Lena Henke Discusses Distances and Desires
From fetishistic sculpture gardens in Italy to a giant breast in New York, the artist speaks with Carina Bukuts on what role gender and sex play in public art
Carina Bukuts With many galleries and museums closed due to the pandemic, public art has become more important than ever. How has the notion of public space changed for you over
the past year?
Lena Henke With private spaces feeling claustrophobic during lockdown, public spaces have had to step in to meet our needs. In these unprecedented times, however, we have had to redefine public space, rejecting the banal passivity of our former daily commutes and, instead, engaging with our surroundings more actively. Resourceful curators have been able to harness this renewed interest and enthusiasm for public spaces by organizing exhibitions that transform our perception of the everyday. ‘Werner Düttmann Building: Berlin’ – an exhibition of the architect’s postmodernist buildings in Berlin, organized by the Brücke Museum – is one shining example.