Leasinvest Real Estate has just concluded a new rental contract for 1,933 m
2 (entire 3
rd floor), with CHL – Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, current tenant of a floor since last year, in the building Mercator-High 5! located Route d'Arlon 110-112 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The rental contract has started on 1 June and will consequently contribute for 7 months to the rental income of the financial year 2021. The annual contractual rent amounts to € 0.5 million. Following this newly concluded rental contract, the occupancy rate of the building improves from 55% to 78%.
The building Mercator-High 5! has a total surface area of 8,641 m² of offices, spread across 5 floors, with 104 parking spaces, and benefits from an outstanding location in the capital of the Grand Duchy alongside the route d’Arlon, one of the main entry roads to Luxembourg City. The building, rebranded to High 5!, is currently being renovated in order to align it to the needs of a young and dynamic public. At present, the 2