Letter: It's no surprise Wilton schools are doing as well as they are
Dec. 17, 2020
To the Editors:
We have completed more than four months of the 2020-21 school year under global pandemic conditions. We can be proud Wilton has risen to the challenge of educating our students during the time of COVID-19. It took strong leadership to design and implement a comprehensive plan. It took creativity to design three instructional models (remote, hybrid, and in-person). It took professional expertise to determine the best tools (a range of technology hardware and software, a comprehensive software learning platform, and teacher training). It took understanding developmental needs to refine the models to suit the student ages at each school. It took attention to detail to implement the mitigation strategies to protect health and safety. It took team work and focus to put everything in place before the start of school. It took family engagement and support to provide input on the models and to help their students adapt to a very different environment. It took everyone’s understanding that social and emotional needs, especially now, are as important as academic progress. It took community support to provide sufficient resources for the extra demands created by COVID. It took outstanding teacher dedication and superb skills to bring it together and provide academic challenge and personalized attention — both in-person and remotely, and simultaneously.