Lindbergh High School celebrated its very first class of 24 graduating seniors to complete a four-year Biomedical Science Program on May 17. They were honored at the school’s first-ever Whitecoat Ceremony for graduation from this prestigious Project Lead the Way program.
The PLTW Biomedical Science Program, which was established in 2017, allows high school students to take on real-world challenges such as discovering new cancer treatments or teaching healthy lifestyle choices to communities. Students use the same tools available in hospitals and labs to engage in exciting hands-on activities as they work together to find solutions to problems. They use software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement and respiration, and explore how to evaluate the code in human DNA, among other real-world learning experiences. During the final year, students have the opportunity to work on an independent project with a mentor or adviser from a university, medical facility or research institution.