New Delhi [India], February 28 (ANI/Mediawire): The Hyderabad Summit hosted highlighted the rapidly evolving technology scenario in India and its exponential growth potential for small and medium businesses. From highlighting technology as a great leveller for companies to decoding the technologies needed to accelerate business growth; a special summit on the trends in the space of technology and innovation, "Lenovo IT4SMB Summit, in association with The Economic Times", explored the tech landscape from the perspective of small and medium businesses. The summit was recently held in Bangalore, after a very successful launch in Hyderabad. The summit started with Shailendra Katyal, Managing Director, Lenovo India setting the tone by focusing on the non-linear growth potential of SMBs by tapping into technology and the role Lenovo can play in this transformation. In his special address, Mr Katyal highlighted that "apart from hardware where we are global leaders; Lenovo is now leading the way in business solutions and services. Everything from pocket to cloud is what we are now offering to companies, particularly SMBs, which will empower them in their next phase of growth." The keynote address by Naveen Tewari, Founder & CEO, InMobi Group highlighted the infinite growth prospects for the Indian economy and the opportunity for Indian entrepreneurs to emerge as global leaders if they are able to stay ahead on the innovation curve. "We live in a world that is rapidly changing with major technological changes happening where I see software built by Indian companies dominating the global landscape. I feel Indian companies don't need to be at the backend anymore, but should be at the forefront of all major technological changes. If Indian entrepreneurs follow this mantra, then in the next 10-15 years, I think thousands of globally competitive companies will be based in India," said Tewari. The summit then flowed into a fire side chat on 'Technology as a leveller: Enterprise versus Start-up', followed by a focused panel discussion on 'Technologies to Accelerate Business Growth'. 'Technology as a leveller: Enterprise versus Start-up' The ability and power of technology to bridge the gap of scale between large corporations and start-ups is one of the defining aspects of the need for SMBs to partner with technology companies for future business strategy. The issue was analysed by prominent panellists representing the two ends of the spectrum, with Dilip Jose, MD & CEO, Manipal Health Enterprises representing the view of large corporations and Chaitanya Ramalingegowda, Co-founder & Director, Wakefit providing the view of starts up. Mr Jose stated, "Large companies are able to assess the transformation due to technology through the use of proxies. One such proxy is average length of stay. At Manipal, this matrix has gone down from four days 3 years back to 2.9 days. This is due to process innovation and successful technological applications." Meanwhile, Ramalingegowda provided his insights on the importance of technology for start-ups to remain competitive in a tough business environment. "Start-ups are agile and respond almost real-time to evolving market dynamics. Starts-ups rely on daily consumer interactions to build their businesses where customer feedback is regularly incorporated into their business models," said Ramalingegowda. 'Technologies to Accelerate Business Growth' The panel session had industry stalwarts, who deliberated on how business growth can be accelerated with the help of technology tools. As the business world becomes more crowded and competitive, SMBs require tools that empower them to innovate, collaborate and anticipate what's next in their growth trajectories. This was clearly highlighted in the discussion. "With the help of technology, we were able to save at least two-thirds of the costs of our clients than what they would have originally spent. This is due to the role that technology plays in running our business," said Srividhya Srinivasan, Co-founder, Amagi. While tech budgets for SMBs are driven by financial constraints, these companies make tech investments that support key business priorities, which includes everything from attracting new customers, expanding supply chains to improving employee productivity and checking fraudulent practices. "One of the biggest applications for Meesho is the use of AI for personalisation experience for our customers. It is through the use of AI that Meesho is able to ensure customer preferences are factored in when they come on our platform, increasing engagement and customer spends. The other key usage of technology is in the area of fraud detention," Kirti Varun Avasarala, Chief Product Officer, Meesho. Summing up the session, Rahul Sasi Co-founder & CEO CloudSEK, said, "Going forward it is technology that will allow SMBs to leapfrog. One of the key technologies of the future will be 'prompt engineering'. This is the technology to interact with AI, identifying its functionalities and ensuring the best possible outcome. Prompt engineering will be to ensure the most productive outcome of AI." The summit, which had the who's who of Karnataka Inc. in full attendance, culminated with the IT4SMB awards ceremony. These awards recognise those SMBs in Karnataka that have demonstrated exceptional technology excellence. The awardees are companies that are leading the way for greater tech adoption amongst SMBs. The jury comprised of Satyavrat Mishra, Head Corporate IT, Godrej Industries, Amit Saluja, Senior Director and Head NASSCOM, Gandhinagar, Abhay Bapna AVP IT, Adani Wilmar and Manoj Chugh, an IT veteran. IT4SMB awards were given to ten companies across six different categories. Afser Shariff, Co-Founder & CEO of Dfine Bio-Innovations was judged as the winner as the 'Emerging SMB'. First runner-up in the same category were Sandip Panda, Co-Founder & CEO and Prashanth Guruswamy, Co-Founder & Head of Sales of Instasafe Technologies. Chetan Kasim, Co-Founder & CEO, Valenta AI was adjudged the second runner-up in the 'Emerging SMB' category. Shivakumar Ganesan, Co-Founder & CEO of Exotel Techcom was awarded the winner in the 'Small Sized Business' category. Satish Kannan and Enbasekar D, Co-founders and CEO of Medibuddy were adjudged as the runner-up in the same category. In the 'Mid-Sized Business' category, Siddhartha Nihalani, Abhinav Lal and Shashank ND, co-founders of Practo Technologies were adjudged as the winners. In the 'SMB Leader of the year' category, Chandrashekar Bharathi, founder and MD and Madhusudan N Kestur, Director of Acemicromatic Mit were declared the winner. Colonel Ravi Bhushan Gupta, CEO of Ruralshores Business Services was the runner up in the same category. Venkatraman Umakanth, Vice President and Head - Analytics & IT of Vee Technologies was judged as the 'SMB CTO/CIO of the year'. Pavithra YS, Managing Director of Vindhya E-Infomedia was given a 'Jury Special' award. This story has been provided by Mediawire. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/Mediawire)

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Hyderabad ,Andhra Pradesh ,India ,Gandhinagar ,Gujarat ,Bangalore ,Karnataka ,New Delhi ,Delhi ,Manipal ,Shailendra Katyal ,Srividhya Srinivasan ,Naveen Tewari ,Chetan Kasim ,Afser Shariff ,Manoj Chugh ,Ravi Bhushan Gupta ,Vindhyae Infomedia ,Abhay Bapna ,Chandrashekar Bharathi ,Shivakumar Ganesan ,Venkatraman Umakanth ,Kirti Varun Avasarala ,Adani Wilmar ,Satyavrat Mishra ,Dilip Jose ,Satish Kannan ,Madhusudann Kestur ,Amit Saluja ,Abhinav Lal ,Prashanth Guruswamy ,Exotel Techcom ,Dfine Bio ,Ruralshores Business Services ,Karnataka Inc ,Godrej Industries ,Lenovo ,Manipal Health Enterprises ,Inmobi Group ,Hyderabad Summit ,Managing Director ,Lenovo India ,Accelerate Business ,Chaitanya Ramalingegowda ,Varun Avasarala ,Chief Product Officer ,Rahul Sasi Co Founder ,Head Corporate ,Senior Director ,Dfine Bio Innovations ,Sandip Panda ,Small Sized Busines ,Mid Sized Busines ,Siddhartha Nihalani ,Practo Technologies ,Acemicromatic Mit ,Vice President ,Vee Technologies ,Jury Special ,New Delhi India ,Ebruary 28 Ani Mediawire The Hyderabad Summit Hosted Highlighted Rapidly Evolving Technology Scenario In India And Its Exponential Growth Potential For Small Medium Businesses From Highlighting Asa Great Leveller Companies To Decoding Technologies Needed Accelerate Business Growtha Special On Trends Space Of Innovation ,Uot Lenovo It4smb Summit ,N Association With The Economic Times Quot ,Xplored The Tech Landscape From Perspective Of Small And Medium Businesses Summit Was Recently Held In Bangalore ,Ftera Very Successful Launch In Hyderabad The Summit Started With Shailendra Katyal ,Enovo India Setting The Tone By Focusing On Non Linear Growth Potential Of Smbs Tapping Into Technology And Role Lenovo Can Play In This Transformation His Special Address ,R Katyal Highlighted That Quot Apart From Hardware Where We Are Global Leaders Lenovo Is Now Leading The Way In Business Solutions And Services Everything Pocket To Cloud What Offering Companies ,Articularly Smbs ,Hich Will Empower Them In Their Next Phase Of Growth Quot The Keynote Address By Naveen Tewari ,Founder Amp Ceo ,Nmobi Group Highlighted The Infinite Growth Prospects For Indian Economy And Opportunity Entrepreneurs To Emerge As Global Leaders If They Are Able Stay Ahead On Innovation Curve Quot We Live Ina World That Is Rapidly Changing With Major Technological Changes Happening Wherei See Software Built By Companies Dominating Landscapei Feel Don 39t Need Be At Backend Anymore ,Ut Should Be At The Forefront Of All Major Technological Changes If Indian Entrepreneurs Follow This Mantra ,Hen In The Next 10 15 Years ,I Think Thousands Of Globally Competitive Companies Will Be Based In India ,Uot Said Tewari The Summit Then Flowed Intoa Fire Side Chat On 39 Technology Asa Leveller Enterprise Versus Start Up ,Ollowed Bya Focused Panel Discussion On 39 Technologies To Accelerate Business Growth Technology Asa Leveller Enterprise Versus Start Up The Ability And Power Of Bridge Gap Scale Between Large Corporations Ups Is One Defining Aspects Need For Smbs Partner With Companies Future Strategy Issue Was Analysed By Prominent Panellists Representing Two Ends Spectrum ,Ith Dilip Jose ,Md Amp Ceo ,Anipal Health Enterprises Representing The View Of Large Corporations And Chaitanya Ramalingegowda ,O Founder Amp Director ,Akefit Providing The View Of Starts Up Mr Jose Stated ,Uot Large Companies Are Able To Assess The Transformation Due Technology Through Use Of Proxies One Such Proxy Is Average Length Stay At Manipal ,His Matrix Has Gone Down From Four Days 3 Years Back To 2 9 This Is Due Process Innovation And Successful Technological Applications Quot Meanwhile ,Amalingegowda Provided His Insights On The Importance Of Technology For Start Ups To Remain Competitive Ina Tough Business Environment Quot Are Agile And Respond Almost Real Time Evolving Market Dynamics Starts Rely Daily Consumer Interactions Build Their Businesses Where Customer Feedback Is Regularly Incorporated Into Models ,Uot Said Ramalingegowda 39 Technologies To Accelerate Business Growth The Panel Session Had Industry Stalwarts ,Ho Deliberated On How Business Growth Can Be Accelerated With The Help Of Technology Tools As World Becomes More Crowded And Competitive ,Mbs Require Tools That Empower Them To Innovate ,Ollaborate And Anticipate What 39s Next In Their Growth Trajectories This Was Clearly Highlighted The Discussion Quot With Help Of Technology ,E Were Able To Save At Least Two Thirds Of The Costs Our Clients Than What They Would Have Originally Spent This Is Due Role That Technology Plays In Running Business ,Uot Said Srividhya Srinivasan ,Co Founder ,Magi While Tech Budgets For Smbs Are Driven By Financial Constraints ,Hese Companies Make Tech Investments That Support Key Business Priorities ,Hich Includes Everything From Attracting New Customers ,Xpanding Supply Chains To Improving Employee Productivity And Checking Fraudulent Practices Quot One Of The Biggest Applications For Meesho Is Use Ai Personalisation Experience Our Customers It Through That Able Ensure Customer Preferences Are Factored In When They Come On Platform ,Ncreasing Engagement And Customer Spends The Other Key Usage Of Technology Is In Area Fraud Detention ,Uot Kirti Varun Avasarala ,Eesho Summing Up The Session ,Ahul Sasi Co Founder Amp Ceo Cloudsek ,Aid ,Uot Going Forward It Is Technology That Will Allow Smbs To Leapfrog One Of The Key Technologies Future Be 39 Prompt Engineering This Interact With Ai ,Dentifying Its Functionalities And Ensuring The Best Possible Outcome Prompt Engineering Will Be To Ensure Most Productive Of Ai Quot Summit ,Hich Had The Who 39s Of Karnataka Inc In Full Attendance ,Ulminated With The It4smb Awards Ceremony These Recognise Those Smbs In Karnataka That Have Demonstrated Exceptional Technology Excellence Awardees Are Companies Leading Way For Greater Tech Adoption Amongst Jury Comprised Of Satyavrat Mishra ,Ead Corporate It ,Enior Director And Head Nasscom ,Bhay Bapna Avp It ,Dani Wilmar And Manoj Chugh ,N It Veteran It4smb Awards Were Given To Ten Companies Across Six Different Categories Afser Shariff ,O Founder Amp Ceo Of Dfine Bio Innovations Was Judged As The Winner 39 Emerging Smb First Runner Up In Same Category Were Sandip Panda ,O Founder Amp Ceo And Prashanth Guruswamy ,O Founder Amp Head Of Sales Instasafe Technologies Chetan Kasim ,Co Founder Amp Ceo ,Alenta Ai Was Adjudged The Second Runner Up In 39 Emerging Smb Category Shivakumar Ganesan ,O Founder Amp Ceo Of Exotel Techcom Was Awarded The Winner In 39 Small Sized Business Category Satish Kannan And Enbasekar D ,O Founders And Ceo Of Medibuddy Were Adjudged As The Runner Up In Same Category 39 Mid Sized Business ,Bhinav Lal And Shashank Nd ,O Founders Of Practo Technologies Were Adjudged As The Winners In 39 Smb Leader Year Category ,Ounder And Md Madhusudann Kestur ,Irector Of Acemicromatic Mit Were Declared The Winner Colonel Ravi Bhushan Gupta ,Eo Of Ruralshores Business Services Was The Runner Up In Same Category Venkatraman Umakanth ,Ice President And Head Analytics Amp It Of Vee Technologies Was Judged As The 39 Smb Cto Cio Year Pavithra Ys ,Anaging Director Of Vindhyae Infomedia Was Givena 39 Jury Special Award This Story Has Been Provided By Mediawire Ani Will Not Be Responsible In Any Way For The Content Article ,

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