Apr 7, 2021 9:49 PM EDT
COLUMBIA, SC (WOLO) – State leaders have started responding to a lawmakers’s comments about why he voted against the hate crime bill moving its way through the South Carolina legislature.
The bill known as the Clementa Pinckney Bill passed its first reading in the House with a vote of 79-29 Wednesday afternoon but within hours controversy has spread across the state.
Post by Rep. Victor Dabney
Source: Facebook
Prior to Wednesday’s vote, Rep. Victor Dabney (R-Camden), posted on Facebook his reasons for voting no. Dabney writes, in part, “our entire way of life has been vilified by the left; it’s our whiteness and our “straightness” that keeps getting in the way.” He adds that he is told “we are the reason that blacks can’t seem to succeed in our society. We are the reason that black crime rates are ten times that of others. We are the reason that the black family unit has been destroyed and most young black children don’t have a father figure in the home.”