Latest Corona-related news in brief:
May 14, 2021
PRIME MINISTER ERNA SOLBERG defends her government’s decision to go along with health authorities’ advice and send more Corona vaccine to regions where infection is highest. It means other regions will get less, but Solberg insists that will benefit the entire country.
The reallocation announced Wednesday has sparked fury among some mayors of towns and cities that now will receive less vaccine. Mayors in Vestfold and Grenland, where infection suddenly has spiked, are mostly from the rival Labour Party but also include one from her own Conservative Party, which was gathering this weekend for its annual national meeting. “I think this is extremely unfortunate for the population in our area,” Sandefjord Mayor Bjørn Ole Gleditsch of the Conservatives told state broadcaster NRKon Thursday. “We have high infection levels, and have had over time.”