By News Editor And Partners
Dec 10, 2020
The Las Cruces Fire Department has received notification that it will maintain its Insurance Services Office Public Protection Classification 1 Rating for at least another four years.
On Thursday, Dec. 10, Las Cruces Fire learned that its ISO Public Protection Class 1 Rating would remain in effect for the City of Las Cruces. The City of Las Cruces first earned the recognition in 2015. The Class 1 rating places Las Cruces in the top 10 percent of more than 39,000 fire departments rated by ISO and allows for lower property insurance rates for home and business owners within city limits.
In December 2019, the ISO began its performance re-evaluation of the Las Cruces Fire Department, the Las Cruces Utilities and Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority. The evaluation examines several areas within each of the three categories. The fire department’s score is worth 50 percent of the total points. The City’s water supply accounts for 40 percent of the evaluation while MVRDA, the local emergency dispatch center, provides the remaining 10 percent of points available.