Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 7 20171001

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Island is now making as recovery effort, continues. And this is a live look outside, and, check out how the mercury, and, and warm it will feel. Today is sunday october 1st, good morning everyone im jan carabao, a lot of news, is in the weather heres meteorologist Matt Peterson, with the weather, grab jackets, hoodies and everything, a lot of chilly. All of the above. All of the layers, this morning because it is a cool start to the day, it is cooler then what we had yesterday morning which was coldest temperatures in the month of september, we got down to 53 degrees yesterday morning and we are already below that here in philadelphia and lots of surrounding areas, it is a chilly, chilly start to the month of october, here in philadelphia, outside right now it is a wonderful scene, clear skies, and leave us with a wonderful view, from atop Eyewitness News here. Temperature are definitely cooler then they have been, 49 t temperature out there, northerly breeze at 8 miles an hour, and, it is actually registering we will call it a quote unquote wind chill here, it is 45, what it feels like with that 8mile an her breeze , 49 feels like 45 here on october 1st, so look at the rest of these temperatures across the Delaware Valley, 34 , Lehigh Valley seeing temperatures in the lower 40s and i want to you do it in philly and head back down shore points it is warmer where we are in the high 40 range but overall no matter where you are, grab the jackets you will need it, compared this to 24 hours ago we are 10 to almost 15 degrees colder then we were at this time yesterday. 9 degrees colder in philadelphia 14 degrees cold inner reading and wildwood coming in at 12 degrees colder here this morning as compared to yesterday. So for today and tomorrow were going in with a 69 degrees for our High Temperature today, sun filled skies. We will start off work week with a high of 74. So as you can see we are warmer tomorrow then today and that warming trend will continue, as we go through the week ahead we will tell you about it in the little bit. Thanks, matt. Breaking news this morning o. J. Simpson is now walking the streets as a freeman, Eyewitness News reporter anita oh is live in the news sent they are morning with the latest on simpsons release and a lot of people are waking up to this news today as a surprise. Simpson was released in the middle of the night. Reporter nevada prison spokesmen had previously said simpson could be released as early as tomorrow but correctional facility posted shortly after midnight on facebook he had been released in an effort to ensure Public Safety and reduce potential for instance dents. With that another chapter is closed in the case widely publicized as the trial of the century. At 12 08 sunday morning o. J. Simpson walked ought of the Lovelock Correctional Center a freeman after serving nine years for botched Armed Robbery at a vegas hotel. I do vote to grant parole and that will concludes this hearing. Thank you. Reporter nevada parole commissioners granted former nfl star parole from july after he convinced them he is in the a threat to society. Im no danger to pull a gun on anybody. I never have in my life. Reporter board says it did not take in account simpsons acquittal in 1995 in the murders of his exwife Nicole Brown Simpson and his friend ron goldman both were found stabbed outside her condo. He was later ordered to pay 33. 5 milliondollar to the Goldman Family in a wrongful death civil suit. Bad people have committed crimes blank in jail. Reporter goldmans father who refused to say simpsons name says it is only a matter of time before the 70 yearold is back in trouble. He is simply the killer that is his name. Simpsons trial of course was lengthy and became a media spectacle. Experts say it is in the surprising he continues to make headlines more than 20 years after his initial arrest heres how some people on social media are reacting to the breaking news of simpsons release. Dean mcmackin says finally o. J. Simpson is released innocent. While Noel E Cahill said o. J. Simpson should still be rot nothing jail way in on facebook and twitter by using the cbs3. For now live, im anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. We will check back with you later today. Recovery continues in puerto rico, power is still out and water scars for many island 3 million people, and meanwhile President Trump says he plans to travel to the island on tuesday. Correspondent brooks silvabraga reports his visit will come a few days after harshly criticizing san juans mayor. We are dying here. Reporter in a desperate call for aid friday mayor of the san juan said bureaucracy and inefficiency were costing lives in hurricane battered puerto rico. Im asking the president of the United States to make sure somebody is in charge that that is up to the task of saving lives. Reporter President Trump responded saturday by tweeting images of supplies being delivered, by the air force coastguard, and fema, and by criticizing mayor cruz, writing such poor leadership ability by the mayor of san juan and others in puerto rico whether or not able to get their workers to help. The president accused the mayor of attacking his administration as a request of democrats. Actually i was asking for help i was than the saying anything nasty about the president. We need help. We dont need money we need help. Reporter help has been stalled by blocked road, for every need now there is a line , the line for water, the line for fuel, the line for a working atm. But puerto ricos governor emphasized progress and cooperation on saturday. We still need to do more and we still do more for people of the puerto rico and were working tirelessly to do that but we need resources. We are getting them. You see them here. Reporter President Trump says governor is a partner in the recovery effort despite Fake News Media in conjunction with the democrats he tweeted an amazing job is being done in puerto rico. Brooks silvabraga for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Back here at home now a man is caught on camera taking pictures up a with mans skirt in Gloucester County and police fear he may be a repeat offender. Eyewitness News Reporter Henry Rossoff has shocking video from turnersville. That is crazy. Reporter turnersville shop pers were stunned when we showed them video of the man blatantly stalking and taking a pictures of the woman inside a store around 5 00 tuesday evening. That is scary, spooky, yes, you dont want to go around and have somebody following you like that, definitely not. You can see the woman hears the camera click and confronts the creep. He walks away like nothing ever happened. He tells me did this before at other locations so we want to get a hold of him. Reporter Washington Township Police Lieutenant kennett kennedy hopes that by releasing the video it will help not only track down the suspect but warn woman in the area to mind their surroundings. That is something we have found already top of mine for female shoppers tonight. I think woman in general have to be cautious, careful every where we go because we are very vulnerable in certain situations. Im very aware of my surroundings and i care about everybody. Basically you have to know, you have to have street smart, common sense, maybe walk with somebody. Reporter local police also plan on holding selfdefense and awareness classes for women boat teens and adults. When we have more information we will pass ate long n Washington Township henry ross off for cbs3 Eyewitness News. A frightening jog for one woman in New Castle County police are searching for a man looks like this, they say, they grabbed a woman while she was running. The attack happened yesterday morning on sky line drive near the old, three little bakers golf course in pike creek, Officials Say that the man jumped from behind a bush to grab a 42 yearold woman but fortunately she was not hurt. We are learning more about a shooting that critically injured a man in olde city. Police say this shooting happened yesterday morning on the 300 block of north water street, victim was shot in the neck as he sat inside his car but we now know it was mans girlfriend who found him she told police that he came home late, and then left the house a second time and when he didnt come back she went looking for him. Police are searching for a suspect and motive for the shooting. A man is dead after falling off a cliff at the park in abington. The 67 yearold man fell from a 50foot rock cliff near main entrance on morton road. It overlooks penny pack police creek. The mans body was found in the creek yesterday morning. That mans name has not yet been released. Abington police are trying to figure out what cause that had man to fall. Well, still ahead on cbs3 Eyewitness News this sunday morning childrens happies hosting a party to day, the very special celebration chop is having for people with down syndrome and hear families during its annual chop buddy walk and family fun day. And meet gary, isnt he cute . He is one of the many cats having a hard time getting a adopted if you can believe that but now he has found a home with the Beer Store Owner , how garys paying him back by saving money for his business. We will explain. After this is all with worryfree ownership. Colors in your neighborhood. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Shift your thinking about buying your next one. Welcome back this morning were remembering monte hall the co creator and hoe of the game show lets make a deal. He died yesterday. Hall became sick after a heart attack this summer after the death of his wife, his daughter calls him the greatest father on the planet. He is known as a philanthropist and his family says hall raised almost a billion dollars for charity his way of paying it forward after a stranger paid for his college tuition, hall is 96 years old. Back in our area right now Childrens Hospital of philadelphia is putting on a celebration today, it is for people with down syndrome and their families. It is 16th annual chop buddy walk and family fun day, the video of last years event, now day includes face painting, balloon animals and appearanc ings by local mass kits and benefit the down syndrome program and national down syndrome society. Event is happening from 10 00 a. M. To 1 00 p. M. At villanova universitys stadium matt, question is how many layers do these folks need as they take that walk. At least two. You need at lee a tshirt and sweat shirt maybe on top. This is why you are here to prepare these people. You know, that is why we get paid big bucks, we have to be talking about how warm and how cold it is out there. I suggest you take the sweat shirt or jacket with you this morning if you aring to the buddy walk or outside just wanting to get out and enjoy maybe the start of october, our sunday morning, get out and enjoy but then, take that jacket with you. This is our september temperature map, we will start out on the cooler side of the things. You can see cooler then average from the first all the way through the 11th. Now, it came in a couple degrees above average there but in the middle of the month we saw that warming trend, we ended up with some 90s there. We got up to 92 on the 24th of september, so it was a warm middle, of the month and then we had a couple cool days to end things out. What does this all mean for us temperature wise through last month . We ended up 2 degrees above normal, when it was all said and done, for september, so overall it really wasnt all that much warmer then what we typically had, it just happens that the end of the in was so much warmer so it gives us a feeling, that september was way above average, although it really wasnt. Neighborhood Network Shows you palmyra cove nature park where it is 49 degrees across the river but look at clear skies, you can see the city sky line there. It is a wonderful, wonderful afternoon. So lets plan out your sunday. Here early on you are having that coffee maybe have it outside we bring out sweat shirt, sit outside, sunny skies, 54 degrees for your morning coffee. Going to brunch 63 around that lunchtime, time frame. As we get out and about we will peak with temperatures in the 60s and then as we move into that dinner time, time frame clear skies, continue, temperatures fall from the, kind of upper, 60s for many of us down in the mid 60 range , close tore what we had yesterday but that went be until about dinner time. Maybe your plans take you outside, maybe check out fall foliage, of course we are into that time of the year. Our average peak for the folks in the poconos heading up there to maybe do a little bit of sight seeing about midoctober so while the leaves have started to change, once we get into another couple weeks that is when colors peak in the poconos, and then here closer to home they will peak toward end of the month. Again while were starting to see those colors change they will be very nice in the next week or so. Temperatures here this morning we will sit in the 40s pretty much every where except for wildwood where we are at 50 and mount pocono where we are at 34, again we will sit at 49 , right now here in philadelphia with the 48 toward wilmington. Some cloud cover off to the far west, another area, of lower pressure trying to come together through northern plains, but High Pressure right now is in control across the current set up picture here in the midatlantic and clearing things out from maine through the ohio river valley and then includes us here in philadelphia. What does this mean for next couple of days, well, sunshine today, we will get to 69 degrees this afternoon. We are slightly warmer then what we haddon saturday but we will get a little bit average, maybe a little bit above normal start at 74 with sunshine, continues on tuesday , were up to 75. Late day shower on thursday we will get up to 81, jan and then back down in the 70s as we head into friday and this coming weekend. Lots of sun, i like it. It is now 7 17. Time to see how traffic is moving along out there with Amanda Mueller in the cbs3 Traffic Center, good morning. Good morning, active morning on the roadway so far. This is a live look at an accident on the blue route north bound off ramp to pennsylvania turnpike. It appears to be involving a semi truck just about in the middle of your screen there, but the entire ramp here is closed right now, in new jersey we have an accident on the 42 freeway northbound at College Drive and black horse pike, right now it doesnt look like too much of the problem but be aware that is there if you will be in the area finally near horsham we have some sort offer hazard on the roadway, at south york road no word on exactly what that might be but doesnt look like it is causing any delays but just use caution. In the Traffic Center im Amanda Mueller now back to you well, they are saving thousands of dollars for businesses all across philadelphia and they are saving their own lives in the process. Eyewitness News Reporter Henry Rossoff got an inside look at a unique program that is putting rescue cats to work inside bell a vista beer distributor, ask anyone stocking shelves. Always on time. And they will tell but their favorite coworker. He is gary. Reporter even the boss jordan admits. My number one employee. Reporter high praise for a cat. The boxes got gary when they noticed a mouse problem earlier this year. We were looking at a hundred dollars a week and goods having been thrown away due to damage products from mouse. Reporter and add to that few hundred dollars more each month for a exterminate or. It was becoming cost prohibitive to have results not working. Reporter as soon as gary reported. The results were day and night. There were no damaged goods, there was nothing that was being trampled on, there was no mouse dropping at all, whatsoever. Reporter cats like gary are not just solving a major problem in warehouses around the city they are saving their own lives. Philadelphia animal care and control houses hundreds of found or surrendered cats. Youre doing good, yeah. Reporter most are cute, cuddly and most importantly adoptable. But the few cats kept in this back corner are not. For one reason or another they tend to dislike humans or cant figure out how to live in a home. Since this facility have limited room and is required to take in all animals. If we cannot adopt out these cats our only other option before this program was putting down. Reporter program amy is talking about gives them a Second Chance at life by putting the cats to work outside of the traditional home. At first they were adopted out to owners of farms, barns to root out rodent. Animal control has had success with placement in inner city factories and warehouse facilities like bell a vista. Working cat program has had a very positive effect on our statistics in terms of the euthanasia for cats. Reporter although most remain independent, some like gary become social in their new setting. This one is now letting people pet and hold him. Good boy. Reporter one of the many reasons garys boss highly recommends hiring a working cat to fellow Business Owners dealing with their own mouse problems. Event dont hesitate, do it. They make perfect employees n south philadelphia Henry Rossoff for cbs3 Eyewitness News. See i need to put my cat to work, gary has put riley be shame. Be ready im coming home i have some work for you. Is there nothing unusual about handing out Business Card but glenside woman has received all sorts of the reaction to hers, but from tears of gratitude to a thank you drawing from an artist, coming up, meet one woman who is distributing Business Card with a very special, and personal message and see what inspires her to do it, we will be right in november a Montgomery County woman is holding a marathon there is no running required but just a stack of card and a smile. Eyewitness news anchor Ukee Washington shows us in this story of brotherly love. I went along to see how one little card with two short word could lift so many spirits. I have a Important Message for both of you. Cheryl rice is hand delivering her message in Rittenhouse Square giving strangers little card with only two word you matter. The message is a pure, simple and powerful, and as possible. We want to tell but a very special message. Reporter i joined her and saw immediate results. Society as a whole has become i, i, i. Exactly. So it was really nice. It is funny you came here because i just who my mom in october so it is coming up on a year. Reporter one artist used it as a canvas to draw us a thank you. Cheryl said a few years ago a friend gave her a you matter card. It stuck with her. Then cheryl overheard a woman telling a cashier she was struggling to pay bills. I gave her a you matter card. She started to cry. She asked for a hug. We hugged. Then i went back to my car and i started to cry. Reporter now cheryl prints , distributes card from her home in glenside so other people can spread the love. In november shes holding the you matter marathon. The you matter marathon is an opportunity for people to give out, one you matter card a day during the month of november. Reporter sign up and cheryl will send you 30 card free, last year she estimates that half million card were handed out by over 14,000 people in all 50 states, and 59 countries. The goal, to give out 1 million card during the month of november. It was meant. You need a hug girl. Cheryl thinks the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection is up to the challenge to hug each other right back. Ukee washington for cbs3 Eyewitness News. They will says you can leave card behind for strangers to find and find out more about you matter marathon head over to cbs philly. Com brotherly. Coming upright here on cbs3 Eyewitness News this sunday morning the recovery continues, today in puerto rico, Eyewitness News report s leash a nieves takes us to the island still struggling after hurricane maria, plus, see the emotional moment when she was finally re united with her great grandmother really touching, you dont want to miss it, matt. We are starting off month of october below normal but temperatures are going to be on the right through the workweek. We will give you a look at your seven day for today is sunday october 1st, good morning everyone im jan carabao, lets start with meteorologist Matt Peterson live on the sky deck with eyewitness wet they are morning and matt, a shock to my system as i stepped outside the door this morning. Woke me right up. I stepped outside and it was feeling dairy say cold . You know, dont need to turn heat on in your house or your apartment or anything like that but it is definitely a little bit cooler then it has been recently here. We are looking at temperatures in some places north of the city in the 30s but it will not stay this cold all day long. The sunnies shining and it will be warmer this afternoon compared to where we were yesterday. Now yesterday we were in the mid 60s. We didnt have a lot of sunshine but we could get near 70 in a few spots with a lot of sunshine for us and temperatures will steadily rise, that looks like to be the forecast as we get into monday and then into the workweek and rest of the workweek as well. Storm scan three early on our sunday morning quiet, clear, there are a few light returns off the new jersey coastline about an hour or so, those have fade add way, that is good news. The winds are on the calmer side, but we are in the five to 10mile an hour range from philly back down toward the shore n general it is a calm day temperatures for us, sitting at 49 in philadelphia, 48 atlantic city. Fortynine millville. Fortynine allentown. Poconos it is 34. Hour by hour forecast we will get to 69 degrees this afternoon with lots of sunshine and i will talk about the rising temperatures in just a little bit. Sounds good, thanks, matt. Breaking news this morning , o. J. Simpson walks free, Eyewitness News reporter anita oh is live from the cbs3 news center this morning. A lot of people are waking up to this news today. Simpsons release overnight caught many people off guard. Reporter his release did not have the frenzy that surrounded his lengthy criminal trial dub the trial of the century and that may have been the intent. Although initially spokesmen indicated that simpson may be released tomorrow, in order to quote prevent the possibility of an incident they quietly let him go overnight. 12 08 sunday morning o. J. Simpson walk out of the love lock Correctional Center in nevada a freeman after serving nine years of the 30 year sentence for botched Armed Robbery at a las vegas hotel. I do vote to grant parole when eligible and that will conclude this hearing. Thank you. Reporter that was the former nfl stars reaction in july after being granted parole when he convinced nevada parole commissioner he was in the a threat to society im no danger to pull a gun on anybody. I never have in my life. Reporter in 1994 simpson had been arrested and charge in the murders of his exwife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend ron goldman, after a lengthy, highly publicized trial a jury acquitted him. However he was later found liable in a wrongful death civil suit and ordered to pay 33. 5 million to the Goldman Family. Bad people who have committed crimes belong in jail. He is simply the killer. That is his name. Reporter why is simpson still making headlines more than 20 years after his first arrest . Cbs news special correspondent james brown explains. This situation is drama ongoing saga if you will has all of the elements that really fascinate people. It has got race, it has got sex, it has got wealth. Reporter so where is he helpedded . Simpson had been living in florida before serving his sentence and his attorney has said there is no doubt he will return thereafter his release but the state attorney general there says that he is not welcomed there live this morning, anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News anita, thank you. Now to the latest on the crisis in puerto rico. President trump and san juans mayor share fighting word over Recovery Efforts 11 days after maria hit the u. S. Territory. Mayor cruz criticized the federal response yesterday, the president , then fired back on twitter, and called her a poor leader. Meantime there are signs of recovery there, according to puerto ricos governor more than 50 percent of gas operators are up and running as well as most hospitals, however, millions are still without power and running low on food and water. Eyewitness News Reporter alycia nieves is on the ground in puerto rico reporting from san juan after working to get her own family further inland, alycia shared some emotional moments as she reconnected with her great grandmother. Puerto rico is an island devastated and nearly decimated after maria hit it nearly two weeks ago. Millions of u. S. Citizens have been here without power, water and communication ever since. We came here to try to go through parts that were hardest hit and reconnect some on the island with their loved won back in the greater philadelphia area. We have done that and continue that mission again today, except this time, it was personal. My photographer and i headed to find out my nine fiveyear old great grandmother salvador a. Twentyfive minutes to our drive, we have not had much of i problem getting there but closer we will get im nerve fuss all of the road where my family lives will be opened and we will be able to get through. Reporter normally 45 minute drive as fast as two hours, road where is not blocked but street signs were all knocked down. We had to stop three times for directions and even called my family in new york on a Satellite Phone to get help. I worried that this wasnt going to happen. But one left turn after that call and we were in front of her home. With food and some supplies in hand, i rushed to her. I felt like i could hardly breathe with one hug and her smile the stress that i had been carrying for weeks went away. Once she told me that she was okay i wanted her to tell my family that herself. We had to go outside for the Satellite Phone to work and for the first time in 11 daisy could help my grandmother. She heard her mothers voice. For five minutes she stayed strong, kept a smile on her face reassuring us that through god shes safe. I didnt to have ask migrate grandmother salvadora how much that call meant we could tell by her face. I spent a total of an hour with her. She told me how in the century that she has lived on this island she has weathered storms but nothing like hurricane maria. Still she wont let the storm run her away from the island that she calls home. Before we had to go i took this photo with her to remember and forever cherish this opportunity, to be able to do my job here and still make sure my family is okay. In puerto rico alycia nieves for cbs3 Eyewitness News. So touching. Members of the philadelphia orchestra, bringing the sound of music to those without sight, take a listen. They are so expressive, engaged with the music and so free with that that it helps us feel that way as well performing. The special meeting, this performance has for both the special meeting, this performance has for both listeners and fran grenier. New jersey born and raised. Like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. Came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. As a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. Thats why hell fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. If we want to change trenton, theres only one way. Fran grenier. Your internet deserves the 100 fiberoptic network. With fios gigabit connection, you get our Fastest Internet ever with download speeds up to 940 megs. Thats 20x faster than most people have. Switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for the first year. Plus, your choice of hbo or multiroom dvr Service Included for 2 years, all with a two year agreement. And get out of your contract with up to a 500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. Get the 100 fiberoptic network. Go to fiosgigabit. Com Health Reporter Stephanie Stahl checked in on one of the performances. Reporter sound of music rang out at Overbrook School for the blind with five musicians from the world famous philadelphia orchestra. They were amazing. Sixteen yearold gabby, lost vision in one eye because of a brain tumor. I cannot see but it is even more special in a way because they are so a tuned to our sounds. I love this. Reporter orchestras here initiative promotes health and championing Music Education with broad access to performances. Music in the life of an individual, who is blind or visually impaired takes on i think special meaning and purpose. Violin is the smallest of the string family. Reporter in addition to playing musicians get to have a special interaction with the audience. We play the violin putting it under our necks and we play witt something called the bow which is a wooden stick were four hair is attached to it. That is what we use to draw sound. Reporter musical selection touched on a childhood favor. Twinkle twinkle reporter filling gaps, and this person who wants to be a musician was thrilled to be able to sing along with the acclaimed choir. I never heard music like that in my life. Reporter music can make magical moments, launch dreams and bring people together. It business believing in ourselves and making special what is unique in each of us. Applause. Reporter series of concerts will end with the first ever sensory friendly concert, for children and adults hoff sensitivities, in addition to cognitive and learning differences. Im Stephanie Stahl for cbs3 Eyewitness News. A lot of Outdoor Activities happening today how sit looking for everyone outside this morning. You need your sweat shirt here this sunday morning. It is call, calm and clear, it is your prototypical fall morning across the philadelphia area and across the Delaware Valley here early in the day. It will get warmer this afternoon but still it is a cool morning for us. Our eyewitness weather watchers are up and at it, lots of great pictures from you guys from yesterday and now into this morning as well. We will start with phil, a great picture of the moon now from saturday evening. This is from 8 30 last night but a great, great picture there. He was up here earlier this morning as well not a cloud in the sky where he is in philadelphia early on, in the day, and then down the shore, this is a picture from yesterday, afternoon from james down by ocean city and a few cloud where you see sunshine break go through as well. Overall a pretty good saturday for us, no matter where you were. Here this morning heres what our temperatures looked like they are ranging from the 30s to some areas in the 40s. Lets get to the cooler spots here, early on 37 degrees in gilbertsville this early sunday morning. Eileen says she has sunshine to go with that 37 degrees. It is chilly. Shes calling it refreshing. Cooler temperatures tend to be refreshing. I dont know if 37 degrees on october 1st is all that refreshing. Lets see it 39 here this morning at phils house. Hes got that sunshine to go with that cooler temperatures and we will head down to the shore, i necessity i talk about james but he has warmer temperatures from our weather watchers this morning in ocean city, he is at 52 and he is saying that the ocean is 20 degrees warmer then the air and it is, just about 20 degrees warmer. We are at 69, 70 degrees for that water temperature right now. 39 degrees is our morning temperature up in kutztown. It is a wonderful scene on our Neighborhood Network camera here in the Kutztown Area Middle School early on this sunday morning right around 7 45 here. Here in the Lehigh Valley take sweat shirt, jacket, the coat with you stepping outside early this morning or if you are like to have your coffee outside and sit outside on the back pad ohio and enjoy this wonderful, wonderful sunrise, sweat shirt, maybe take a blanket outside, keep yourself warm, i would go with the nice warm cup of coffee to warm you up this sunday morning. It is first day of october. Lets look at what happened through the month of september we had a couple degrees above average on september, just about 2. 3 degrees above normal precipitation right on par for where we should be we had. 800 more than average, but right where we should have been. 92 degrees was warmest temperature we had, and it happened on the 24th and coolest temperatures, 53 degrees, that was our low yesterday morning we waited all the way to the even of the month to get that coolest temperature. Rest of the area here we talk about our weather watchers but again, looking at the same range from the poconos back down toward the shore, that 30 to 50 range. Millville is at 48. I am a fan, i already said this of the cooler temperatures but in the a fan of when we have to deal with frost and freeze advisories, in the beginning of october. Now we dont have them here from central back into southeastern pennsylvania but neighbors north and northern western parts of the state as well lighter colors that is our frost advisory freeze warning for, areas like mckeen county here early in the day. Storm scan three not too much going on High Pressure in control for the most part around toronto, canada at this point and cleared us out from maine, down to the carolinas, out in the ohio river valley not too much to talk about. That is good news, for us, clear skies, throughout the afternoon. We see a couple cloud along the shore points here through the early afternoon hours, overall it looks like it should still be sunny no matter where you are in the viewing area as we go into this evening it is still looking nice, tomorrow morning , no weatherrelated problems at this point for our drive to work monday morning, clear skies, it will be cool though tomorrow morning not just quite as cold as today. Last phillies game of the season 3 00 seer he five this afternoon. We are playing mets. Hopefully we can pull out the season victory. 69 degrees. It feels like october baseball because it is october baseball unfortunately phillies only get one game this year. Seventyfour after a high of 69. That is our high tomorrow. Sunshine on tuesday and wednesday too. We have a High Pressure really clinging to the area all the way through middle of the week we will see chance for late day shower as a system pull ness on thursday and we will get to 81 degrees there, jan and 70es again for the end of the week. So do you love being a, do you love weather and love watching the weather . You can be featured like we just did bee becoming an eyewitness weather watchers. Sign up at cbs philly. Com watchers. Thank very much. 7 46. Time to check road and highways. Lets get over to Amanda Mueller in the cbs3 Traffic Center. Good morning, a manned. Lots going on the roadways so far. Busy morning. Live look at accident on the blue route northbound off ramp to 276 pennsylvania turnpike. It appears to involve a semi truck you can see in the middle of your screen right here. Unfortunately the entire ramp is closed. We are dealing with weekend construction on the schuylkill expressway as crews continue their milling and paving project, road dunn to one lane in both directions between turnpike toll plaza and blue route. If you have been traveling that road it can be bumpy ride so just use caution there. Finally we have got construction on the ben franklin bridge, on the westbound side of the toll plaza, you cannot quite see that there, we are taking a live look at the bridge, two lanes block at the plaza so just be ready to navigate as you head over the bridge but construction aside you still got a beautiful view of the city this morning. In the cbs3 Traffic Center im Amanda Mueller so jan, back to you. So much sun, thanks, amanda. Eagles are playing Los Angeles Chargers today and the stadium where they are playing could impact the game, leslie van arsdal explains in eyewitness sports. Reporter eagles are out west to play chargers this afternoon, it is first time bird have played in los angeles in 27 years. Charge are moved to l. A. After playing 66 years in san diego. While they wait for their new stadium to be built they are playing at stub hub center, a soccer stadium that holds just 28,000 fans. To put tonight perspective the link holds almost 07,000. So not your usual nfl stadium. Smaller crowd, smaller venue, not what the actual normal is for a typical game day. You know youre looking at 27, 28,000 people. It is a smaller venue. It feels a little bit shore of that intimate feeling. Whether we are playing in the parking lot or playing in the link, were ready to go where ever that is. We will get you ready for the game at 11 30 on chevy sunday kick off join sports director don bell, pat gallen and yours truly to break down the contest at 11 30 right here on cbs3. 2017 phillies season comes to an end this afternoon at the bank, nick paveta on the mound for phillies. This is also final game for phillies manager Pete Mackanin will be a special assistant to gm matt klentak. Last night Phillies Mets went into extra innings. Check out fanatic doing what he does so well, working on his dance moves, and, no score in the second Miguel Franco with the fly ball to cut through the wind and just to the left for team leading 23rd home run of the year. Phillies take the lead seventh inning phillies have four three rhys hoskins comes through a single to left, Caesar Hernandez scores and film is are able to tie the game, to the 11th, two on for odubel cabrera, facing adam morgan. He leaves the yard a three run home run. Mets 23rd home run at the bank this season. They beat the phillies seven four. We have a programming reminder you can listen to the bird and chargers a the 4 00 on sports radio 94 wip and phillies season finally will be on wpht at 3 00 oclock. That is all for sports im leslie van arsdal have a great day. And still to come, the cbs3 pet project, animal advocate Carroll Erickson and very special guest will introduce us this weeks a didntable pet we will be right wand we may not knows much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. We also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Cigna. Together, all the way. I played a doctor on tv, but now im helping save lives for real. Im partnering with Cigna Healthspring to remind everyone how important Preventive Care is to people my age. So go, know, and take control of your health. Cigna healthspring. Together, all the way. Thanks for joining to us day. Thanks for having me. Im on the word there. Shes an unbelievable, addition to the pennsylvania spca. Im not kidding. You have a business background you know finance. That is key, but also you have a huge heart for animals and you have done so much since you started over a year ago. Thanks, carroll. It is a joy. Very grateful to be there. Best job i could have. I think this dog we have here right now, julianne jan, kind of speaks to everything the pennsylvania spca is doing right now. She does. Shes so sweet, a browny, four or fiveyear old labrador Chocolate Lab and she was rescued from a illegal breeding operation. They pled guilty. We seized 27 animals from this breeder over the course of the pennsylvania few months, 14 of them came in the other night with browny. They are from Lancaster County. People may say pennsylvania spca they are on erie avenue how could Lancaster County play in to it. But tell them. We have Law Enforcement office their cover 23 counties in the state including lancaster but recently we took over the shelter in lancaster when previous occupy lancaster spca shut down. Mayors office called and we could help and we have been there for about a month. So now we have a facility in lancaster. Lancaster county is a hot bed of puppy mills, illegal breeders this dog and others came from an illegal breeder, but youre there, pennsylvania spca in Lancaster County as well as philadelphia, to stop that. That is right, and our officers, they are on the ground, raiding these illegal breeders and with the new legislation that was passed in pennsylvania, that strengthens the cruelty laws we have some meat behind some of when our officers go in, we can actually have charges more than just a traffic ticket which was was happening in the past. What was her life like, or has it been like. Well, her owners pled guilty to cruelty, neglect lack of shelter, lack of veterinary care. She probably has had a lot of litters. Shell be spade, and she will be available for adoption. Shes so loving, sweet and so she will find a home very quickly aim sure. Yes, she will be available for adoption. You also got a number of other dogs, that came out of that similar situation. We did, there were bulldogs , bishons mixes, whole variety of animals, 27. Does that impact the population of animals at pennsylvania spca in philadelphia when these cute dogs, these desirable dogs, come in, does that impact their getting out. Well, it does. You know we have a variety of animals, they are all wonderful. You think people think they are coming in for browny and then they fall in love with a different one. We have so many different animals. Our shelter hospital took care of these animals that come from our cruelty cases so they get complete medical checkup. Great, and stopping a pipeline of the puppies inn that sort of things and strengthening cruelty laws at pennsylvania spca big in getting that done. Great. We have other animals. You probably recognize these, dont you . This is wonderful cat, winnie. My gosh winnie is a little Domestic Short Hair so adorable. Really loving. Yes, darling. And then how about. This one. White, fluffy, very, very sweet. Yes. A licensing hair cat, very playful. Then we have, hussein bolt. No. This hussein bolt. Yes. In the very fast. Trying. I could, could out run that dog. This doggies wonderful, and loves to run as well. A back rub as well. Unbelievable things spca is doing. Julie, the ceo bringing in all of this and now Lancaster County, it is part of this whole system, it will really make an impact for animals. Great time for animals in pennsylvania. We are hopeful we will make a huge impact. People need to donate because obviously there is no real funding. We are all privately funded donate and donate your time as well by volunteering. We could not do it without our volunteers. To adopt any pet visit p spca erie avenue headquarters at 350 erie avenue saturday and sunday 10 to five, machine through friday, one to 8 00. Julie, browny available for adoption this week. Thanks, appreciate it. We will be right back. More breaking news on cbs3, this morning, Canadian Police are investigating what they are calling an act of terrorism, and Police Officer was stabbed last night by a man who had crashed his car into a Police Barricade outside a sports stadium there and then police say four pedestrians were injured by a fleeing truck. It is believed at this time that these two incidents are related. Based on evidence at the scene , and, the actions of the suspect at 12 38 a. M. Today, it is determined that these incidents are being investigated as acts of terrorism. Now police say there was an isis flag found in one of the vehicles, stay with cbs3 and cbs philly. Com for very late owns this now breaking news story. Well to day is sunday october 1st, good morning everyone im jan carabao, a lot of news to cover today including o. J. Simpson a freeman this morning but first we will turn to the weather

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