Julia Laughlin
Guest columnist
Everyone loves spring, especially gardeners, and there are many chores to do this time of year. Now would be a great time to pick up or download Oklahoma State University Extension Fact Sheets for specific “Oklahoma” research-based information to help you succeed in your lawn, garden and landscape.
Fact Sheets are available from your Oklahoma County Extension Service Office or at http://osufacts.okstate.edu.
One of the most popular and useful fact sheets available is No. 6408 “Landscape Maintenance Schedule.” which provides tips and the specific timing of year-round gardening and landscaping chores.
Most bedding plants, summer flowering bulbs and annual flower seeds can be planted after danger of frost. This generally happens about mid-April in Oklahoma. We need to remain watchful of the weather right now and avoid planting if we are going to have temperatures drop and cause a frost or freeze. I have seen it freeze in early May in Oklahoma City!