar, plunging crude oil prices. Secondquarter gdp data will be released next week. Analysts are expecting a contraction of 4. 5 for the economy. Staying with russia, it has been one year since it dan on western products was imposed seeing as a titfortat. Meat and fruit are included in the list of items. Shes has been destroyed and the bans have forced russia to rely on its own producers. This farmer is grateful for the sanctions targeting his country. It was one year ago when moscow imposed a ban on western Food Products over the ongoing ukrainian crisis. He says he has seen a surge in demand for his cheese. Major distributors feel there will be a reaction, they will be buying russia more. Next month we will do tilt 200 kilograms a day. Not everyone is able to cope. The russian economy has taken heavy hit. Western sanctions, Falling Oil Prices all of that pleading to a sharp increase in prices. This person is worried about her livelihood and that the equipment she needs is twice the value of her farm. They have a lot of animals. To me it is costly. It is murder. Taxes, equipment, food, zero income. On tuesday, authorities began in sin or eight in European Food such as these incinerating European Food such as these. Activists have said the food could be better used to feed the rising number of the russian poor. Delano over in the United States, media stocks and oil prices are pushing all of the major indices to the downside. The nasdaq leading those declines. The dow jones dipping to six month lows, this session. It was a mixed picture in europe. The dax in frankfurt down 3 10 of a percent. The cac 40 also ending flat. All eyes focused on the bank of england which decided to keep Interest Rates unchanged signaling a rate hike would not take place in the near term. In athens, the threeday losing streak ended it was up over 3. 5 percent. Staying with greece where unemployment dropped to 25 , the lowest level since june of 2012. It is more than double the eurozone average. While unemployment dropping was good news for the economy, capital controls remain in place and some owners say it has made things go from bad to worse. Ever since the banks closed and all of these controls, we dont have the business we used to have. Business was already down. Now things are worse. There are days where we dont even make five euros. Delano some of the other stories making headlines this food giant is the maker of oreo cookies and trident gum. It had been struggling due to changing taste in the u. S. Market, and blackmun is hoping to find a buyer. Apple music brought in 11 million customers since launching. It remains free until september. Once the free trial runs out subscribers will be charged 10 for the service. Spotify has 20 million paying customers. Apple is hoping to knock them from its perch. And lower crude prices are hitting the oil exporters. Saudi arabia plans to returned to the bond market. The sharp decline has rom pacifica, this is democracy now a short time ago, a plane dropped one bomb on hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy. That bomb has more power than 20,000 tons of tnt. Amy it was 70 years ago today at 8 15 in the morning when the u. S. Dropped the worlds first atomic bomb on the japanese city of hiroshima

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