We are horrified and outraged at the ongoing moves to arrest parliamentarians -NMSJ
(Lanka-e-News -25.April.2021, 9.35PM) ''We are horrified and outraged at the ongoing moves to arrest a parliamentarian for exercising his parliamentary privilege of speaking on the floor of the House.'' The National Movement for a Social Justice has issued an important statement signed by its Secretary on the current dire situation. Full text as follows;
''Sri Lanka is at dire risk of a new wave of Covid-19 infections. Several professional organisations such as the Association of Public Health Inspectors have been warning us for weeks of this danger. Rather than heeding these warnings and taking necessary precautionary actions, the government spent the crucial days before the Sinhala and Tamil New Year trying to enact legislative manoeuvres that pose grave threats to our sovereignty, democracy and rule of law. Efforts to rush through the Port City Bill and to use a parliamentary resolution to subvert the judiciary are not the actions of a patriotic, disciplined or responsible government.