DOUG Marr ("Happy days are here again... or maybe not", The Herald, December 28), highlights how the 11th-hour Brexit deal is likely to be a "victory for our very own dictatorship of the privileged", and how bankers, speculators and the variety of spivs who cosy up to the Tories in their "chumocracy" are the ones who will benefit. How have we got here?
The success of the Brexit movement, riding the crest of the Tories’ dominance in recent years, has been rendered possible by skilful manipulation of political realities. We are all embedded, in our personal and public lives, in the construction and constitution of knowledge and the "reality" that lies out there. Our beliefs and attitudes develop through the community of ideas to which we are exposed, in a kind of marketplace of propositions. Politicians seek to shape and create their own preferred reality in order to be elected and to be able to pursue their preferred objectives.