YOUR report that Historic Environment Scotland wants to block the planned space centre at Lamba Ness in Unst ("Scots space centre plan blocked after historic watchdog objects",The Herald, April 1) is sadly yet another example of the damage officials based in the south seek to impose on Scotland’s island communities.
The Second World War radar station at Lamba Ness was indeed an important wartime base and, were it still intact with its masts and array of aerials and the associated electrical control equipment, it could be worth preserving. But all that has long gone and all that is left is a range of mouldering concrete buildings such as can be seen at far too many wartime sites across Scotland. That these remains are a scheduled monument beggars belief, as does HES’s wish to block the space centre development. This will bring many much-needed jobs to Unst and elsewhere in Shetland and the new works will scarcely touch the crumbling wartime remains.