Letters to the Editor — June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021 00:15 IST
June 10, 2021 00:15 IST
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Speed up vaccination
The Prime Minister’s decision to revert to centralised procurement of vaccines is a step in the right direction (“A necessary reversion”, June 9). With experts warning us of a third COVID-19 wave, it is of paramount importance that we are more prepared and learn from the mistakes that led to the devastation caused by the second wave. More studies and research need to be done to understand the efficacy of various vaccines against the different variants. The rapid surge in mucormycosis cases and the acute shortage of the antifungal drug, Liposomal Amphotericin B, needs to be dealt with on a war footing. To err on the side of caution should be the mantra to win over COVID-19.