Leopard Solutions Data Shows Skyrocketing Demand for Lawyers and Highest Number of Open Legal Jobs in Years
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Leopard Solutions tracks available attorney jobs for over 1,000 global law firms, updating the job database in real time. Clients are able to receive alerts of new and open jobs three times a day. Our research indicates significant growth in the attorney demand as law firms look to make up for slow growth during 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Since October 2020, the open and available jobs have grown by slightly over 100%.
Leopard Solutions Attorney Job Growth
Laura Leopard, CEO of Leopard Solutions says, “Firms need to plan ahead now about how to hold onto their lawyers in anticipation of their people potentially being poached to other firms. For those firms seeking new hires, be creative and look beyond the top 100 firms to small and mid-size firms."