Leuven Bell and Carillon Society Campanae Lovanienses competition 2021
July 20, 2021
The campanile of Tienen, Belgium
The Leuven (Belgium) Bell and Carillon Society Campanae Lovanienses organized an international contest for carillon composition and arrangement marking the 300th anniversary of the birth of organist, carillonneur, and composer Matthias Vanden Gheyn (Tienen, 1721–Leuven, 1785). There were two categories: carillon compositions inspired by the concept of cosmology and carillon arrangements of a work of the Baroque period. (See the January 2021 issue of The Diapason, pages 6–7.)
In the first category, 32 submissions were received from twelve countries; in the second category, thirty submissions were received from eight countries. The submissions in category 1 were judged by an international jury of four composers/pianists and four carillonneurs. The submissions in category 2 were evaluated by the four carillonneurs in the jury. The results were announced on June 12 during the online congress of the World Carillon Federation.