Tonight, stephen welcomes anthony scaramucci. Bob odenkirk. And musical guest Liam Gallagher. Featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause band playing stephen how are you cheers and applause hey, whats up . Good to see you. Good to see you. cheers and applause band playing thank you, joe thank you so much lewis please, have a seat. Youre too kind. Thanks so much. Thank you very much. Please, sit down. Thanks so much. Welcome to the late show, everybody. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. piano riff and it is, its good to be with you. Thank you so much for being here. Boy, what a terrible weekend. Yeah, White Supremacists from around the country carrying shields, clubs, body armor, and automatic weaponry descended on charlottesville, virginia, a beautiful, a Great American town, to hold a rally they called, unite the right. The rally was a clear attempt to spark violence, and it did. One of these White Supremacists drove a car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing one young woman, heather heyer, and injuring 19 more. In addition, two Virginia State troopers, h. Jay cullen and berke bates, who were monitoring the rally from the air, were killed when their helicopter crashed. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. And it is difficult to express how heartbreaking it is to see Something Like this happening in our country. But heres one thing thats not difficult to express nazis are bad. cheers and applause the k. K. K. . Im not a fan cheers and applause that wasnt hard. Jon not that hard, no. Stephen that was easy. I enjoyed saying it. laughter but on saturday, when the nation looked to our president to rebuke these hate groups, what he said was this we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides, on many sides. Stephen many sides . audience reacts mr. President , mr. President , this is terrorism, not your order at k. F. C. laughter id like the tenpiece bucket with potato wedges, fries, mashed you know what . Many sides. Many sides. Coleslaw. cheers and applause piano riff how can you possibly say you condemn this in the strongest possible terms, when you dont even name the groups responsible or say what they did . I strongly condemn youknow who, about youknowwhat, and, you know what . Arent we all nazis, if you think about it . laughter ive seen angrier yelp reviews and they werent afraid to use the word nazi when describing how long their jalapeno poppers took. Heres the problem. This is the nut of whats most disturbing about this, is that the president came out after a tragedy and, after he made his statement, reasonable people could not tell if he was condemning the nazis. And its not like trump is a shrinking violet. Hes known for criticizing things. If only the president was as mad about neonazis murdering people in the streets as hes been about hillary clinton, the new york times, cnn, joe scarborough, kristen stewart, the cast of hamilton, diet coke, nordstroms not selling his daughters clothes, arnold schwarzenegger, mayor of london sadiq khan, me, the state of new hampshire, gold star families, Penn Jillettes las vegas show, the movie django unchained, meryl streep, and lady ghostbusters. laughter cheers and applause i dont understand. I just dont understand and, while he wouldnt name the perpetrators, trump was very quick to say whos not to blame. Its been going on for a long time in our country. Not donald trump, not barack obama. Its been going on for a long, long time. Stephen yeah, obama and i both share some responsibility here. I mean, i embraced altright racists, obama was black. We both contributed to the problem in our own way. Well, after the president blew the easiest condemnation of all time, trump took criticism from many sides, many sides. laughter and applause but piano riff many sides, i, i cheers and applause but he did get praise from one group neonazis. One prominent white power website wrote, trump comments were good. He didnt attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. He said that we need to study why people are so angry and implied that there was hate on both sides he said he loves us all. Careful, guys. He says he loves you now, but one day, hes going to leave you for younger nazis. But cheers and applause piano riff thank you, jon. Thank you. Jon what goes around stephen of course, nazis arent the only ones praising donald trump. So was the klan. Like former k. K. K. Grand wizard and current taxidermy lizard, david duke. laughter seen here being racially superior. laughter duke. Jon laughs stephen thank you, jon. cheers and applause duke. Duke. David duke was at charlottesvilles hatea palooza, and he said this we are determined to take our country back. Were going to fulfill the promises of donald trump. Thats what we believed in, and thats why we voted for donald trump. Stephen oh, so the klan voted for donald trump. Oh, thats right, i remember they wore those special make America Great again hats. laughter cheers and applause hat fans i think were applauding for hats. I certainly hope were applauding for hats. laughter now, faced with this absolute p. R. Clustermunch, on sunday, the white house released this the president said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry and hatred and, of course, that includes White Supremacists, k. K. K. , neonazi, and all extremist groups. Okay, good. Finally, someone willing to stand up. Only, we dont know who that person was, because it was an unidentified white house spokesperson. laughter why why why unidentified . Look, of course, we dont support the nazis or the k. K. K. Youre not going to use my name, are you . laughter i could get in trouble. laughter now, heres the thing. Some people didnt need their antinazi statements explained later, like the mayor of charlottesville, who called the rally a cowardly parade of hatred, bigotry, racism, and intolerance. Which, coincidentally, was also the theme of Steve Bannons senior prom. laughter cheers and applause under the sea. Under the sea. Jon under the sea. cheers and applause piano riff stephen also, you might recall that on friday, the White Supremacists held a torch wielding march, only they were holding tiki torches. How lame. Thats like villagers coming after frankenstein holding scented candles. Ugh, no ahh, sandalwood vanilla bad laughter and, heres the deal. The company that makes tiki torches released a statement saying, tiki brand is not associated in any way with the events that took place in charlottesville, and are deeply saddened and disappointed. Our products are designed to enhance backyard gatherings and to help family and friends connect with each other at home in their yard. cheers and applause yes, give it up give it up i got to say, its pretty troubling when a backyard decoration comes out swinging stronger against nazis than the president of the united states. cheers and applause piano riff your move, lawn flamingos. laughter so, faced with getting morally dunked on by pretty much everybody, today, the president dug a trench, lowered the bar into it, and then slithered over it, somehow finding the courage to read a statement clearly written by somebody else racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. Including the k. K. K. , neonazis, White Supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. Stephen was that so hard . Why did that take two days . Sir, how do you feel about nazis . Give me 48 hours to get back to you. laughter and trump tried to heal a news cycle by reminding us what we all have in common. We all salute the same great flag. Stephen no, we dont. laughter i have seen their flags. They cant even agree on which one theyre going to salute. laughter cheers and applause okay . Dont mix us up. piano riff cheers and applause now, he didnt answer any questions there, but later, he was pressed on the issue by Cnns Jim Acosta stephen sir audience reacts sir, you see how fast you condemned cnn, right off the top of your head with no script . Next time, like that, but with nazis. cheers and applause and thats simple. He can do it. Hes very good at it. cheers and applause and heres another thing and heres another thing, and i dont know where im finding the courage to say. And heres another thing i dont like about nazis. A lot of these nazis showed up to the rally wearing their uniform of khakis and white polo shirts. Because nothing strikes more fear in the hearts of your enemies than cosplaying as the assistant manager of a pool supply company. laughter look, look, nazis, you dont get turn khakis and white polo shirts into the official uniform of racism. Whats going to happen to guys who actually dress like that . People like me, and jake from state farm . laughter do i have to throw out all my polo shirts now . Well, two can play at that game. If you get to ruin khakis and polo shirts, i say red baseball caps mean youre an bleep . cheers and applause weve got a great show for you tonight. Later on, ill sit down with the mooch stick around sfx tmobile mnemonic sfx netflix mnemonic sfx tmobile mnemonic sfx netflix mnemonic sfx tmobile mnemonic sfx netflix mnemonic tmobiles unlimited now includes netflix on us. Thats right, netflix on us. Get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. Taxes and fees included. And now, netflix included. So go ahead, binge on us. Another reason why tmobile is americas best unlimited network. Being the incredibly busy man that i am, ive asked chase sapphire reserve cardmembers to scout the world to find my next vacation. Elton, what are you up to . Im having breakfast in uganda. Uganda be kidding me, elton its a. Its a joke. James, were going to look for gorillas hang on, what . Thats a real silverback gorilla. Look at it no, dont look at it. Shhhhh stay. Okay. Im freaking out sapphire reserve, from chase. Make more of whats yours. Take the zantac it challenge pill works fast . Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. 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Yeah, im like, already a stalker. I took a list of all your comedy writers, my kill list. Theyre all in the back, i wrote them all down. Stephen uhhuh. So youre comedically threatening to kill people who work for me . No, im kidding, im kidding. Stephen just curious. Im not allowed to joke anymore, ive learned that. laughter laughter and applause stephen listen, i just want to start by saying hold on, hold on, this conversation is off the record. Stephen no, no, no, no, no. No, you dont get to stop my show. I stop my show. Now cheers and applause heres the thing, i want you to know i want you to know, just for the record this is on the record, this is being recorded right now. Thank you. Stephen thats a microphone youre wearing right now, so. Okay. I said no gotcha questions, i promised you no gotcha questions, but im going to lead with one. Go ahead. laughter wont be the first one. Stephen nazis, good or bad . Super bad. Stephen super bad. We know that, super bad. Stephen super bad. Why do you think the president of the united states, who you called the most media savvy person of our times, would shank a softball like that so hard . Yep, okay. Stephen when he should have just come out there and condemned the people who were there to start violence . Well, i think theres a couple of issues there. He said the all sides thing. I said, yes, you should stephen many sides, many sides. Many sides, he should have been way harsher on that. I said that. Stephen harsher on that how . Well, he should have condemned White Supremacism and neonazis. Stephen why do you think he didnt do that . Who stopped him from doing that . Well, i think, at the end of the day, its the president himself. And so, im not going to blame or point fingers at anybody, but i think he knows that. And i think thats why stephen why not the president . Why not blame or point fingers at the president . Okay, okay, so, okay stephen if hes responsible. cheers and applause no, but youre asking about someone else hold on a second. Youre asking about someone else in the administration, so. Stephen okay. But i think listen, it was late. Im not going to say it wasnt. But he did go to the white house today and he did make a statement which, you just said, it was very declarative against it. Stephen the president had prepared remarks on saturday. Yep. Stephen and prepared remarks today. Today, he stuck to the script. Saturday, he went offscript with his many sides, many sides. That was an adlib in the moment. Which one of them do you think he meant . The one that was written down, or the one he just comes up in the moment . You guys have been super rough on me, and super rough on him, but he is a compassionate person. I know him as a compassionate person. audience boos thats my opinion. You can stephen no, no, thats okay. Dont boo him for being the messenger. But, in what way is he a compassionate person . What is the evidence of that . Well, i mean, listen, i mean, its a super tough job. He made a step to give up which was a luxurious lifestyle, and you dropped stephen who cares . Really . Were supposed to feel bad for a guy because he gave up his billion dollar lifestyle to be the most powerful person in the world . I dont understand. But, by the way, that was touch and go, though. cheers and applause that was touch and go. Stephen what do you mean . What was touch and go . cheers and applause well, i think when he started his campaign, i think it was unclear whether he was going to win or not. I mean, at the end of the day, it was touch and go. Stephen thats for everybody. Everybody is unclear whether theyre going to win or not. I understand that. But, stephen, its a huge sacrifice to do this stuff. You may not agree with me on that, but stephen oh, it is a huge sacrifice i think it is. Stephen but one of the things you dont get to do is complain about it. Oh, but i havent heard him complain about it. Has he . cheers and applause stephen he has. He said, its a very hard job. He said, like, i could have had my previous lifestyle. But thats him wearing his heart on his sleeve, though, thats him expressing himself. I mean, thats his i think, you know, president obama, Michelle Obama also expressed that, you know, its a fish bowl, its a difficult job. Stephen sure. I think president bush said the same thing. Its not like, its not like its not a difficult job. Stephen sure. Lets get back why do you think being the Communications Director is a difficult job. laughter stephen why do you think lets get back my original question, and then well move on. But my original question was, why do you think youre a guy who said that he, you know, hits freethrows, like, with a top coat, and hits these putts. Ive seen him doing that, yeah. Stephen saying that, you know, condemning White Supremacists and neonazis is a oneinch putt. Why do you think he choked . Again, i think theres a its almost like a counterintuitive thing with him as it relates to the media. The media is expecting him to do something, he sometimes does the exact opposite. Which he stephen what, just to thumb his nose at them . Which he thinks stephen wait a second. Youre saying that he does some of that some of that stephen to do the opposite of what was expected of him . But some of that worked during the campaign. Because stephen but the campaigns over. Now hes the president. I understand that, but hes also out there, going out to see his base, hes flown to west virginia, youngstown, ohio and other places. Stephen but his base isnt nazis. Are youre saying his base is nazis . No, no, of course not. Stephen im not saying that either, but lets be fair to him. Today, though, he did condemn the nazis today. Stephen two days later does he order his spine on amazon prime . Why did it take so long . cheers and applause piano riff thats a good one. cheers and applause thats a good line, and i said yesterday that he should have been tougher on it. You know, the problem is, im probably the only person that would come from the trump administration, or formerly from the trump administration, and sit here. Stephen im grateful youre here. So, i dont know if he will come and sit here and answer that question for you, but only he really can answer that question. I said yesterday, and i maintain, that hes got to be tougher on that stuff if he wants his legislative agenda to pass. He has got to move in a more moderate direction, he has got to appeal to more people that are independents and moderates, that possibly voted for him, to help him ascend to the presidency. Stephen whats it like inside the white house . Because small. Stephen small . I have been in the building. laughter what i mean is, what is it like . From the outside, it looks like a dumpster fire. laughter what is it like you also get you have rumors of infighting the oval office is beautiful. Stephen you have rumors of infighting and there is chaos in there. What was it like for the ten days you were in there . Did you get a sense of the chaos . Well, listen, i mean, its a tough place. There was a lot of infighting. You know, the frontstabber was backstabbed, i think you said that two weeks ago. I have a tendency to be very open and very honest with people. What ends up happening there, though, is people dont do that. What they do is, they go behind each others backs and they leak things to the press and they say nasty things about each other to try to destabilize them or to influence the president s judgment of them. And so, at least, whatever you think about me, i was pretty open about how i felt about people, and, i would tell you laughter i was very open. Stephen very open. And i would tell you that the way a good culture works, ive run two reasonably successful organizations, you have to have some level of esprit de corps, and it didnt start that way. Stephen whats going on in this photo right here . Thats a great photo, right . Thats a great photo. Stephen this is you over here, holding your thumbs in your belt like a gunslinger, and this is reince priebus. Yeah. Stephen what is going on . Were you brought in just to get rid of him . I dont want to say it stephen and sean spicer . I dont want to say it that way. I would say stephen was it part of your job . I would say stephen would you say say it like the mooch say it like the mooch. Well, there was no so audience chants mooch all right, so stephen give me some mooch. Give me some mooch here. So the mooch of long island would say theres no love lost there, obviously. Look at the picture, okay . Theres no love lost there, obviously. Stephen exactly. And so, that was caught by a wall street journal photographer, before the president did a which was a great interview with the wall street journal. The weird thing about my relationship with reince is, we were pretty good friends when i was a political donor writing checks to the r. N. C. But once i became part of the administration, or was about to enter the administration, for whatever reason, it was a little more adversarial. Stephen now, you thought he was one of the leakers. I did. Stephen okay. Hes gone, right . Whos leaking now . Is it steve bannon . Well, ive said that. I mean stephen say it now. Say it to these people. Listen, i have been pretty open about that. Let me, let me explain to you stephen is steve bannon a leaker . Okay, look, i said he was. And i obviously got caught on tape saying he was, so i have no problem saying that. But, but stephen is he going to be gone in a week . Thats up to the president. But let me expl stephen but what do think . What does the mooch think . Well, if it was up to me, he would be gone. But its not up to me. Stephen you said that hes trying to suck his own bleep , okay . cheers and applause are you allowed to say that . Stephen yeah, its cool. They said it was cool. They said i could say it tonight. Are you saying okay, all right. Mom, mom, im sorry i said that. Stephen no, its okay. No, well mom, mom. It got picked up on a recording line, sorry about that. Stephen i said sock. I said sock. Thats whats behind the bleep. Although he did autograph one of those cartoons for you, so im bringing that home. Go ahead. Stephen heres the deal. Are you telling us that you never even tried . laughter cheers and applause well stephen because, as an adult male eddie Murphy Stephen because, as an adult male hold on a sec. Stephen it does not pass the smell test. Hold on a second. laughter and applause eddie murphy said if he could do that, he would never leave the house. You remember when he said that . No, im not capable of doing it, lets just put it that way. Stephen okay, im not saying capable no one said he succeeded. Come on no, hes not probably capable of doing it either. Maybe hes doing hot yoga in there or something, i dont know. laughter stephen yes. Well, weve got to take a little bit of a break. Well be right back with more anthony scaramucci. Stick around. Coney island has been around for a long, long time. Reminds me of how geico has been saving people money for over 75 years. Hey, big guy come on in let me guess your weight win a prize sure, why not. 12 ounces sorry, mate. Four ounces. 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Stephen are there elements of White Supremacy within the white house right now . No. Stephen is steve bannon a white supremacist . Again, i dont think hes a white supremacist, although ive never asked him if hes a white supremacist. What i dont like, though, is the toleration of it. Its something that should be completely and totally intolerated. cheers and applause stephen okay. So for me, you have to understand, most people in this audience and perhaps your family and definitely my family, have experienced some level of discrimination. And so i find it disgusting and reprehensible, and i will renounce it every living day of my life. Stephen do you feel burned by your experience at the white house . You were there for ten days. No, no, no. Stephen . You were extremely loyal to the president , even to this point, after you were shown the door, as it were. Do you feel burned or backstabbed . Not at all. Stephen really . Well, let me put it this way. When you take a job like that, stephen, you know your Expiration Date was coming. I didnt think i was going to last too long, but i thought i would last longer than a carton of milk. I just didnt last that long. Stephen you were like, you were like a bag of raw shrimp. You bought your eggs and you were cooking them the day i got fired, it was totally fine, right . laughter my point is, is that you take that job recognizing that youre serving at the behest and the duty of the president of the united states, and if he doesnt want you there anymore, then youve got to respectfully leave and youve got to leave with honor. I made a lot of mistakes. Ive tried to own up to those mistakes. Let me tell you something, okay . You know this, okay. You just feel it from me, im an honest person. I told people stephen wait a second. Dont use me as a character witness for you. I dont know. I wont use you. Stephen i only met you, like, five minutes ago. What are you talking about . Yeah, the mooch ill sign a loan for him what are you talking about . Im always good on loans. Im like the lannisters that way. Im arya stark with the comedy writers. Im like the lannisters otherwise. Stephen the mooch always pays his debt. Is that what youre saying . I try to be laughter people that know me, know that im a straightup person. Stephen what would you do differently if you could go back . Ive really thought about that, and i would say absolutely nothing. And im going to tell you why. Because what you dont want to do is, you dont want to morph yourself or change yourself. You just want to be yourself, and if the good lord put you in a direction or a stream where its going the right way, great things will happen. And if it doesnt happen, im totally okay with it, im totally cool with it. I mean, this guy has been hitting me for three straight weeks, and im sitting here, right . So its fine. Stephen yeah. At the end of the day, youve got to accept what your fate is, and youve got to do it without any bitterness and youve got to stay humble. Stephen well, thank you for being here. Its a great honor. Stephen would you recommend to other exmembers of the trump administration, to come on the show . Was it a nice enough experience for you . I think it would be great. I recommend the president come. cheers and applause stephen i understand you have something for me. Yes, so, i got, i got gifts for stephen, okay . And this is. The cheers and applause stephen can we get a shot of this . Let the man explain. piano riff cheers and applause hold on. Listen stephen let the man explain. After he hit me so hard for three weeks, he thought i was going to stab him with that, thats why its in the case, the hermetically sealed case, okay . Stephen yeah, its lovely. Anthony scaramucci, everybody well be right back with bob odenkirk stick around cheers and applause band playing next time, i want you on my bowling team. [ laughs ] rodney. Bowling. Classic. Can i help you . Its me. Jamie. Im not good with names. Celeste i trained you. We share a locker. Moose man yo. He gets two name your price tools. He gets two . I literally coined the phrase, we give you Coverage Options based on your budget. Thats me. Jamie yeah. Youre back from italy. [ both smooch ] ciao bella. [ both smooch ] remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. The new moto z with motomods. Get a moto z play for only 10 a month. No tradein required. Hey. What can you tell me about your new Social Security alerts . 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Saul goodman, who, you know, you obviously played for many years. Yes. Stephen fasttalking hes a hustler. Yes, he is. Hes the opposite of me. Somebody once asked me, would, if i saw saul goodman in a room, would i want to hang out with him . And i said, no way. Stephen how about this . I wouldnt go near that guy. Stephen would you be able to identify saul goodman . Oh, yeah, his hands would be moving and, you know, he would have a lot of energy, and hed spin everything, you know, a certain way. You know, that kind of activity. I dont know if youve ever seen it. laughter stephen i think i just talked to it for 20 minutes, actually. cheers and applause saul goodman, thats not the first lawyer youve played, i understand. When i was a little kid well, a younger kid i did pretend to be a lawyer once, yes. My friend stephen how old were you . 15. Stephen 15 . Yes, my friend pete had used the gas station as a short cut, and stephen to get around traffic or something . Yes, and he had to go to court. A policeman saw that. So i showed up, and i had cards and i wore a suit and i said, im his lawyer, and handed out the cards. Stephen you said bob odenkirk, lawyer . I said bob odenkirk, lawyer, and then they told me to sit down and shut up. And then my friend called the judge, your highness. laughter he did not get off with it. He did not get away with it. Stephen what was your end game . What were you hoping to make happen . I thought i would have fun at my friends expense. This is what comedy is. This is why we do it. Stephen oh, okay. So you were literally just i was just having a laugh, and he was in pain. laughter stephen now, i first got to know you back in second city in chicago. Or, i saw you. I didnt know you back then. I saw you at second city. Yes. Stephen and so, i know you as a comedian, you know. Yeah. Stephen you were mr. Show. Now youre mr. Drama. You know, nominated again. Im very serious. Stephen youre very serious. cheers and applause is there applause have you, like youre, like, a renowned dramatic actor now. Have you no, really, you are you get nominated three times for doing drama, you are a renowned dramatic actor. Do you have a different process . Is one harder than the other . I learned a few things. I feel like drama is harder than comedy. With comedy, youve got jokes, and if you feel good about those jokes and you did them in a room with friends and they got a laugh, well, you feel pretty confident theyll get a laugh. Stephen yeah, you know when comedys working, because people make a noise. With drama, you know, youre working with this, like, this rich story, written by rich gould or vince gilligan, the head writers of better call saul, and people from breaking bad, you know, its a very rich story, and layered. And you know, you get in the middle of a season of that kind of story and youre just kind of hoping the audience can follow where its all going, and that it sort of resonates with them the way youre playing it. So, im always amazed. I feel very lost in the middle of doing that job, compared to comedy. Also, i learned in drama, its not good to kind of give advice to your other actors, where, in comedy, people are more, like, hey, ive got a line for you and if its funny, the person is like, thank you, awesome i was doing fargo with a great actor and a good friend, martin freeman, and we had a scene together, and i was like, oh, i have an idea for him. Martin, you know what . Maybe your character is like a little envious of me. I mean, secretly. And thats why hes resentful, and he just looks at me. He goes, never tell me how to act again. laughter stephen with the english accent. That actually i loved it so much. It killed me. laughter stephen congratulations on your emmy nomination. Thanks. Stephen i mean, that the third time, obviously, big deal. applause thanks, thanks. Its an honor. Its an honor, seriously, its an honor just to be nominated in such an Amazing Group of actors. Stephen and, but it really looks like youre gunning for a win this year . I dont know what you mean by that. Im just going the regular interviews. But, i dont know, thats not weird. Stephen well some people are pointing out that, to ensure victory, your Emmy Campaign has been acting a little unethically. Thats crazy who are these some people . Id like to have names. Stephen well, for example, me and my staff. Matter of fact, we obtained a videotape of your son, i think. My son . You mean bob odenkirk, jr. . Stephen yeah. He is a highquality boy. Stephen well, the video shows bob odenkirk, jr. Taking a meeting that he shouldnt have taken. Should we just watch it . Should we just watch the video . Yeah, i would like to see this what . Yes, let me see it stephen jim . Hey comrades all right how you doing . Good to see ya thanks for coming by the odenkirk tower. Im bobby odenkirk, jr. Im my daddys Emmy Campaign strategist. So, you know. Hes a good man, my dad. Oh, there he is mwah gotta kiss the picture now, were here to talk about what you can do for me to help my daddy win at the emmys. Maybe we could do a little collusion here, maybe a few major crimes, if you dont mind. laughter first off, you guys got any dirt on my daddys emmy competition . Emmys . Why you talk to us about this . Hey, have yourself an odenkirk cheese ball. Theyre the number one cheese balls in this building right now at this point. Tell me you dont have some dirt on this guy, kevin spacey, huh . He hasnt deleted any emails recently . How about this guy, huh . Riz ahmed, is he secretly not a muslim . Tmz would like to know, i think. We were told this would be about the russian adoption. Okay, adoption, lets hey, how about an odenkirk pork chop . Theyre the number one pork chop in this room right now ive got some very nice boys who i would like adopted to russia. Hey, how about this little fellow . His name is milosz, i think. Oh, this is us they reinvented the family drama they reinvented the family drama, there you go take these boys, take them now, back to russia, give em a little bit of love, give em a little bit of pride, some confidence, make them feel a sense of selfworth so they dont end up, you know, trying to win the love of a distant father by meeting a bunch of dirty russian mobsters in a brokendown motel room. You are making me uncomfortable. Please stop. cheers and applause stephen bob, that footage is incredibly cheers and applause bob, that footage is incredibly damning, and i really think more fake news from Stephen Colbert hashtag lying hashtag sad hashtag odenkirk base growing everyday laughter stephen all right, i apologize. Thank you. Stephen thats on me. You owe me that. You owe me that. Stephen good luck at the emmys. Thank you, friend. Stephen bob odenkirk, everybody well be back with a performance by Liam Gallagher cheers and applause band playing go slow. Come on mom lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. Always unstoppable. I look back on my life and i know what it was for. What if i struggled. What if i sacrificed. And what if i swore id succeed. So you could wake up one day with the choice to be anything you wanted. Well then, my great granddaughter. It would all be worth it. Hey honey, good. As practice . Mustve been hot out there today, huh . Yeah. Yeah. Why dont you go put that stuff in the laundry room right now . Ok. Do your athletes bring home big odors . Tide sport is super concentrated to beat even. The toughest stains and odors. Hey, buddy hey. Woo somebody ran laps. Yup the new tide sport collection. Its got to be tide. band playing cheers and applause buy the galaxy note8 and choose free accessories up to 229. 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Now i get a whiter smile and healthy teeth, all in one. The 3d white collection from crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Stephen you know my next guest as the lead singer of oasis, and tonight, hes making his solo u. S. Television debut with for what its worth from his forthcoming album, as you were. Ladies and gentlemen, Liam Gallagher. cheers and applause in my defense all my intentions were good and heaven holds a place somewhere for the misunderstood you know id give you blood if itd be enough the devils on my doorstep since the day i was born its hard to find a sunset in the eye of a storm but i am a dreamer by design and i know in time well put this behind for what its worth im sorry for the hurt ill be the first to say ive made my own mistakes for what its worth i know its just the word and words betray sometimes we lose our way for what its worth behind the lens is a poison picture you paint and lets not pretend you were ever searching for saints cause ive been crucified for just being alive somewhere in the crossfire of this whispering war seems that i forgot just what i was fighting for but underneath my skin theres a fire within still burning for what its worth im sorry for the hurt ill be the first to say ive made my own mistakes for what its worth i know its just the word and words betray sometimes we lose our way for what its worth the first bird to fly gets all the arrows lets leave the past behind with all our sorrows ill build a bridge between us and ill swallow my pride for what its worth im sorry for the hurt ill be the first to say ive made my own mistakes for what its worth i know its just the word and words betray sometimes we lose our way for what its worth cheers and applause thank you stephen Liam Gallagher, everybody well be right back cheers and applause yeah. Mustve been hot out there today, huh . Yeah ok. Yeah. Beat even the toughest stains and odors with new super. Concentrated tide sport. The new tide sport collection. Its got to be tide cheers and applause piano riff stephen hey, thats it for the late show, everybody good night cheers and applause captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org captioning sponsored by cbs are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry where it is you come from itll be all right its the late, late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from iran, give it