Let Me Tell You About the Time I Almost Died in The Forks, Maine
Susannah Warner via Facebook
What a beautiful shot, right? Actually, if you want to see some great pictures from around Maine, Susannah routinely posts amazing shots in that group. But anyway, in her caption for it, she explains that it was taken in The Forks, Maine. A place that I have a very interesting history with.
Because 7 years ago, I almost died there. Yet still had one of the best weekends of my life.
Back in 2013, my cousin Pat (who is more like my brother since we basically grew up in the same crib together since both sets of our parents used to babysit us so much) proposed to his now-wife Ashley while they were in Ireland. Which is honestly a funny story in itself, because FROM IRELAND, Pat sends me a text that read, "I'm officially off the market."