Member of District Management Policy Committee
Member of District Equity Committee
What inspired you to run for school board and what do you hope to accomplish with a three-year term?
I am extremely grateful to the LCSD for the education my son received. He had a reading disability and started receiving special education services in second grade. The support we got from the teachers and administrators was amazing. With that support, he became an honors student, and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering. My gratitude to the district, my strong belief in public education, and my dedication to community service inspire me to work hard to ensure that the standards in Lakeland remain high, so that other families can have a similar experience. As an active member of the Audit and Budget committees, I believe my financial background will help ensure that Lakeland remains a financially healthy district, providing quality education to our students as well as extra-curricular enrichment in sports and the arts while minimizing the tax burden on our community.