Lamar County 4-H held its end of year banquet on June 1 at the Lamar Electric Cooperative facility. 4-H members were recognized for their accomplishments and achievements throughout the 2020-2021 4-H year.
The awards banquet was conducted by the Lamar County 4-H Council officers, President Reese Bassano, Vice President Ethan Adams, 2nd Vice President Cadie Gray, 3rd Vice President Jaden Johnson, Secretary Aubree Phillips, Reporter Autumn Phillips and Parliamentarian Ty Shannon. 4- H members received a completion pin for their main project and project completion certificates.
Projects included this year were Educational Presentations, Food and Nutrition, Food Challenge, Fashion, Clothing and Textiles, Livestock, Shooting Sports, Wildlife and Fisheries Leadership and Community Service. In addition, 4-H members have an opportunity to apply for one of four other awards based on their age category. These awards allow them to highlight their experiences and successes throughout this 4-H year. These awards prioritize project completion, and the 4-H member needs to have contributed to their club and community in some way, usually through community service and or leadership.