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Become our next president. Right now, the race in nevada is essentially a tie with biden up by just 8000 votes. Pennsylvania, north carolina, and georgia are also still too close to call. Control of the u. S. Senate is still up for grabs. 48 seats. Democrats needed to flip four seats to take back the majority. They won in colorado and arizona but lost a seat in alabama. Five races remain too close to call, including two in georgia that could wind up in run offs in january. Democrats will keep their majority in the house. There may be fewer democrats. Republicans have picked up five seats in the house so far and were still waiting for results on 41 seats. Lets bring in political reporter grecian lee for a closer look at whats going on in nevada, pennsylvania, north carolina, and georgia. Reporter his path to the presidency becomes more clear while trumps become more narrow. Lots of eyes on nevada. Like you said, there are still several states on the board and still a number of votes to be counted. This thing is not yet over. Getting to the numbers. After some back and forth, it looks like we will not see additional results from nevada until tomorrow morning. That includes numerous mailin ballots. As it stands now, 75 reporting. To georgia, a state that is surprisingly close. It has not gone to a democrat since 1992. We are expecting new numbers soon. President trump is holding a 50 to 49 lead. In pennsylvania, a mustwin for President Trump the way things stand. Its 20 electoral votes are key. It could take days to finish counting all the absentee ballots. President trump leading 51 to 48 . Now to other two states that biden rebuilt with the races getting called today in michigan. Joe biden the winner, 50 to 48 . In wisconsin, we saw the numbers shift toward biden with the city of milwaukee getting counted overnight. Biden spoke about those results from delaware today. Its clear that were winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. Im not here to declare that weve won. But i am here to report when the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners. Biden also spoke on several themes of unity saying if he wins, hell work as hard for those who did not vote for him as those oh who did. We have not seen President Trump today. But hes tweeting. We have claimed for electoral vote purposes the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Twitter flagged the tweet because obviously those states have not yet been called. And votes are continuing to be counted. Joe biden flipping two of the states from 2016 back to blue. Thank you. For more on the lawsuits and recounts, ktvu rob roth has more on that. Reporter very early wednesday morning, President Donald Trump declared victory even though he is far short of the 270 electoral votes needed to win reelection. And he wanted to halt the counting of ballots in swing states where he was ahead at the time. This is a fraud on the american public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election. Reporter hours later, the Trump Campaign announced it was demanding a recount in wisconsin, even before News Agencies declared former Vice President joe biden as winner by a razor thin margin. The Trump Campaign said there have been reports of irregularities that raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The president is well within the threshold to request a recount. The campaign filed a lawsuit in michigan demanding the vote count be halted because of what it calls a lack of transparency. Its going to court in pennsylvania to fight the counting of ballots after election day and over poll watching and voter id laws. I think well see some litigation more likely in wisconsin and michigan. Im not sure its the big litigation that a lot of election lawyers feared. Reporter bidens path to victory would be much easier if he can win the election without pennsylvania coming into play, which is possible. But pennsylvania was a lot more vulnerable to big legal challenge. And their members of the Supreme Court would kind of signal that there were potential issues in pennsylvania. Trying to invalidate votes, to invalidate postmarks, deadlines, to invalidate any of the state rules. Reporter Political Science Professor James taylor says a conservative u. S. Supreme court led by chief Justice John Roberts is unlikely to alter the outcome of the election, especially if biden wins with votes received on election day or before. If donald trump is anticipating the Supreme Court will be his ace in the hole, i think hes sadly mistaken. The court just doesnt work that way. John roberts is not going to allow that for the sake of history. Reporter late today, the Trump Campaign filed a lawsuit in georgia. Its indicating it may also go to court in nevada and arizona where biden is currently leading. Rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. Lets talk more about the election now. Bring back our political reporter greg lee. Lets talk about nevada first. Biden is up by only 8000 votes. There are still 25 of the votes left to be counted. Do we know where the bulk of those votes are . And in past president ial elections, how has nevada voted . Keeping us waiting. If you look at whats happened over the last few elections, the last three president ial elections, nevada has been reliably blue. What we understand about the votes that remain to be counted, those votes are coming from clark county. As we bring up the latest results for you, clark county is home to las vegas where it tends to be the democrat stronghold. I dont think democrats wanted nevada to be as close as it is. President trump would certainly like to win nevada in order to have a clear path to the white house. Because again, if joe biden wins nevada, that gives him the Electoral College votes he needs to get to 270. Again, we are waiting for 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow when nevada is expected to release another round of numbers. Like in nevada and many other states, we saw a Record Number of absentee ballots filed this year due to the coronavirus. What about arizona . That has already been called for joe biden and its 11 electoral votes. Votes are are still being counted there. The trump team still sounds confident arizona is still in play. Why do you think that is . I think part of it is thats part of the strategy. In the speech that President Trump gave last night, he said we should continue to count every vote in arizona. We should stop the count in pennsylvania. And so he was giving very mixed messages there. The bottom line is that in arizona as we still continue to see some votes and a number of news organizations that have not called the race, fox news and the ap have, that speaks to shifting demographics in the state. Specifically maricopa county, home to phoenix where were seeing an injection of younger voters, minority voters, and voters that came out big for joe biden in that one county. As we see more numbers come out, i think well see more absentee ballots go toward joe biden. I have one quick follow up. Go ahead. One thing about arizona. I wanted to get gregs thoughts. Obviously there was bad blood between President Trump and the late senator john mccain and his widow came out and endorsed biden. If arizona does end up falling to biden, maybe President Trump, his harsh words for the beloved senator in arizona may have been his own downfall . Absolutely. Many advisors around President Trump with john mccain have urged him not to attack john mccain. Hes revered. Hes a veteran. Hes a well beloved figure in the state of arizona. There was a lot of surprise when she came out in favor of joe biden. That was a huge endorsement for him. So to your point, that may come back to bite him because we know President Trump has used harsh words and insults toward the late john mccain. Arizonans dont take kindly to that. He was wounded in the vietnam war and spent years in a prison camp there. More to come. Greg, thank you. Now to oakland where residents and Community Organizations dame together for a count every vote and protect democracy rally outside of city hall. We choose democracy in this nation. Get a little louder. We gonna heal this hate in this nation. They also celebrated the unprecedented participation in the elections and called for a peaceful transition if there was a change of power at the white house. We believe in the sacred right to vote. We believe that every vote counts. And we believe in a peaceful transition, whoever wins. And in san jose today, faith leaders and nonprofit groups rallied for peace and the counting of votes locally and across the country. It included cultural programming, small group discussions, and a prayer vigil. The rally is supposed to last until 8 00 oclock tonight. Organizers say everyone is welcome. Regional Medical Center in san jose now has extra staffing in its emergency room until ballots are counted. The head of the Hospitals Emergency Department says thats because of stress related to this election. He says heart problems could include anything from heart flutters heart attacks, heart failures, to strokes. On a normal day, the emergency room has 185 patients. He thinks that could jump 15 because of stress related to the election. Coming up here, the race for mayor still too close to call. How one candidates past could affect his future in the city. And after the break, the coronavirus numbers in parts of california going in the wrong direction. The bay area county that may slide back to red. And that means some businesses will have to change how they operate. More warm and lovely temperatures today. We have changes in the forecast and even a shot at rain. Well talk about it. Your weather is next. A live look at the conditions on the east shore freeway this wednesday night. Boy, looks like a prepandemic commute hour. It is backed up in both directions tonight. Ktvu channel 2 news at 6 00 will be right back. D phones. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. Bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Today for the first time, the u. S. Recorded more than 100,000 new coronavirus cases if a single day. According to Johns Hopkins university, the total number of cases in the u. S. Is now nearing 9. 5 million. More than 233,000 americans have also died from the coronavirus so far. In california, the department of Public Health says there are more than 9 40,000 coronavirus cases across the state. And more than 17,000 deaths. Bay Area Health Officials considering a quarantine for Holiday Travel, similar to what is being done in hawaii and new york. It comes as one county reports it may ramp up restrictions on Indoor Dining or activities rather due to an increase in covid19 cases. Ktvu is here now with the details. Andre . Reporter julie, much of the bay area is doing well when it comes to covid19 cases and Health Officials hope to keep it that way as the thanksgiving Holiday Season looms upon us. With thanksgiving around the corner, local officials are scheduled to meet thursday to discuss the possibility of requiring a 14day quarantine for people returning to the bay area from Holiday Travel. Limiting the ability to move from higher transmission areas into lower transmission areas may fit what a Community Needs to keep transmission low for themselves. Reporter California Health and Human Services secretary says a similar statewide proposal isnt on the list of ideas but his department will be keeping an eye on how the proposal plays out in the bay area. Looking to see how the counties come together on this, to see if theres something thats applicable that should be considered in other regions or statewide. So open questions, certainly something that we believe is part of our entire effort to keep transmissionly. Low. Reporter starting wednesday in new york, those traveling from certain hot spots must quarantine for 14 days or provide a negative covid19 test result. Teetering on the wrong edge of the orange tier. We know next week its likely will be pushed back into the red tier. Reporter the spike comes a week after capacity for indoor activities was increased for things like Indoor Dining. Youll go from 50 capacity to 25 capacity. Houses of worship also. Indoor movie theaters that were allowed to go up to 50 occupancy will have to go back to 25 capacity. Reporter statewide over the past 14 days, theres been a 13. 5 increase in hospitalizations and increase in icu admissions. Having this increase over many, many weeks will put our hospitals in a difficult position during flu season and when were trying to keep up with all over routine healthcare that californians need and deserve. As far as traveling, its important to note that the cdc reports travels increases your chance of getting and spreading covid19. Airports, bus stations, train stations, and rest stops all places travelers can be exposed to the virus in the air and on surfaces. We are closing in, in california on a million covid 19 cases and close to 18,000 people have died according to john hopkins university. Back to you, julie. You may have already said this. If they do impose that or recommend that quarantine for california, do you know when we could hear that . Still early in the game. All that could be worked out tomorrow, which is when theyre going to discuss it. No, they havent released details on when that could happen. Thats something well follow and let you know. Thank you. Yeah. And turning our attention to bay area weather, you moe were getting used to these warm sunny days. You know they cant last forever. We had another beautiful one out there today. Look at the temperatures and the highs today. We got up to 82 degrees in livermore. 76 in redwood city. A lovely day out there. Turning into a lovely evening. Its relatively clear out there. Current temperatures, we are in the 60s across the board. Expecting a mild, nice night out there. And then as we get into tomorrow, maybe a little coastal fog. Well see similar temperatures to today. The warmth will be with us as we get into the afternoon on thursday. And then things really start to change. We have a system thats going to come rolling through as we get into friday thats going to bring a major cooldown. A chance of showers our way. Some gusty winds. And would you believe, even some snow in the sierra. When i say were going to cool down, this is the difference between the temperatures on thursday to friday. Were talking about a 20degree drop in some spots. Ill talk more about that when i come back with your extended forecast. The u. S. Has officially pulled out from the paris climate agreement. The landmark deal was signed by 200 countries five years ago and set goals to curb carbon emissions. President trump said it would hurt u. S. Jobs and file paperwork to withdrawal one year ago. It isolates washington in the world. It has no Immediate Impact on International Efforts to curb global warming. Joe biden has pledged to rejoin the agreement if he wins the presidency. Stocks had their best post election day on record. The dow was up more than 367 points. Nasdaq gained 430, a gain of 4 . The s and p was up 74. A boost from the possibility that a Democratic White House paired with a are Republican Senate would lead to more modest policies. All of these crimes had one common theme. Details after the break. Plus, an Early Morning fire ripped through several homes and injured a firefighter. The latest on the investigation coming up policewoman up. Oakland police say a rash of violence last night stemmed from groups of people targeting a marijuana business. Henry lee tells us that several people were shot and officers opened fire hitting a suspect. Reporter a night of violence in east oakland had one common thread. Carloads of burglars targeting marijuana businesses. Theyre smart. Theyre professional, and theyre organized. Reporter an attorney representing the cannabis industry says the criminals took advantage of election night. He said pot clubs had been alerted days ago and officers were on high alert. When a group tried to rob a grow, police confronted them. Some officers were hurt and at least one opened fire, injuring at least one suspect. A short while later, officers found two people who had been shot a block away. Two security guards were shot and wined around 85th and baldwin. Last night, i guess it was just a lot of looting going on. Reporter at the only good weed dispensary, burglars found a unique way to get inside. They drove a car through our front door and ransacked the place and took all our cash, took all our applianced like our computers and took all our inventory. Its like bad people just take it away from you. Reporter the violence wasnt limited to east oakland. Before midnight, three men were shot and wounded while driving in west oakland. They drove to Childrens Hospital and were transferred to highland hospital. The presence of security guards and police should serve as a warning. Hopefully, they will realize its not like the good old days when you just broke in and took whatever you want and left and nobody bothered you and there was no resistance and no police response. Thats done. Its over. Reporter Oakland Police are asking with anyone information in any of these incidents to give them a call. Coming up on ktvu news at 6 30, california voters expressing their views on criminal justice reform. A look at some of the successful propositions and candidates coming up. Also, the race for mayor still too close to call. Well hear from the man in the lead. And whats at the top of his agenda if he wins. Later in sports, developing news as the 49ers add more players to the reserve coronavirus list. We have details and the implications coming up later in sports. Make your holidays happen. At ross surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less yoof floor and decorss, anewest locationng in the east bay area our expansive store is fully equipped with safe distancing guides, so you can browse our wide aisles and be amazed with our even wider selection. Or easily order online, and pick up all the products you need for your flooring project curbside so come discover the perfect floor at the perfect price in whatever way is perfect for you. Floor and decor, now open in san leandro for safe instore shopping and curbside pickup. Also open in milpitas and burlingame. Surprise ahhh yes i love it you dont have to spend a lot to give a lot to the ones who mean the most. Youve got the holidays, and weve got you, with the best bargains ever. At ross. Yes for less joe biden is moving closer to winning the white house. Fox news is predicting him at the winner of michigan and wisconsin. If he wins nevada, he wins the presidency. His elitist razor then there. Only 8000 votes separating the two candidates. We dont expect act they did numbers from nevada until tomorrow morning. Before the ball tells been candid, the Trump Campaign is demanding a recount in wisconsin. They filed lawsuits in michigan and georgia. It filed a brief before the Supreme Court to fight the counting of ballots in pennsylvania. Bay Area Health Officials are considering a 14 day quarantine for Holiday Travel similar to whats been in done in hawaii in new york. They are ramping up restrictions due to an increase in coronavirus infections. You are watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30. California voters passed reform measures in the selection continuing the trend that helped reduce the prison population. The Election Results are a step back from the tough on crime policies of the past. This was a peoples victory. Reporter another win for the Reform Movement in california. Voters passed prop 17. It allows 50,000 felony parolees to vote. Prop 20 was rejected. The tough on crime measure wouldve made certain convictions ineligible for parole. It allowed some misdemeanors to be charged as felonies the measure was put forward by Law Enforcement Group Seeking to and do previous reforms. This is a big statement for anyone who is seeking to rollback reform and progress book reporter j jordan is the executive director of californians for justice. He spent seven years in prison. When he got out, he began advocating for policies focusing on rehabilitation. Public safety includes more than just prison, probation, parole. Public safety is how do you prevent crime from happening . Reporter as Vice President of the deputy District Attorneys unit eric supported prop 20. When i say do you think Sexual Assault of an unconscious person is a violent felony . Most people say yes. Prop 20 wouldve done that. Reporter one low was prop 25. Voters rejected the measure that wouldve eliminated cash bail in california. It would have replaced many bail with a Safety Assessment tool. The judge found cash bail to be unconstitutional. The issue will be taken up by the state Supreme Court. In southern california, the former San Francisco District Attorney was leading the incumbent in the race for the l. A. County d. A. Asked own supported reforms in San Francisco. Some called it the most important race in the country. L. A. Has the largest d. A. Office and contributes the most inmates in county jails. We for many years, led the nation in mass incarceration and tough on crime policies. Remodeled three strikes for the rest of the country and sadly, many people followed us. Now we are modeling new approaches. Reporter Christine Deberry was head of the team in San Francisco. She is now director of the Prosecutors Alliance that advocates for reform and the legislator. State lawmakers pledged to pass reforms following the killing of george floyd. Most of the initiatives died on the floor. Im hopeful these large wins on important issues will help the legislature understand the constituents are very much in favor of reform. Reporter San Francisco has to measure to create civilian oversight of the sheriffs department. In oakland they give the Police Commission giving more power overseeing the opd. Police reform also appeared on local measures. In San Francisco, voters approved proposition d to create the office of Inspector General to investigate complaints against Sheriff Deputies and in custody deaths. They also proved proposition and requiring the San Francisco Police Department have at least 1971 sworn officers. The measure creates a data driven process to determine how many officers are needed on the streets. Oakland voters approved measure f1 to change the oversight process at the Police Department. That means an investigator independent of the Police Department will look into how the city handles Police Misconduct claims. Requires the police chief to respond to request from the commission. Berkeley approved major i i increasing police oversight. It changes the way Police Misconduct is investigated and extends the deadline for the public to file complaints against police officers. It lowers the burden of proof in those investigations. The race for mayor and vallejo is too close to call. Congressman Robert Mcconnell is leading against hakeem brown who was mired in controversy about his past. Christina run down spoke with the candidate about the citys future. Reporter vallejo is hoping to move in a new direction. This is a time for reflection and action. Reporter mayoral candidate Robert Mcconnell does not want to declare victory yet. He is leading the race with 41 of the vote with councilman hakeem brown at 38 . Mcconnell admits the city has problems that needs to address like the finances. He said vallejo is the defendant in 22 civil Rights Violations because of Excessive Force and alleged Police Misconduct. Back lead to a 60 million payout over the next several years. He does not want vallejo to go into chapter nine bankruptcy like 2008. If we do not prevail in that area, chapter 9 will be an answer we will have no choice but to follow. Its a very distinct possibility. Reporter hes focused on changing the culture of the Police Department. Like berkeley is doing, we need to bring in people trained in Mental Health and vocational rehabilitation. Who can address homelessness and mental illness. Reporter if he does pull off the win against hakeem brown, he plans to create a task force to help victims. It comes in light of the response to the Domestic Violence conviction and other allegations in browns past reported by open vallejo. This is widespread. It affects people very deeply with greater motion. We cannot just move on and forget it as if it never existed. Reporter around said, quote, while i hold myself accountable for past mistakes, its important to stand up for the truth. The truth is, many of the allegations are baseless. I am disappointed by the are came of my my oral race. I will work with the new mayor and my colleagues on the city council for the people of vallejo. We have a tremendous amount of work to do. We are not an isolated case. Reporter it will likely take 20 days to certify the results. Cristina rendon, ktvu, fox 2 news. Was a corruptions dental that tarnished the department of public works. Today we learn how san franciscans responded at the ballot box and why the move weaken the mayors power. South bay native alex lee breaks barriers. He becomes the youngest lawmaker at 25 years old and the first openly bisexual in state history. Well be right back. Looking at the state proposition results. Uber and lyft in door dash and 200 million to pass proposition 22. It appears to have paid off. It classifies app based drivers as independent contractors and not employees. With nearly three quarters of the precincts reporting, prop 22 is winning with more than 58 of the vote. California voters rejected proposition 16 to reinstate affirmative action programs. That means a 1996 and been on the government granting preferential treatment based on race and gender remains in place. Christian kasten tells us it appears voters in tampa disco approved measures to pay for housing for the homeless, parks and cleaner streets. Reporter voter turnout could be north of 85 of the votes are being tablet, the results are starting to crystallize. San francisco voters approving proposition b to pull apart the department of public works and create a new department of sanitation and streets and commissions to see the departments. Political science professor, dr. Jason mcdaniel from San Francisco state universitys as well san franciscans made the move to get cleaner streets, and may also lincoln the mayor. People say yes, we need to clean the streets. Its an issue people care about. Its that kind of message clearly bad for matt haney but a defeat for london breed. Reporter voters on pace to approve 487 million in bonds to pay for housing for the homeless, parks and cleaner streets. New taxes on high dollar real estate transactions and high earning executives. A controversial position but i think voters trust politicians a little bit when it comes to bonds and raising taxes. Reporter the races for supervisors are still staking out. The decision by the board maintains its progressive super majority or alex allies for mayor london breed. I expect it will be longer than three or four days. It may be another week before we now. Reporter a bit of a contradiction. San franciscans voted in favor of california proposition 18, the statewide amendment that wouldve allowed 17yearolds to vote in primaries if the steinle i the general election. They appear to be rejecting city and county proposition g which would allow 16 and 17 yearolds to vote. The results are close and are being tabulated. Christian captain, ktvu fox 2 news. A change in our weather pattern means we will see cooler temperatures and have a chance for rain towards the weekend. I will have details, coming up. Right now we look at some of the stories we are working on for the 7 00 news on fox 2 plus. Protesters telling ballot workers to stop their count. We have more on the chaotic seen today in the battleground state of michigan. Oregon becomes the first state in the nation to decriminalize hard drugs. We will have details about measure that voters just approved. Its coming up in a few minutes over on ktvu plus. Join us live at 7 00. The Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk is expected to be the first Amusement Park in the state reopen. What her plans to welcome back visitors. Taking a live look outside on the spins in it, ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30, will be right back. A firefighter was hurt in about a half dozen people are without a home tonight after three alarm fire damaged homes in San Francisco overnight. It started before 2 00 a. M. On 23rd and diamond street in the citys new valley neighborhood. It spread to three other homes. Everyone escaped, but there were frightening moments. I was asleep in bed. I heard children screaming. Some of them were yelling. I wasnt sure if there was terror in their voices. I looked out the window and there were flames shooting into the sky. Two home suffered major damage in the other two had smoke and water damage. Fire Officials Say one firefighter had to be treated for extreme fatigue. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Lets look at our bay area weather. We had a Beautiful Day with sunshine and warm temperatures above average. We have had that for a while. It wont last to the end of the week. Lets start off with where we are tonight which is quite mild. We have a few low clouds rolling into the bay. San francisco 61, 60s across the bay. We are warmer than we were this time yesterday. Thats the difference between now and 24 hours ago. It is quiet tonight with fair skies and patchy fog. You can see the lows tonight are not bad at all. Tomorrow very similar to today. We are getting 70s around the bay. Substances go 72. 80s in santa rosa and livermore. Lots of sunshine. That is courtesy of the High Pressure off the coast. Back keeps us having clear skies and warmer temperatures. Tomorrow, similar to today. Friday things change. A big pattern shift. I have been waiting for this. We are getting it to the end of the fire season. This cold front will track through with Stormy Weather ahead of it. It will bring us a chance of rain in temperatures dropping 10 to 20 degrees. Lets start with the rain chances. I will take you through tomorrow. We have clouds along the coast and thats about it. You see the system to the north the best. We get into friday. That is friday morning. We get a little more in the afternoon and then theres a little bit of a back end that looks like it will hit monterey and points south. Also you may notice, there is some precipitation up in the sierras. As far as rain is concerned, we are talking a 10th of an inch unless you are along the coast. They will likely get more. It is significant we are getting a little bit of rain. It signifies we are heading into a different pattern with our weather. We start to catch those storms the go to the pacific northwest. We have a winter storm watch in the sierra. It will be slick roads and about 5000 feet you will need chains. We will start that. These temperatures fall off the cliff thursday and friday. If you are inland, its 20 degrees drop. Notice, we do not warm backup of the next five days. We will stay in this pattern with a chance of showers rolling through friday and saturday. Another push on sunday. Julie, im happy to see this. I know everyone loves the sunshine, but we could use the rain this time of year. Yeah, we always can. The weather not the best timing for this. The Santa Cruz County beach boardwalk plans to reopen this saturday the first Amusement Park in california to open under the new guidelines. The board rock rides are able to reopen because Santa Cruz County is in the moderate risk for coronavirus. Only people who live in Santa Cruz County for be allowed on the right that the boardwalk. The have to make reservations in advance. They will only our bright on the weekends. The 49ers are dealing with insane number of injuries. Now they have lost four players due to covid19. This comes just one day before the big thursday night matchup against the Green Bay Packers. Mark is up next with sports. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones. phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. beeping sound and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Football is the ultimate contact sport. Here in the area of social distancing, the whole thing is kind of counterintuitive. Problems inevitable in the football season. Now its a foreign a niners turn. They have been hit hard today. If you hadnt heard. That the whole lot of news with this team that seems to be in the if it aint one thing, its another mode. It started with wide receiver Kendrick Bourne testing positive. Been more positives revealed today aside from were not, Brandon Aiyuk , another wide receiver. Deebo samuel who is already on the injured list. He will not play. Offense of lineman, trent williams, will also go on the covid list took they will do some Contact Tracing now and common sense would tell you, this could get worse. I mean tomorrows game against the Green Bay Packers on fox 2 a National Television has to be in doubt. With that in mind, the nfl is in the show must go on mentality. The packers flying out of wisconsin today led by their great quarterback, aaron rodgers. The packers obviously playing a very depleted 49ers team. Particularly on offense. As you know by now, the quarterback is not going to be jimmy g. Nick mullen looked good against seattle would get the start. Although really no idea who this guy is going to actually be able to throw to. The weapons, where are they . Particularly in the wide receiver corporate you have know george kittel. Samuel, bourne, makeshift receiving court to say the least. A chance for mullins to assert his leadership skills. You cannot be a great leader if you are not making place. That attributes to sundays. Thats the biggest thing. He earned guys respect by the way you play and hinder your business. It is positive influence. No matter how you relate. It will bring energy, attitude and a little bit of grit. They will need that. Here some weird timing. Yesterday they cut receiver dante pettis. You cannot get him back now as he also was snatched up by the new york giants over the second round. They will see if they can get more out of him than the 49ers were able to. That did not go well. Printed this day in sports, fans remember the great charlie o finney. The eccentric owner who led them to the dynasty in the 70s. Many years ago on this very night, he was on the Johnny Carson show. Joe fonzie brings us through that and more. The reason for this in my opinion, astronomical, unjustified salaries for athletes today. It is not the athletes, believe me. Its the stupid owners that go out and offer that kind of many. You are an under. Yes i am. I dont throw my money down the red. Reporter Charlie Finley explaining what was to come in this day in 1976. Baseball was changed forever with free agency. Reggie jackson, sal bando, among those who took advantage of the ability to become free agents as the as dynasty was over. Thats this day in sports, november 4th, i am joe fonzi. This been a lot of talk in the news of late about leadership skills. Apparently, that skill set can begin at a very young age. Need to check this out down in texas. Lets show them lets show them that we can beat them on their home field. On our home field. We can beat them anyway. We could go to new england for goodness sake, and still beat them. That little dude is incredible. That is some passion his name is elaine bridges from down in eastland, texas. Pumping his team up. Can you imagine when he said teenager . He is going to be good. He is fired up mark, thank you. Ktvu news at 7 00 next. For everyone to avoid. Symmetry. Asymmetry. Uh, simcity sounds too much like symmetry. Leonard that also applies to the simpsons, simba from the lion king, and cymbals. Russia or russian in any context. The country, the dressing, the roulette. Uh, also no talk of rocky iv. Why rocky iv . Because he fights a russian. Im sorry about her. chuckles we should just try and avoid anything that makes them think of their project or science or nobel prizes or successes or failures. Hi. All hi hey, guys. Heya what are you guys doing . Nothing. Nothing . Like what my career has come to . Thanks a lot. Nice going. Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. Wait the earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool, neanderthals developed tools we built the wall we built the pyramids math, science, history, unraveling the mystery that all started with a big bang bang okay, so, magnificent mile for me i thought i was managing. My moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Until i realized. Something was missing. Me. You okay, sis . My symptoms were keeping me. From really being there for my sisters. So i talked to my doctor and learned. Thats us. Humira is for people who still have. Symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. The majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. And many achieved remission that can last. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma,. Have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,

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