Liam Neeson Says He Would Bring Back Qui-Gon for Obi Wan Series
Liam Neeson Says He’d Be Up to Bring Back Qui-Gon for Obi Wan Series
Liam Neeson doesn’t say much, but when he does he speaks volumes, especially when talking about anything
Star Wars related. In this case, the man gave a rather brief affirmative when asked if he would be willing to return as Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn in the upcoming
Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series.
“Sure, I’d be up for that, yeah,” Neeson told Collider.
Yeah, it’s not much, but at the very least fans can rest assured Neeson would willingly don the Jedi garb once more to hang out with his long suffering apprentice on Tatooine. Disney, make it so.