New York Times just put out a piece on May 2, 2021 and I really have to say they’ve outdone themselves on this one. The article entitled “How the A.T.F., Key to Biden’s Gun Plan, Became an N.R.A. ‘Whipping Boy’” is so outlandish that to not comment would be a crime. Cam gave a rundown on this progressive “woe is me” love letter, but he focused more on the
Times’ fawning over Biden’s ATF nominee. I want to focus on the paper’s treatment of the agency itself.
Right from the eye catching headline, we must be hooked, and feel down right bad for the BATFE, or, as Joe Biden would call it, the AFT. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do when we hear language like “whipping boy” tossed around? Excuse me if I have to emotionally detach myself from this situation, but I can’t take what the