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The twins from the shining. Buy them today while theres a full moooom tonight, dafter at the day care, plus stephen welcomes jake tapper shemar moore, and musical guest khalid. Featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause hey, whats going on welcome. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Youre very nice. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. cheers and applause welcome to the late show. Well, i dont know if youre paying attention, but internal strife is tearing the Republican Party apart at the seams. Its like a new civil war, only neither side is trying to help black people. laughter the latest shots from fort trumpter are against tennessee senator and man seeing his daughters neck tattoo for the first time, bob corker. Corker and trump have been fighting, head to head like two rams, for a while now. You might recall that corker called the white house an adult day care center. Okay, clever. Not entirely accurate. With trump, you also need a night shift. laughter all right. applause gets into things. Hes like a raccoon hes like a raccoon i dont know if raccoons do that, but im going to do that. So, i figured it was time to give them their own segment, on this show, when i wanted to call, cork a sock in it. But i have a team of talented comedy writers, and i knew we could do better than that. So we all gathered in a room, put on a pot of coffee, and brainstormed for hours. And now, late show viewers, i present to you our newest segment. Cork a sock in it cheers and applause turns out i get to do whatever i want. Its my show. The latest feud between these two started bright and early today when corker went on all the morning shows to criticize donald trump, and trump was watching, because he immediately tweeted bob corker, who helped president o give us the bad iran deal couldnt get elected dog catcher in tennessee, is now fighting tax cuts, dot, dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot, corker dropped out of the race in tenness when i refused to endorse him, and now is only negative on anything trump. Look at his record laughter applause really . Really . Tenness . laughter quick tip when youre ripping a politician it helps to spell the name of their state right. I dont like joe haunted manchin. He will never get reelected by the good people of west vagina. laughter applause doesnt have the same ring. Its not going to help. Jon you have to spell it right stephen almost heaven west vagina thats really hard to sing. 2 would have been a hit though. I bet that would have been a hit. We miss you. Now, some of what trump said about corker was not true. Specifically, all of it. And corker pointed that out same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. Alertthedaycarestaff. cheers and applause jon wow stephen yeah. Then trump immediately tweeted back, isnt it sad that lightweight senator bob corker, who couldnt get reelected in the great state of tennessee, will now fight tax cuts plus. What is tax cuts plus . That sounds like tax cuts for husky boys. Hell grow into it. Trump tweettinued, senator corker is the incompetent head of the Foreign Relations committee, and look how poorly the u. S. Has done. He doesnt have a clue as dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, the entire world was laughing and taking advantage of us. People like Liddle Bob Corker have set the u. S. Way back. Now we move forward yes, now america is moving forward, just like thelma and louise. cheers and applause yeah just holding hands, just holding hands. And, jim, can i see part of that tweet again. Liddle and then an apostrophe . Thats not how apostrophes work. Somethings got to be missing, other than brain cells. In fact. cheers and applause you cant use apost fees like heres my guess my guess is the president thinks apost fees is a great lakes philosopher. I love the works of apost fees. Hes better than parenthesis. I love playdoh. And a side of tzatziki. Absolutely. Now, trump came over for a lunch today he went over the senate today. He went over to the senate today. But corker didnt think much would get done. I do look at these things as more of a, you know, photo op. Theyre not really about substance. But, you know, more power to him. Stephen no, less power cheers and applause you already made him the most powerful man in the world because you helped get him elected but you know what, corker, even though he campaigned for trump. He might he might regret supporting trump. Lets find out. Do you regret supporting him in the election . Lets just put it this way i would not do that again. cheers and applause stephen he would not do it again. Lets just put it this way too late, senator. And corkers not alone. This afternoon we got some huge news from oneterm arizona senator and upright golden retriever, jeff flake. I am announcing today that my service in the senate will conclude at the end of my term in early january 2019. Mr. President , i rise today to say enough. I must say that we have fooled ourselves for long enough that a pivot to governing it right around the corner. A return to civility and stability right behind it. We know better than that. Mr. President , i will not be complicit or silent. Stephen no, i will be complicit and absent. Now, flake has been an outspoken critic of the president for a while, but today he really unloaded. Despotism loves a vacuum, and our allies are now looking elsewhere for leadership. Anger and resentment are not governing philosophy. Alliances are routinely threatened by the level of thought that goes into 140 characters. Stephen now, hold on. Youre acting like all donald trump does is go on twitter to threaten global stability. He also threatens football players. cheers and applause yes, i will stand up for this. Flake said that we dont just owe it to ourselves to oppose trump. We also owe it to our children. It is often said that children are watching. Well, they are. And what are we going to do about that . When the next generation asks us, why didnt you do something . Why didnt you speak up . What are we going to say . Stephen well, i think in the future, jeff flake will say, i waited until i was quitting my job to point out the boss was a lunatic. Now, sit down and eat your radioactive dog meat. Theyre listening. Theyre listening cheers and applause but senator flake sees a light at the end of the tunnel, not just for him, but for all of us. This spell will eventually break. That is my belief. We will return to ourselves once more, and i say, the sooner the better. Stephen oh, thats what this is. Were all under a spell. Its all detailed in the new book, harry potter and the halfwit prez. cheers and applause but erks pelo trumpum. First mccain, then corker, now flake. Why is it that republicans only speak up against donald trump when they know theyre not running for reelection . They finally grow a set, and then they say, im taking my balls and going home and. boom better. Speaking of overgrown children bill oreilly. It came out that oreilly settled a sixth Sexual Harassment claim, paying 32 million to a longtime fox news analyst for, among other things, allegedly sending her gay pornography. But because it was from bill oreilly, all of those gay porn stars said Merry Christmas before coming down your chimney. laughter now, this because theyre santa theyre santa applause thats what santa does. Now, this revelation likely means the end of bill oreillys tv career. And yesterday, bill told us exactly who he blames for all his bad decisions. You know, am i mad at god . Yeah, im mad at him. I wish i had more protection. I wish this stuff didnt happen. I cant explain it to you. Yeah, im mad at him. If i die tomorrow and i get an opportunity, ill say, whyd you guys work me over like that . Stephen coincidentally, whyd you guys work me over like that . Is testimony from many of the lawsuits against fox news. But could this be true . Is god really to blame for this whole scandal . Whoa, whoa, whoa, stephen. Come on dont drag me into this. Come on stephen god, is that you . No, its santa in a hospital gown. Yes, of course its god and i dont want my name associated with this bill oreilly business. Stephen why not . Well, im not proud of it, but i dont exactly have the best history with women. Stephen really . What do you mean, lord . Well, there was that incident with lots wife. I had to pay, like, 12 million to make that whole pillar of salt thing to go away. Stephen yeah, i guess your track records a little spotty. Got somebody pregnant, and then totally bailed. Kid shows up on my doorstep 33 years later. Turns out, nice guy stephen so, youre worried that all the attention on how powerful men treat women might come back to bite you . Exactly. But, look, im gonna change. Im going to pull a weinstein and spend one week in rehab to deal with all my problems. Step one is believing in a higher power, so i got that covered. laughter stephen but what about bill oreilly . Where you the one who, you know, came down on him . Oh, hes a real sick puppy. Did you know he sent me gay porn . And not even good stuff. You need a little story to get the motor running, you know . Stephen okay, but just between us, was the whole oreilly harassment thing your fault . Yes. Stephen what . Really . Yeah, i gave him that free will, and look what he did with it. Its like letting a toddler drive a car. Which ive also done. laughter it was my nephew. Stephen well, do you want to apologize . All right. Bill, i havent been there for you, and im sorry. Youve got enough problems in your life, what with looking like a pile of pancake batter poured over last years scarecrow. I mean, i know i made man in my image, but woof. laughter . Stephen lord, wait a second. Lord, are you just roasting bill oreilly . Oh, i wont be the one roasting him, stephen. Stephen god, everyone weve got a great show for you tonight. Jake tapper is here but when we come back, cnn defines what is truth. Stick around. Lips lose natural color over time. Lackluster lips . Dont think so. Chapstick total hydration moisture tint. Our 100 natural moisturizing formulas enhance your natural lip color. Chapstick. Put your lips first. Use pantene shampoo together with 3 minute miracle daily conditioner. Their prov formula is like a multivitamin. Making your hair 2x stronger see the difference when you add 3 minute miracle daily conditioner. My bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldnt spend time with my grandson. 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First of all, mr. President , the expression is sinking in, not sinking through. laughter you sink through things like quagmires or stormy seas or piles of poop, or other metaphors for your presidency. Trump has been attacking the press nonstop since the campaign, and cnns not taking it anymore. This week, cnn decided to stick it to the man with a new ad. Lets take a look. This is an apple. Some people might try to tell you that its a banana. They might scream banana, banana, banana over and over and over again. They might put banana in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a banana. But its not. This is an apple. cheers and applause stephen not bad. Not bad. Jon thats what im talkin about i like that. Stephen not bad, cnn. But where was that apple during benghazi . I personally think that ad is a little subtle, so we made a slightly more honest version. See if you can pick up on our message. This is an apple. Some people might try to tell you that its a banana. They might yell banana, banana, banana. Sarah Huckabee Sanders might get on tv and say banana fanna fo fanna, fee fi mo manna, banana even though your question was about tax returns. Theyll say the banana did a great job helping puerto rico. Youll say actually, most of the island is still lacking pow, and stand for the national bananthem theyll tell you to ignore the emails that show the bananas son took a meeting with a putinconnected russian lawyer after banana jr. Was explicitly promised dirt on hillary clinton, because the meeting was actually all about adoptions. Adoptions . Thats bananas. But this isnt a banana. Its an apple. A really stupid apple. Now, orange you ready to impeach cheers and applause stephen well be right back with jake tapper. avo if yourand youve triedlly pain any number of laxatives, probiotics, and fiber, it could be wearing on you. Tell your doctor what youve tried and how long youve been at it. Linzess works differently from laxatives. 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Sweeney repeatedly sided with Chris Christie to underfund south jersey schools, increase standardized testing like parcc, cut takehome pay for teachers, and broke his promise to fund the pensions of hundreds of thousands of new jerseyans all while padding his own. Steve sweeney says a lot of things. But the truth is, hes not on our side. band playing cheers and applause stephen welcome back to the late show, everybody. Ladies and gentlemen, my first guest tonight hosts the lead and state of the union on cnn. Please welcome jake tapper wow. Stephen jake. Good to see you. Thats nice. You get that every night, huh. Stephen yeah, yeah, yeah. Only when youre here. Its very quiet on my set. Stephen you need an audience. I will get an audience, just a hiss. Stephen jairk i have something for you. Whats that . Oh, man. Thats an apple cheers and applause thats an apple Stephen Corker said trump was debasing the office of the presidency. Flake today said, im out of here you know, this is heaven help us, where our country is going. Mccain is take shots at trump. But all of these guys are leaving. Is this an act of defiance or is this an act of surrender, in your opinion . Well, first of all, we should, to be fair, flake and mccain i dont think voted for trump, and they made their opposition to trump fairly clear last year. I mean not as vociferously as theyre making it today. But i think mccain sailed after the access Hollywood Video came out he wasnt going to vote for him, and i think flake did the same. I dont think its an act of surrender. I think the Steve Bannons and breitbarts of the world see that and say trump broke flake, and trump is breaking these people. In a way for trump, its good that theyre leaving. But i think were in a different period right now. I have been reading a lot about the 50s lately, and there was a period you know, joe mccarthy started in the late 40s. His crusade of indecency and smears andalize. And President Trump and joe mccarthy are very different historical figures but they are somewhat similar. They say history doesnt repeat itself but it rhymes. When you read about that era, joe mccarthy was doing indecent things and lying with republicans and democrats not saying anything. And there were people like senator Margaret Chase smith of maine other ands who stood on the senate floor and condemned it, but mostly people were quiet. And history looks back at that time and says, boy, what a bunch of wusses. They were wrong. And i think when senator jeff flake today said that, you know, theres going to be a reckoning. People are going to look back at this era and say what were you doing with all its not mccarthyism, but its Something Else all this indecency and all these lies . What did do you during that time . Its something i think about all time as an interviewer and as a broadcaster. Its important you know, there arent two sides when it comes to the truth. Theres one side, the truth. And then theres applause stephen so so you had flake on today, right . Yup. Stephen did he tell you why hes leaving, why hes not staying to fight . I asked him that very question, and he said that because he thought this fever that the Republican Party is in is going to be isnt going to be over next year. In other words, he didnt think he was going to win unless he ran the kind of campaign he wouldnt be proud of, an ugly, dirty, nasty campaign, a campaign that he would have to cozy up to President Trump in a way that wouldnt make him comfortable but that is a message of despair. Thats saying that truth cant wen. Yeah, thats right. The truth cant win a republican primary in arizona. laughter applause is what hes saying. Stephen oh, okay. Okay. Still, not that still not that hopeful. So do you think theres any chance that hes pug out so he can prepare to run for president or something, to challenge did you talk about that . Yeah, i did ask him about that, and he said he gave my favorite answer, thats a long way off. Thats a long way offment. No its not, not really. Stephen donald trump is raising money. I mean, i can tell you im not going to run for president in 2020 but he wouldnt say no. Stephen but the door is open. The door is closed. Stephen nobody said anything about you running for president until you brought it up right now, and now its out there, jake. You have to admit, its out there now on a National Program that talks about politics a lot. That came out. I i didnt have to pry that out of you, jake. Stephen stephen jake, you know what that is . Thats an apple, jake. Dont banana, me, naik. Dont you banana me. I have no plans to eat that apglel okay, okay. Currently. laughter applause sighs so does your mccarthy metaphor have any hope to it . Well, ultimately, mccarthy imploded. Ultimately stephen well, ultimately somebody stood up to him at last and said, at lolong last, sena, have you no shame . Trump has no shame. We know the answer to that. You cant shame him to some bad position. He will continue without thought, to lie to maintain his power and position. How do you think he gets taken out . I havent flipped ahead. I dont know how it ends. Stephen really . I want to get the teachers edition that has all the answers in the back. I dont know how it all ends. And, also, one of the other questions is when you have mccain and flake and corker, also, there are other people who have been critical Susan Collins of maine, ben sass of nebraska has been critical. Does that mean there will be a big rush of republicans to come out and say what they really think and condement fact that we are get ago we are being treated as a nation to more lies and indecency on a daily basis from this white house than we are used to . I mean, and i always say i never bet on courage in washington, d. C. And i never bet on politicians being candid and saying what they really think. Stephen on camera. Right. But, but but who knows . I mean stephen do you ever hear things backstage . Do you hear things off camera that are are the things that you would like to be abe to tell us that senator or congressmen or memberring of the administration have said to you that are off the record and you say, oh, lord. I wish they would say that out loud . Yes, but i will tell you this and this wont come to any surprise to you or your viewers or your audience, but there are people, republicans on capitol hill and in the administration who feel as though this situation is what it is. Its not going to change any time soon, so the best they can do is try to steer it in the right direction. And, you know, i think thats one of the reasons why you have people in the Administration Like james mattis as secretary of defense, or h. R. Mcmaster, the National Security adviser, et cetera. Bob corker basically said he had been trying to do that as the chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee, as somebody who was pro trump during the campaign, but hes finally just giving up. He cant be the ballast in the ship anymore. That its, you know, rocking too much and who knows where its headed . But there are people in the administration who feel like i mean, everybody sees whats going on. I mean, but, some people feel, okay, but this is what we need to do. And hes the president , and we need to steer the ship in the right direction. Stephen bill oreilly took a poke at you a couple ofidize ago. And you responded with lightning speed. You tweeted he tweeted this at at you within 10 which, by the way, fact check, our ratings are fine. He just wanted to take a shot at me because i had been mentioning him as a sexual predator on air when we were covering the Harvey Weinstein scandal applause also pointing out that this is this weinstein is not the only one, that oreilly and ailes were horrific sexual predators at fox. Stephen within 10 minutes you tweeted back cheers and applause are. Well stephen i dont even know what to ask about this. I just wanted to share with everybody that you are a very mean person, jake tapper. You know, im a journalist, so i like to explain things, and i felt he was using the word low incorrectly. laughter stephen yeah, thats true. applause thats true. You know, ratings go up and ratings go down, but thats low. laughter stephen well, jake, thank you so much for being here. Its always usually a its a more hopeful conversation the two of us have. I really enjoyed having you here. Do you feel worse, though . Stephen a little worse, a little worse. But, you know, thats actually my job. Im not supposed to make you feel better. Im supposed to tell you whats actually going on. I had someone in the same seat saying i cant give you hope. A. O. L. A journalist. Thats not my job. I cant sugar coat it. Its an apple. Stephen i want a carmel apple you can see jake weekdays on the lead and sunday mornings on state of the union, both on cnn. Jake tapper, everybody well be right back with shemar moore. Crohns disease. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. 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Stephen, of course, you can. A couple things. Stephen youre my guest. Jake tapper, you, cnn, i just i tip my cap because you guys tell the truth. You tell it your way. You say what you think. applause outside of outside of arsenio hall, who is a buddy of mine, thats the only latenight talk show i have ever done in my 24year career. Me being on this she my mother has a crush on you. applause daytime talk shows, i guess they want to keep you sober and all that stuff. Youve got wine and cheese. Youve got beer. Youve got cool gift s. Stephen very nice of you. I just want to say to my mom and you. Mom, your baby made it im here cheers and applause stephen say hi to mom. Well, listen, 21 of your 23 years as an actor. Yeah. Stephen on cbs. Yeah. Stephen where do you have your cbs eye tattoo. It must be some place private, because i have seen most of your naked bodo cbs. Oh, no. Oh, no. Stephen you are a man oh, no stephen you are a man who does not mind taking his shirt off frequently. cheers and applause not only that, youre on youre on the cover of watch. Do you do you wherever it is you live, do they not have air conditioning there . Why are your shirts flamath . Why do your shirts just fly off your body so easily . My you know, ill tell you the truth. I was raised overseas. I was raised this is true. Okay, let me stephen where overseas . Let me just be honest i get half buckey naked for my baby girls. Thats what i do. I get halfbuckey okay. Let me tell you a true story. I was born in the united states. I was born in oakland. I i lived in denmark for three years. I lived in bahrain. Traveled to ghana, londona, pakistan, the virgin islands, greece. I have pictures of me on camels. I only remember one word of danish. My mother speak speaks it fluen. Because it was europe, we used to go to the beaches, nudity up top, ladies, whatever it was a little freer. So i was this little baby running around buckey naiky all the time. Free at last. Free at last. Here i come, people. So then i came to stephen youre not a baby anymore. They introduced me to a bathe suit and, i dont know, i was six years old and my mother put it on. And i was like, get this off me. Get this off me. And now im 47 and i guess its stuck. I dont know. Stephen you are known this is actually this is actually i cant believe somebody actually purchased this. This is can we get a really close shot of this . This is an iphone case. How many how many crunches do you do a day, shemar moore . I do about 500 situps a day, five days a week. Stephen okay, youre 47, man. Im 47. Stephen when are you going to pull it back from an eightpack to a sixpack. Heres the deal. Im 47 years old, but the character i play on s. W. A. T. , is 35. I have to paint some grays and hold my breath a lot more than i use told hold my breath. I want to see if i can get to 60 with somewhat of a three, fourpack, whatever. But finally, once s. W. A. T. Is a huge hit and you get tired of s. W. A. T. , im going to exile exail and let me minikeg happen. Look, look, look. There you go. Now, hold on. This is 47. When they say action at work say action. Audience action there it is. cheers and applause now, my publicist is going to kill me for doing that. Stephen ready, ready . Here we go. Here we go. cheers and applause this is 53. This is 53. This is 53. Say action. Audience action cheers and applause all right . Far fewer crunches. Mine is much easier to get. You said baby girl nation. Baby girl nation. Stephen what is baby girl nation . I talk to my fans on social media and call them homeys, fans, and baby girls. And the baby girlses are no joke. Its a legion of women so supportive of my career for years. Stephen and theyre ago with you calling them baby girls. And women, dont call me what you called your last girlfriend. I dont want to hear that. All that stuff. And when i got on social media i was like, hey, baby girl. And i was afraid to say it. And they said, call me baby girl. Whats up, baby girl. Its your birthday. And it became a thing. And they were like, oh, my god, he called me baby girl. I didnt coin the term baby girl nation. The fans took it upon themselves. Stephen have you tried the baby girl on other famous people . Baby girl is like what you say to a fan, does baby girl work against when my momma always say on your diggity. She knows im having fun with my fans. If this is real life if i dont know you, or a woman im interested in stephen have you been turned down brutally . Oh, my god yes, i have. Yes, i have. And im actually im actually really proud of it because its the best way to get turned down. I swear to god, this happened to me. Once upon a time many years ago i was hosting a dance show called soul train. I met this beautiful woman on stage. She was doing her thing. Her name is alicia keys. Hold on. This is before swiss beats. This is a long time ago, like 20something years ago. So shes on stage doing her thing. The beautiful eyes, the cornrows, shes playing that piano and im in my dressing room like, wow, shes bad. I interviewed her that day. Fast forward three months. Shes having a listing party. I go to it. And my boy is like go talk to her. Youre shemar moore. Go talk to her. I go talk to her and say, hey, aleash aits really nice to meet you. I dont know what your man situation is like, but the next time youre in l. A. If you want to get a drink and go to dinner. And she looks at me, and i swear on everything im made is a truistic she looks dead in my face and goes, look here, son hold on, hold on. I respect your flirt game, but my man situation is handled and she walked away. cheers and applause stephen gotta watch out for the baby girls. S. W. A. T. Premieres next thursday at 10 00 on cbs. 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But most of all, hes a fighter. Chris brown has never been afraid to take on the big fights. Thats why he stood up to republicans and democrats alike to fight the north jersey casinos and the takeover of atlantic city. Chris brown is fighting to protect jobs in our region. A true champion for the working men and women of atlantic county. On november 7th, lets keep him fighting for us. Chris brown for state senate, hes on our side. Debut album, american teen, was just certified platinum. Here performing his single, young, dumb broke, ladies and gentlemen, khalid so youre still thinking of me just like i know you should i can not give you everything, you know i wish i could im so high at the moment im so caught up in this yeah, were just young, dumb and broke but we still got love to give while were young dumb young, young dumb and broke young dumb young, young dumb and broke young dumb young, young dumb and broke Young Dumb Broke High School Kids Young Dumb Broke High School Kids we have so much in common we argue all the time you always say im wrong im pretty sure im right whats fun about commitment . When we have our life to live yeah, were just young dumb and broke but we still got love to give while were young dumb young, young dumb and broke young dumb young, young dumb and broke young dumb young, young dumb and broke Young Dumb Broke High School Kids Young Dumb Broke High School Kids jump and we think, leave it all in the game of love love run into sin, do it all in the name of fun fun whoaoaoa im so high at the moment im so caught up in this yeah, were just young, dumb and broke but we still got love to give while were young dumb young, young dumb and broke young dumb young, young dumb and broke young dumb young, young dumb and broke Young Dumb Broke High School Kids yadadadadadadada Young Dumb Broke High School Kids yadadadadadadada Young Dumb Broke High School Kids cheers and applause stephen khalid, everybody well be right back. Cbs presented by target. Urban agriculture and Community Greening are helping cities become more sustainable for the future. And thats why target has partnered with the nonprofit greensgrow in philadelphia. The novel idea was. Can we put a farm in the heart of the city and really put food directly accessible to the people that were eating it. I think its very important for us to come outside of target and really be inside of peoples communities, as well. Cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. Stephen thats it for the late show. Tune in tomorrow when my guests will be hugh laurie, gretchen carlson, and a performance by adam savage and michael stevens. Now, stick around for james corden and his guests, cedric the entertainer and usain bolt. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry bout where it is you come from itll be all right its the late, late show announcer ladies and gentlemen, all the way from easter island, give it up for your host the one,

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