Libertarianism and the Nuke Question; Come to Loyola U to Study Austro-Libertarianism With Me
Subject: Two questions
Dear Mr. Block, I have several questions and I figured I would email you about these questions. My first question is that I want to get a degree in economics and possibly have a PhD in economics. I live in a mostly liberal/leftist state which is Washington State. Now, I looked and saw no universities in my state which has a professor that’s an austrian or teaches austrian economics. A lot of the schools that teach austrian economics or have austrian economists are over in the south or on the other side of the United States which I’m completely fine with. The only thing is out of state tuition which I might not be able to afford maybe if I get a scholarship I could get lucky not sure but I might have to go into debt doing so. Now, what would you reccomend for me to do in this situation? I mostly prefer being taught by an austrian. I saw the interview you just did where three people interview you and you mention something about having more people being students of already austrian economists. Being taught by a austrian economist really interests me. This is why I’m asking you this question about getting a degree in economics and possibly be a student of a austrian. Note that maybe there would be a austrian economist teaching in my state when I graduate from high school because I’m only 15 and I’m turning 16 next month.