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This july has been one of the hottest ever. Yakima washington, hit 105 today. Eugene oregon, a record 102. And 101 in red bluff california. The heat and relentless drought are turning breezes into blow torches. At least 18 wildfires are burning in california. John blackstone reports tonight from clear lake. Reporter firefighters facing a wall of flames fueled by dry wind and tripledigit heat fought back against a fastmoving fire 100 miles north of san francisco. Air tankers and choppers were called in for support and 650 residents were evacuated quickly from the the rural area. Ive never seen flames so tall. 200, 300foot flames. Reporter nearly 1,000 firefighters worked through the night to hold back the rocky fire from jumping the main highway. The fire continues to grow to 18,000 acres. This house was lost today. At one point fire crews had to quickly retreat. The fire shifted back toward me. Reporter gill said the wind shifted and within minutes the fire beared down on his ranch. The fire was wild, and aggressive and it burned the whole place. Reporter the fire is only 5 contained but in some part of northern california, hills have not murnd burnd in years leaving brush dense and dry. Fire analyst taro pusina says that is creating more intense fire. The drought is creating much drier conditions and were seeing much more intense fires burning that are more difficult to kind of predict. Reporter certainly the spread has been fast and unpredictable here on the rocky fire. We now see thick smoke and flame rising from ridges on both sides of us. And, scott firefighters here are telling us weve got to be ready to move out of this area quickly. Pelley John Blackstone thanks. Fish is our chief meteorologist at the station wbz in boston. Eric, whats next . . As warm as october december, february march june, july, and with today the 11th 90degree day of temperatures in seattle, the warmest month ever recorded in the city, 125 years. It goes on this weekend. Temperatures hitting 90 degrees again on saturday and sunday. Triple digits in medford oregon. Two more days of the heat, and then a pattern change. This ridge of High Pressure will break down, a dip in the jet stream will move . And much cooler air will arrive as we head into monday finally bringing a little bit of relief. Looking groos of great lakes to the east coast a warm weekend and a quiet weekend and not as uncomfortable extreme heat we saw earlier this year. Hill that section of an airplane wing that washed up on a French Island in the indian ocean this week was flown to france today to determine if it is as suspected from the pla alation airline jet that vanished last year. Jonathan vigliotti is on reunion island. Reporter covered in barnacles, the wing fragment called a flaperon, was wrapped and sealed, bound for france in hopes of unlocking the mystery of the missing airlineir. Since the discovery was made here on the French Island of reunion, france take a lead role in the investigation joining malaysia and australia. Johnny begue discovered the wreck expaj found a ripped suitcase sent to france, too. Reunion is famous for its black volcanic beaches and today a volcano sent lava and smoke spewing in the air slowing the search for other debris. The flaperon helps keep the plane level when it starts to land. Its made from highly bouyant material filled with air pockets which may explain why it was found 2300 miles away from the current search area. Australian teams are still combing through a vast swath of ocean where they believe the plane crashed. Transport minister warren truss not having the opportunity for closure is certainly an enormous burden for the families, and we respect very much the difficult situations theyre going through. Reporter victims families have endured over a year of agonizing waiting false leads and frustrations. Nur laila nigah is the wife of the planes chief steward. I dont want people to think that we are asking for sympathy. No. Im not looking for that. And if they said they understand our feelings but actually, they dont. Reporter french aviation experts will begin examining the flaperon next wednesday. Scott, theyll be looking for clues from metal stress about what causes the flap to break off and for traces of chemicals or explosives. Pelley Jonathan Vigliotti on reunion island for us this evening. Thank you. Tonight the u. S. Coast guard is calling off its search for two florida boitz missing in the atlantic for a week now. Perry cohen and austin stephanos, both 14 were last seen fueling their boat near jupiter, florida. It was found capsized 180 miles to the north. The boys families say they will continue the search on their own. Today, the state department acknowledged that Hillary Clintons private, unsecured, mail server contained National Security information that has now been deemed too sensitive to make public. The information was not classified when the messages were written but 37 of the more than 1,000 released today are now labeled confidential. The democratic president ial contender seemed to try to draw attention away from this today with a whirlwind of activity, including putting out her tax returns. Heres nancy cordes. Hello reporter clintons speaking fees have been a source of fascination, and tonight were learning just how much she made. Nearly 10 million in 2013 alone. From 2007 to 2014, the clintons donated nearly 15 million to charity. The revelations came three hours after clinton released this letter from her doctor. Shes in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president. Clinton, she wrote takes a daily anticoagulation drug called coumadin following deep vein thrombosis in 19 theatand in 2009. The letter also detailed clintons concussion in 2012 which left her with double vision for a period of time. She wore special glasses and the symptoms resolved within two months. The cuba embargo needs to go once and for all. applause reporter in florida clinton made news, too speaking out on cuba and on racial inequality. Then making a rare jab at republican jeb bush for his slogan right to rise. I dont think you can credibly say that everyone has a right to rise and then say youre for phasing out medicare or for repealing obamcare. Reporter if all that was designed to distract from the state departments latest release of her emails Clintons Campaign neednt have bothered. The most noteworthy email was one clinton sent in 2009 to top aid sheryl millions asking, may i borrow the book sends by david shipley. Athe emails released today were heavily redacted. And as for the 37 now deemed confidential, clinton says she did nothing wrong because those emails were not considered classified when she received them on her personal account scott. Pelley nancy cordes in the washington newsroom this evening. Nancy, thank you. John dickersons guests on face the nation this sunday will include contender for the republican nomination Mike Huckabee and cbs news aviation and safety expert sully sullenberger. Today, an autopsy shows that 43yearold Samuel Dubose died of a bullet to the head. Dubose, who was unarmed was shot by a university of Cincinnati Police officer, ray tensing, during a traffic stop. Tensing was fired and charged with murder. Hes now free on bond. That killing is one of membership that weve seen recently in which a simple traffic stop escalated into violence. Some Police Departments are training officers to defees these situations and Michelle Miller has been looking into that. Put your hands up get your hands up now reporter veteran officers ken lerud and gordie bush are responding to a burglary. I just want to leave reporter its all part of a deescalation drill designed to help cops figure out an alternative to deadly force. Why didnt you tase him . Hes not trying to harm anybody. Hes just trying to get away. Perfect. Reporter the appropriate level of force at a department where policecitizen encounters frequently turn deadly. We were shooting a high number of unarmed citizens, a high number of minorities. Reporter assistant sheriff kirk primas says the reality check came in 2011 with the shooting death of Stanley Gibson an unarmed mentally ill vet who was mistaken for a burglary suspect. Taking a human life is a big deal. Reporter the justice deparment thought so too recommending 75 changes changes to Police Department policy, including restrictions on when officers may shoot into a vehicle. We had to recreate those scenarios where we were shooting unarmed people and put officers through this in training so when theyre faced with that situation in real life, theyre in a better position to not make that mistake. Whats the severity of crime at that moment . Reporter officer Marla Stevens trains veteran cops on use of force using reallife examples like this one. Your license please. Reporter here the man on the video is doing exactly what the officer has asked. gunshots until he reaches in the car for his i. D. , and the officer shoots him. Deescalation, what are the training techniques . With deescalation its slowing everything down. Lets get more people there. Reporter but stevens says the hardest lesson is how to eliminate bias. The first step in fighting a bias is recognizing that you have it. Reporter part of the solution is to bridge the gap within the community. If you show the community that hey, we want to change and we want to do the right thing, i think its extremely important. Put your hands up reporter the realitybased training seems to be paying off. With nearly all reforms in place, officerinvolved shootings have dropped from 25 in 2010 to six so far this year. Michelle miller, cbs news, las vegas. Pelley another issue that states and cities across the country are wrestling with is the idea of raising the minimum wage. Right now 29 states have minimums above the federal 7. 25 an hour. Four cities including los angeles, have doubled their minimum to 15. So what happens when the salary goes up . Im struggling right now. Reporter rebecca has been working at wendys for nine years. She started at minimum wage and was bumped up last year to 9. I believe that who has a job and works full time, they should be able to pay their the things that sustain life food, shelter, and clothing. Reporter and you cant right now. I cant even do that. Reporter just this week, a new york labor board approved gradually raising the minimum wage for over 180,000 fast food workers to 15 by 2021. But the proposed increase is widely opposed by the fast food industry. David stuts owns four burger kings in new york. The reality is most businesses are not going to pay 15 an hour and keep their doors open. It just wont happen. The economics dont work in this industry. There is a limit to what youre going to pay for a hamburger. Reporter Megan Boisvert was a cashier in los angeles making 8. 08 an hour and barely getting by. Her salary and life have changed dramatically. I dont really have that amphibiousial stress that a lot of my friends have. Reporter Mitchell Englander was the only councilman that voted against the wage hike and worries this might push Business Owners out of l. A. This is an experiment, one that cant be undone. My concern is if this experiment fails, what then . Its a big risk to the very people who need jobs. Reporter the federal minimum wage of 7. 25 braks down annually to just above the Poverty Level of 12,000. Scott, several Restaurant Owners are filing suit here in new york if the state goes through with this mandated wage increase. Pelley highspeed Police Chases are putting bystanders at great risk. And a sky dive for the record books when the cbs evening news continues. Hritis. Ordinary objects often seemed. Intimidating. Doing something simple. Meant enduring a lot of pain. If ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. Orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. For many, orencia provides longterm relief of ra symptoms. Its helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. Cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. 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The driver, a suspected shoplifter, was pursued for miles along a busy road and plowed into a vehicle killing a grandmother. Its just one of thousands of chases a usa today study found claimed the lives of innocent people. Reporter tom frank conducted the fourmonthlong investigation. To me, the biggest finding is that nearly half of the people who were killed in Police Chases are not the suspects being pursued. Reporter records from the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration cited at least 11,500 People Killed in Police Chases from 1979 to 2013. Thats an average of 338 people a year. These kinds of pursuits have led some of the nations 18,000 Police Departments to review and change their policies. Craig miller was deputy chief of the dallas Police Department when they changed their chase policy in 2006. The most important thing we got to look at is, you know, common sense risk versus reward. When the guy runs from us, what are we hoping to gain by catching them . And what sort of danger does he pose to the public . Reporter trying to protect and serve by putting the breaks on what many consider a dangerous policy. Omar villafranca, cbs news, dallas. Pelley Steve Hartman on the road is still ahead but next, a city that rarely gets snow will host the winter olympics. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary Tract Infections changes in urination and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga. And visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. And youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. Pelley beijing will be the first city to host a winter and summer olympics. Thousands cheered when the Chinese Capital was awarded the 2022 winter games today. Beijing barely gets any snow. The skiing events will be held many miles from town with manmade snow. A sky diving record was set today over illinois. Jumping from nearly 20,000 feet, 164 sky divers locked arms. It looked like a giant flower up there. That beat by 26 the old record for vertical sky diving. Everyone landed just fine. Today, facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted that he and his wife are expecting a baby girl, and he also revealed that the couple had suffered three miscarriages. Zuckerberg says theyre being open about it all in hopes of encouraging other parents who are struggling with difficult pregnancies. Some longforgotten home movies are rediscovered. Steve hartman is next. Pelley finally tonight they took our kodachrome away but not our kodak moments. Steve hartman witnesses one on the road. Reporter in fairport, new york, along the erie canal how about we walk. Reporter town historian bill poray has made it his mission to connect people with their history. In about 1890 reporter its safe to say he has never found a more direct and powerful connection than he did the day the films arrived. Someone found these in an attic old 16millimeter home movies from the 1930s labeled kodachrome experiment. Yeah, i was intrigued. So i took the project oi took the films and i started to watch. And i loved what i saw. I saw scenes of our community and they were in color. Reporter they were some of the very first color home movies. But what intrigued bill even more was this woman. He says whoever she was the cameraman was clearly smitten. From there i started doing some research. Reporter he found out the photographer, a guy named bob kramer, went to work for kodak labs right out of high school, and that girl was his high school sweetheart, leona sharp. She would be 96 years old. Reporter if she was alive. And i wondered. Reporter he did find an address and went there. A woman came to the door. She opened the door three inches. And i told her we had these films, and the door opened a little wider. Reporter literally and figuratively. Yes. And then she said, wait. And she disappeared. She came back about a minute later holding her wedding picture, and she said, come in. Reporter heres what bill learned. Bob and leona got married right after bob joined the air force. A few days after the wedding, he left to learn how to fly a b17 and then got sent to europe to fight in world war ii. On the way he actually flew his plane over leonas house. This is a picture of it. And then he wiggled the wings to salute us, and then he was off. Reporter you never saw him again . No. Reporter leona says losing him was hard. But finding him again has been wonderful. I couldnt believe it. Reporter after more than 70 years leonas love story came rushing back in living color, and even though she did get married again for a while we got the sense that this was her true love, not from any particular picture on the screen, justment the flicker in her eye. Steve hartman, on the road, in fairport, new york. Pelley what a storyteller. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world im scott pelley and ill see you sunday on 60 minutes. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgb valerie harper, growing concern tonight. I love valerie. I hope he gets through okay. Were with tv son and have valeries last interview hours before she was found unconscious talking about her cancer battle. Im having a really tough time. I was supposed to be three months. Three months left to live. An eyewitness on her condition. Sources from the family are telling entertainment tonight that she is in a coma. Can you speak to that . Then super model Naomi Campbell sentenced to prison. We have news on her assault conviction today. Plus, is Whitney Houstons cousin dionne

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