Tue, 06/01/2021
LAWRENCE — The School of Education & Human Sciences at the University of Kansas has announced the featured speakers for each session of the 2021 Strategies for Educational Improvement Summer Conference, a virtual multisession professional development series.
This year’s theme, “Back to the Future: Time to Redesign,” will focus on the needs for today’s PK-12 teachers, schools, districts and other education service providers. Each virtual session supports an overall topic that includes multiple presenters and a moderator. This year’s featured speakers for each session:
June 15: “Re-entry & Supporting Socio-emotional Health for Teachers & Administrators” with Jenny Flinders, KU Center for Public Partnerships & Research; Arpita Ghosh, assistant professor in the KU Department of Educational Psychology; Jacqueline Rodriguez, Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools; and M’Balia Thomas, assistant professor in the KU Department of Curriculum and Teaching.