Leadership comes in many forms
Durango, Colorado
62% chance of precipitation
Saturday, April 24, 2021 5:03 AM
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Jack Llewellyn
Challenging times call for creativity, and they certainly call for leadership. If nothing else, Durango and its residents are known for the adage, when times get tough, the tough get going.
Have we had some tough times? Oh, sorry, that’s an understatement.
I’d just like to take a little bit of ink and do some shoutouts to people who have made leadership a priority during this past year-plus.
Of course, we have our Durango Rocks coming to you virtually at 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, the chamber’s annual celebration of the best of the best. Order your complimentary tickets and the nominations are listed at www.durangobusiness.org. These community leaders and businesses have done their best to keep our economy going through the challenging 2020.