Life Expectancy and Causes of Death Differ Dramatically Across Cities in Latin America
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
January 25, 2021
Nature Medicinefound that the life expectancies of Latin American city dwellers depend on which city they live in, so much so that a difference of nearly 14 years in life expectancy exists when comparing cities in the region. The publication also highlights the differences in the causes of death across these cities.
This research from the Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL) project highlights pronounced variability in lifespans across 363 cities in 9 countries of the region. According to the study, average life expectancy among women living in these cities can vary by more than 8 years (from 74.4 years to 82.7 years), and nearly 14 years among men (from 63.5 years to 77.4 years).