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The Oakland Fire Department says two structures and a brush caught fire. Crews from hayward fire, Alameda County fire and fremont fire were all called to the scene. Eight people were displaced by the fire for people in the montclair hills have been hit by the pg e Public Safety power shutoff. Lets bring in meteorologist Rosemary Orozco as the intense winds that sparked the power shutoffs have passed. There is still a red flag warning in effect. Where do you start . The red flag warning in the far east bay hills that includes montclair and over the north bay hills. Not because it is incredibly dry out there. And still a little bit breezy. Giving you a look at the conditions you have a northeast wind that continues to keep dry conditions. We are seeing some improvement but in any event, we are looking at the red flag warning with relative humidity reporting 16 in some areas. And we are looking at this to continue until 5 00 this afternoon. More on this in the conditions you can expect coming up in just a little bit. At this moment, Governor Newsom is speaking live. Lets listen in. Those are hurricane level winds. And in kirkwood. 140 mileperhour wind gusts. 96 mileperhour wind gusts around the San Gabriel Mountains and of course, those of you in Orange County no wealthy extraordinary dusts that you are experiencing and of the ongoing winds. 88 Miles Per Hour was recorded. We have the red flag warnings. The red flag warnings we anticipate and today in Northern California, we believe and anticipate by 5 00 today for substantial portions of Northern California, the red flag warnings will end. In Southern California later into the evening around 11 00 p. M. Broadly, we will experience a reduction in the winds between now and thursday. The most extreme wind events we believe will present themselves later today in the evening and most hopefully they are behind us. Red flag warnings. Today, Northern California earlier than in Southern California and substantial reductions in the way across the state by thursday. As it relates to the challenges induced by the winds in the wildfires that we have experience. 42 initial stores in the last 24 hours meaning 42 wildfires had ignited in the last 40 or rather 24 hours. Is an extraordinary testament to cal fire that you dont know about most of those. They suppressed the vast majority and i will highlight a few that were struggling and i might baseball world series being played, so often as the case. Cal fire doesnt get credit for saves. They deserve credit for saves. The work they do every day that doesnt generate headlines. And i want to acknowledge that outfront. With the winds to suppress 42 initial starts is remarkable. I want to applaud their leadership and our mutual aid system up and down the state of california. Still, because of popular larger fires which i will get to in a moment, we had a peak of about 100,000 people evacuated in Southern California. Currently about 90,710 are currently evacuated in the state. Most of the evacuations are renowned congregants shelters pursuant to covid19 protocols. Most of them are in settings that allow people to isolate and focus on their health and not just their safety in hotels and motels. I will remind people this season. 4. 2 million acres of burnt. 3. 2 million just since august. We are currently battling 14 major fires and complexes still have 5 thousand firefighters working the lines up and down the state of california. Tragically, as a reminder, 31 fatalities so far this fire season. And 9358 structures have been completely destroyed. Many times more have been damaged. Was to 10,000 as you can see structures have been destroyed in this historic wildfire season. Two fires that have generated underpin understandable stress and generated a lot of attention, particularly in Southern California. Both in Orange County. This is in Orange County and around irvine. The silverado fire has taken a little over 11,000 acres and that is a few hours ago. I imagine the number is higher at this moment. I want to thank fema and the federal government for support and secures the capacity for us to get 75 reimbursement for suppression related activity. It was done in a timely way and we are incredibly hateful and appreciative. The blue ridge fire also in Orange County, it is 0 contained. 7000 acres also part of that that we received from the federal government. Those are the two active wildfires. Primarily grass fires and some structure losses in the fires. Not as significant as some may have anticipated particularly with the wind gusts over 80 Miles Per Hour and around the area. And testament to the extraordinary work that has been done by local firefighters, not just our state firefighting force. Let me extend a point of consideration and appreciation and a somber point. There are two chronic critical conditions out of Orange County and our hearts and prayers go out to their families and at their speedy recovery. Shows the extraordinary heroism of the men and women that go on the front lines and that quite literally put their lives on the line to protect your property and protect your lives. Again, hearts go out and we are giving them all the best wishes and the best care we possibly can and to all of our firefighters up and down the state. I know how impactful it is when one of their own is injured. Again, stay safe and continue to do extraordinary work that you have been doing in this historic wildfire year. Just to put in perspective, we talk in historic times. Quick update on the largest wildfire in recorded history in the state of california. I will remind you that six of the top 20 wildfires in our States History have occurred in 2026 of the top 20 in 2020. The largest being the august complex over 1 million acres and last week we updated 22 contained. Making progress is stubborn. In complex with the u. S. Forest service. You can see they have been able to hold the line even with the ways in keeping this around 1 million acres. The creek fire, we have some issues with the winds, and we had a fairly strong on the line. The creek fire got a lot of attention. This is again in and around the area where we lost substantial number of trees to the drought. You have extreme conditions and you add the way over late the last 48 hours. 61 contained last week. 63 contained this week. You can see about 24,000 additional acres that have burned. In partnership with the u. S. Forest service and the joint command with cal fire. We continue to keep you updated on the two complexes. 14 active up and down the state of california. For the ones in Orange County. And 5000 firefighters continue to do extraordinary work in these extraordinary conditions in our state. Speaking of extraordinary, i want to applaud the leadership of the states of oregon, states of washington and nevada. We had a call as we do with our western states coalition. The collaborative we put together in the beginning of the pandemic. Our chiefs of staff connected on a consistent basis. Governors connected on a consistent basis as well. Just had a wonderful conversation with Governor Brown on issues related to vaccine safety and wildfires and some issues and some dams we share in the state. We had conversations that led to consideration to join our efforts in the state of california to review vaccines, their efficacy and safety. We announced last week a vaccine safety workgroup focusing on equity and transparency are focusing on Building Trust so we are not playing politics with the distribution of vaccines. Not playing with peoples lives or the emotion around the vaccines and when they will be safely available. We want to make sure it is done in a sober and thoughtful way. Objective and scientific way. We have the best and brightest and we are so proud of the country in terms of the Human Resources that we have the Research Institutions and institutions of higher learning. We work with the governors and they are joining formerly, our Safety Commission and we will be adding some of their experts as well and building out more broadly our workgroup. We are proud of that and proud of the partnership. Proud of the governors and the work that they are doing in this very difficult time and again, all of us are preparing for the distribution of the vaccines and Building Trust with you. In making sure they are done, not just expeditiously, but done safely. Accordingly, and i will just remind you this slide, the biostatistics, the experts in biostatistics and epidemiology in the pediatric Infectious Diseases and Health Equity and others that are part of the work group that are monitoring the vaccine trials. Just to give you a sense of the resumes of some of the folks of ucla, stanford, berkeley and many other extraordinary institutions that are already deeply engaged with the federal government on the vaccine protocols. Now more formally working with the other states. We are adding a new group today. 16 members of the new group. Is called a drafting guidelines workgroup. This is a focus on the ethics of distribution. Should be prioritized. How do we allocate the supplies . How do we not only do so safely, the scientific review committee, but do so with a sense of urgency and prioritization in the most vulnerable related to key concerns of the transmission of this disease that have comorbidities or congregant settings or under Skilled Nursing facilities or Residential Care facilities that are based on age and other modalities. Those are the guidelines that we are putting out to prioritization of the cohorts in the groups, we want to be guided again by experts and we will be guided by experts in immunization but also geriatrics which is foundational ethics. Epidemiology and Health Equity and pharmacy practice. 60 members of the workgroup. We put out their names. Put out a press release. You can go to our covid19 website. To learn more about the individuals that are part of this drafting guidelines workgroup. Dr. Galli will come up in a moment and talk more about this group in contrast to the safety group as he updates you on the movement between tiers. Now the eight weeks since we put out the tiered, the color coded tears status and talk about the movement and also be updating on some of the more specifics related to the purpose of the creation of the workgroup and what he is hoping comes out of the workgroup. What i want to update you on first. Numbers you are very familiar with. Numbers that have been trending slightly up with the case numbers in the state of california. In the last 24 hour period. We recorded 3188 total number of new positive covid19 cases in the state. The 14 day average , slightly higher than that at 3699 and i should note that if you look at the seven day average, the seven day average is higher at 4303. And i say that because i look at the 7 day. Not just the 14 day average. It is starting to trend up slightly. Take a look at this slide. You will see the 14 day Positivity Rate. That is the total number of tests that we conduct in the percent of individuals tested positive. We are never ashamed of testing for people. We are not ashamed of identifying those that have been tested positive as the purpose of testing is around taking care of peoples needs related to their isolation of quarantine or medical needs. That is the purpose of testing. Nothing to be ashamed of. We wont to increase the number of tests in the state of california but we want to keep the Positivity Rate down. Even as the total number of cases go up. Which generates headlines. The real headline for us in terms of alarm bells and red flags is that Positivity Rate. The positive you Positivity Rate over 14 day period is trending down. And we are starting to see it go slightly back up but still below 3 . Is at 3. 2 on the 7 day. 14 day, a little bit more stability. Seven days starting to see modest increases. 133,000. Just shy of 134,000 average number of daily tests. 144,000 yesterday. We got just shot of 200,000 tests. Over the weekend. Over a 24 hour period. We are sink the test numbers go up and we will be announcing later this week efforts to substantially increase the total number of tests with our new lab facility in valencia that will highlight this friday. But the Positivity Rate is still below 3 . Starting to trend modestly backup. Lets take a look at hospitalizations and icus. Hospitalizations are beginning to trend is slightly back up. 4. 7 increase over the last 14 days in new hospitalizations as well as an increase of 5. 9 icu admissions over a 14 day period. The good news is overall statewide, we are steel trending below where we have been trending for quite some time in icus and hospitals. So, Capacity Remains ample. Nonetheless, we saw weeks and weeks, candidly months or months of declines. Doubledigit declines. Pretty consistently over the 14 day advance. Doubt you are sink modest increases as you reverse that. We are seeing plateauing and stabilization. A slight increase over the last 14 days. We are monitoring this and watching this closely. Dr. Galli will come up in a moment and tell you what he has been seeing at the local level. Parts of Southern California. Imperial county in a region with for referred to as 1 near st. Louis it is spoke and we are monitoring modest increases as of late. We are working closely with the counties and their Health Officers and continuing to prepare for our winter months. Where more people start mixing holidays. Will more people start coming over. And enjoying the holidays. Outside of their core household core who cohorts. We are concerned about the prospects of seeing these admissions go up and seeing the hospitalization rates go up. What we are seeing and i will just briefly preview, with last weeks tiered status is continuing momentum out of the most restrictive tier. 12 counties last week and the most restrictive tier this week, you will see seven counties. Dr. Galli will layout the seven counties that are moving through tiers. None have fallen back this week which is encouraging. Seven counties moving through either into red, into orange or now even into yellow. The least restrictive tier. With that, here is dr. Gallis update on the tiered status and an update as well on the workgroup that we announced today. Thank you as always, governor. Before we get into the tears, i want to spend a minute on the exciting progress announced on vaccines. Last week, we talked about one of the first pillars of our vaccine strategy and i will remind you we submitted like allstate, a comprehensive plan noted to be one of the most comprehensive plant in the nation about being prepared for distribution of the vaccine when he is ready. To the cdc and federal partners. Just over a week ago. Today, we are announcing the second pillar of our three pillar strategy. One that Scientific Safety Review Committee made up of experts in california now joined by experts from four other surrounding states that we will look at the evidence. All of the data and ensure that it is complete and that we are transparent. Not in any way to delay Vaccine Distribution but to reinforce and support what we have the federal government will share with us which is a strong bit of evidence about the safety and all of the rigor that goes into getting a vaccine prepared for distribution to people. Today, the drafting guidelines subcommittee or committee coming together to really talk about the hard questions about when we only have handfuls of doses. Who should get them . While supporting our frontline healthcare workers as the governor alluded to. Those who are most vulnerable. Those in congregant facilities, Skilled Nursing facilities and other places and really looking at the first group of californians eligible to get the vaccine and then, later, as we get more vexing but not enough for everyone, how do we roll it out and how do we have the two pop groups working together that in my view, will prepare california to be ready when we get the vaccine. We are in no way delaying distribution, but preparing ourselves like few other states will be able to. We look forward to that work and i look forward to hearing the advice of those committees as we guide and work with our county partners. I will remind you the experts are not just from our esteemed academic universities around the state, but also practical individuals at the county level working in pharmacies, nurses who work with patients. Lots of different experts so that we have a rich set of input from across california. Today as the governor mentioned, normally we update the tier status by zoom. I had the privilege of doing it alongside the governor. Last week we had 12 counties go to purple. We solved that was two counties to actually move back from red tier to the purple tier. 23 counties in red last week. 13 in orange and nine in yellow. Today we have nine counties in purple. Three counties moving forward. Actually two counties moving forward in shasta who we work closely with to look at their most recent data. And worked with the county and maintain them in the red tier. We have 22 counties in red. 17 in orange and 10 in yellow. If we go back to the beginning of the tier system, we had 38 counties in purple. Quite a bit of movement. Only two counties in yellow. Now 10. We have seen as we talked to you about the slow and stringent approach of our blueprint that counties are moving through. They are beginning to see some increased openings of various sectors and increasing the occupancy of the sectors that have been open for quite some time. To be more specific, purple to red this week are glenn and mendocino counties. Two counties have had the privilege of working pretty closely with over the last couple of months to make interventions, to reduce transmission and increase testing and watch closely the hospital capacity. That is Important News for the two counties. Read to orange, contra costa, marin, san mateo and santa cruz and orange to yellow, calaveras county. As the governor mentioned, no counties are moving back in the tier system. We do have a number of counties as you can see which counties they are and who we are concerned about moving back in the future. We are working closely with their Public Health teams and other leaders in their counties to ensure that we are digging into the data and understanding it very well so that we could take the appropriate steps in partnership with our local partners to make sure transmission is reduced as far and as much is possible. I will turn it back to the governor. Thank you. Progress. As it relates to modifying our stayathome orders. The industry by industry sector by sector guidelines allowing more capacity and ability for people to move into the tears. We provide support and guidelines, but we do not assert that we are mandating people to move quickly to any of the tears. Was still rely on our local Health Officers. We rely on local elected officials. Based upon the conditions on the ground. Based upon their appetite to support the movement and we continue to work collaboratively and closely with all of them. Good news, nonetheless. This will continue to advance our collective cause of getting closer. To reopening our schools safely. Or in person education. Again, we have protocols in process and in place and we have mandates as it relates to requirements on testing and ppe that must be put into place. Before we can safely reopen. For in person instruction. Nonetheless, the movement that we are announcing today. Dr. Galli announced is continuing to advance the effort and we continue to modify and allow for more activity and businesses large and small up and down the state of california. I will open up for questions in a moment. I will leave you at the end with a short psa around halloween. Very short 10 second psa that weve been putting out on halloween because as we modify. As we go into the Holiday Season as people begin to mix. I have four young kids that are running around in their costumes and have been for seems like two or three months. We have already gone through four or five and completely molded. What you know the drill. You know how eager our kids are to buy pumpkins a month and a half hour. I only advise people if you do that, dont carve them. Again, i digress. Only to suggest and say those activities are commonplace. And welldefined and part of our traditions and we want to make sure we are advancing the activities in a safe manner and that halloween is this weekend. And we will be putting out soon, i read somewhere and some folks asserting that we put out guidelines for the holiday and they were misled or, we have not put out thanksgiving guidelines or holiday guidelines formally. We will be putting this out very shortly as well and again, as we enter into the Holiday Season as we move a lot of activities back indoors because the weather, we continue to maintain vigilance and remind you what we see appear on this list where your mask, to the extent you can. It is mandated in the state and we want to encourage you to do so endorsed when you are in hallways and mixing with other people outside of your core group in the house appear physically distance where you can. Continue to sanitize, wash your hands for no other reasons of flu season is upon us and do your best to keep minimize mixing that clearly because of the increased transmission we are seeing across the country. Not just the modest increase we are seeing across the state as of late. With that, happy to answer any questions. Listening as the california governor updates on popup major crises hitting our state of the covid19 pandemic and certainly the very intense wildfire season. We will get to fires in a second but when it comes to the coronavirus, the state has topped 100,000 cases. The right of covid19 bread in california continues to be slower than what we are seeing in others dates across the country. Weve been reporting on a spike been seen in a number of states, largely in the midwest. Not so much in california. That is good news, but the governor says now is not the time to let up your garden he is and wear your mask, states six feet apart from strangers. Continue to wash your hands and we are getting encouraging numbers when it comes to the daily Positivity Rate, the number of people hospitalized and people dying from covid19. All the numbers are far too have that we are not seeing the crisis reemerging as we are in many parts of the country. The governor spoke personally saying he is the father of four Young Children who were very eager for halloween. I dont think they will be going doortodoor at the Governors Mansion and many people in the bay area have been told to think us at the trickortreat bag when it comes to halloween. Large gatherings in cities is not the way to go this year. The numbers he said are to have. The amount of acres that have burned this historic fire season in california. 4. 2 million acres. Nearly 10,000 structures have been completely destroyed. He focused on the Current Events up and down california when it comes to wildfires. 40 42 new fires popping up in the last 24 hours. We had the the applicant winds in Northern California. The santa ana winds in Southern California and tipping his cap to cal fire and all the departments that were well positioned at the start of these events. In doing so, some inches being up on ridge tops and able to jump down and knock down the flames as soon as fire started. In Orange County that are finding fighting two big fires. The blue ridge fire that has burned more than 7000 acres in on the east side of the county, the silverado fire. It is burned more than 11,000 acres. 5 contained at last check. 90,000 people told to pack up and get out and evacuate an unfortunate, two firefighters have been critically injured in fighting the silverado fire. Second and 3rd degree burns for both of the firemen. Our thoughts with them as they fight in the hospital to get better. 4. 2 million acres of burn in california. It has been a historic wildfire season. Lets bring in rosemary with the news because we are talking about the winds and how dusty they have been. Both in Southern California and the bay area. At least we are noticing they are dropping off in the bay area. Still a little gusty in the hills and breezy around the bay but the advisory for way is by yesterday. Half of the red flag warning area expired yesterday and we are holding onto a few spots and giving a look at a beautiful Golden Gate Bridge where we have blue skies overhead and very dry air in place. Fog this morning and definitely no fog at this hour. Here is where we have the advisory still in place. As we get into the afternoon, the northbay hills and is bay hills until 5 00 this afternoon. Squeezing in, we have temperatures relatively mild and the winds not too bad. Five to 50 Miles Per Hour but looking at relative humidity into the teens. 15 reported at los alamos road. Pickett road reported at 15 . Gradually coming up, but still looking at trouble in relative humidity. If we get closer to the coast, you can see over the Santa Cruz Mountains relative humidity is 10 . For the evening, relative humidity, and winds expected to die down. That is when the advisory will expire for red flag warning and temperatures not expected to change for the rest of the week. I dont see any rain in the extended forecast. More on this coming up in just a bit. Pg e crews continue efforts to restore power to the tens of thousands of people still affected by the most recent Public Safety power shutoff. As jesse gary reports, some residents are losing patience over the power shutoffs. Reporter in the oakland hills, into erie started tuesday. Montclair street toward derby for don and only some light would provide illumination. The latest pg e Public Safety power shutoff results in a few points of light. A jogger glowing in the darkness and area Grocery Stores using generators to keep the power on and food fresh. Some residents say the inconvenience and no power in the age of covid19 is wearing other nervous. With covid, it compounds it all. We are not going out much anyway. None of us are. We could go out for walks. But when it goes out, it is harder. It isnt necessary. This is not for Public Safety. It is to cover pg es rear end. Permit pg any Officials Say currently 109,000 customers are without power. Restoration efforts continue in various bay area counties. Alameda as 40 of customers restored to power. Contra costa, 24 . Moran, 76 . In san mateo, more than half have electric service with 59 restoration. Santa clara has 68 . Sonoma at 40 and santa cruz at 56 . Napa county is near 0 restoration and the numbers for Solano County are not available. Pg e Officials Say a fleet of aircraft along with 1800 ground inspectors are tracking the lines for safety before power is turned on. Executives believe the power shutoffs likely did prevent fires. Stanford release pictures of at least 12 damaged powerlines. Each a potential fire disaster had the lines been active. Anyone could result in a spark. Permit pg any setup 160 Community Resource centers for those impacted by the power shutoff. They are providing charging stations for laptops, tables and cell phone batteries and water, snacks and restrooms. I will social distancing and masks. Many say while the centers are a godsend, they would much prefer full power restoration which the utility promises would be a case by sunday night. Some people lost their electricity and the ability to prepare meals to the home. There was a popup pantry in san rafael. The San Francisco Marin Food Bank is distributings shelf to table food items and Disaster Kits to people in marin. That the bank expects to give out 200 boxes of food today alone. We are prepared for at least three distributions. We have been two so far. Is simply the majority of the power has been restored so we can go another day if we needed to. It is looking okay right now. The food bank will have the drive to only popup pantry in san rafael from 11 00 a. M. Until 2 00 p. M. A new report being released calling on pg e and state regulators to be more transparent about the impact of the power shutoff events in vulnerable communities. The initiative for energy and justice researchers and Community Groups are accusing the utility of failing to keep accurate data on vulnerable californians. The researchers say the goal is to understand the effect of power shutoffs on low income communities and medically Vulnerable People like those who rely on devices to support life functions. What we uncovered in the research actually shock this. Despite our efforts, we could not locate any data reported to the California Public utilities commission. From Pacific Gas Electric or any other organization that provided a granular granular level of detail concerning the impact of utility shut off events. The researchers say understanding the effect of the ps ps on the community allows officials to develop policy to meet the unique needs of people in the communities. Wildfires are out of control and fire crews are continuing to battle intense flames. 90,000 people have been evacuated as a result. Cal fire says the silverado fire near irvine quadrupled in size yesterday. It is now burned more than 17 square miles containment is now at 5 . Two firefighters suffered critical injuries ballot the flames. Powerful santa ana winds are pushing the flames towards heavily populated neighborhoods. Investigators say a downed power line may have started the fire. Fire crews in Orange County battling another bonfire 15 miles away from the silverado fire. The blue ridge fire starting yesterday near the city of yorba linda. Cal fire says it has grown to more than 12 square miles and it is at 0 containment. The fire has forced the evacuation of 15,000 people who live in yorba linda, chino hills and a number of smaller communities. Election day is one week from today and more than 62 Million People have cast their ballots in the candidates on the trail to make their final pitches to voters. Laura blanchard has the latest on the race for the white house. Reporter President Donald Trump will spend tuesday in the midwest. First, he got started on twitter writing, strongly trending google after the second debate is can i change my vote . It refers changing it to me. The answer in most states is yes. Do it. He is using a similar tactic to last election where he urged people to change their early votes if they had socalled buyers remorse. If it is legal in your state and you want to change your mind, you can do it. Is in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin, minnesota. Reporter joe bidens campaign is turning their attention to typically red states. Im going to iowa and wisconsin and georgia and florida and maybe other places as well. Reporter his running mate senator, harris has west to nevada and arizona. The president tweeted he wants a final result by Election Night which is unlikely given the number of mailin ballots already on track to smash previous records. Whether it is your health or your vote , we have to win this election. We have to win big and win early. Reporter Vice President mike pence will campaign in the carolinas and former president obama will make the case for the biden harris ticket in florida. In washington, laura blanchard, ktvu fox 2 news. Amy Coney Barrett has officially been seated as the Newest Supreme Court justice. Allie rasmus explains what is ahead of for the high court now that has a solid conservative majority in the message Justice Barrett said to her supporters during a latenight white house ceremony. Reporter chief Justice John Roberts delivered the judicial oath to judge amy Coney Barrett the mornings of the followed an unofficial white house ceremony late last night hours after the Republican Senate voted along party lines to confirm bear it. Federal judges do not stand for election. Thus, they have no basis for claiming that their preferences reflect those of the people. Way at the ceremony, Justice Barrett reiterated her beliefs. This law professor said the ceremony see a very different message. To have the president front and center in the shot, it was going against the idea that she will have judicial independence. Just to score such and cavanaugh were dissipated in similar ceremonies. But never at night. It was all signaling to the people who have bad current that she will prove to be a reliable vote. Reporter now that Justice Barrett is on the beach the Supreme Court has a solid 63 majority. She will get to decide on an upcoming case about the constitutional of the Affordable Care act and this friday, the Supreme Court may take up a case brought by the Republican Party in pennsylvania here at issue is whether Election Officials account mail in ballots that are postmarked by november 3rd but arrived up to three days late because of post office delays. The Republican Party wants to say to you. Dont count the ballots if they come in late. If they have not been received by election day. If things are close and if you votes in pennsylvania matter one way or the other, this ruling could be huge. It could absolutely decide who is the president. Still to come, struggling to pay rent during the pandemic. Up next, a closer look at how much money was lost in the city of San Francisco and the measure being taken on by the board of supervisors today. I didnt choose this job because it was easy. But i cant say i expected this. To fight these fires, we need funding plain and simple. For this crisis, and for the next one. Prop 15 closes tax loopholes so rich corporations pay their fair share of taxes. So firefighters like me, have what we need to do the job, and to do it right. The big corporations want to keep their tax loopholes. Its what they do. Well, i do what i do. If yould like to help, join me and vote yes on prop 15. The information on the most recent homicide out of the city of oakland. A shooting happened around 10 40 last night on macarthur boulevard near 89th avenue. Police found two coming inside a car that crashed. But suffering from gunshot wounds. This is video from citizen app showing this thing. The man who was killed is not been identified by police. The person who was injured went to a hospital and is expected to survive. Anyone who has information about the homicide is asked to call police. The governor announced a short time ago that contra costa, san mateo, marin and santa cruz counties have moved into the orange tier in the states colorcoded covid system. Starting today, more San Francisco businesses and Office Buildings can reopen. San francisco is in the yellow tier. Offices that have been considered nonessential can start reopening at 25 of previous capacities. Indoor gyms including climbing centers can welcome back members in limited numbers. Some personal Services Including waxing and facials are allowed again. Colleges can expand our classes and the city will begin accepting requests to hold indoor classes up to two hours long. A new report finds winters in San Francisco are coming up as much is 32 million short collectively every month. The losses get passed on to the Property Owners who also have to pay the bills. The city as a plan to help make sure the Property Owners get paid. Reporter San Francisco rents are already notoriously high. A new study from the citys Budget Legislative Analyst Office as temperatures are coming up between 13 and 32 million short each month on all or part of the rent due to the pandemic. Renters like this domestic worker. The truth she says, is that it is been hard during the pandemic. She hasnt had work and without work she is worried and has not paid her rent in six months. She says she doesnt have the money and is scared of losing her house in. Supervisor dean the president requested the report is says it is the first view of how serious the problem is. What the budget legislative analyst found in the new report is that as much is 32 million of rent is going unpaid each month because of covid19. Reporter the supervisor has written the rent resolution and relief fund. The board of supervisors is set to take it up for a vote tuesday. Preston says money race from proposition i, a proposed tax on real estate transactions valued at more than 10 million would provide funds to help Property Owners who give their tenants a break on the rent. It is a win for renters who get relief and have security in their homes and ate win for Property Owners who are suffering from not getting rental income. Reporter this Property Owner wants to keep her renters right where they are. She as well close with them and knows they are working hard to pay the rent. She says, she also has bills to pay. She says the proposal might not be perfect, but it would help her and her tenants. Renters need to make their ends meet and right now there is not enough to go around. The way i see this is, when the government is pitching in to try to make things work. Reporter the board of supervisors will take a vote on tuesday. The voters of San Francisco will have their say on the Funding Source proposition on election day. The oakland zoo is closed for a second straight day do you to the planned power outages. This he posted a message on its website saying the utility is keeping his power off again today. Zookeepers are using backup generators to supply the needed electricity necessary to keep the animals safe and comfortable. Big change from where we were yesterday. Some people are under a red flag warning. The red flag warning. Until 5 00 this afternoon. Still very dry conditions and a bit breezy in some areas. The winds will continue to die down in the second part of the day and relative humidity coming up. Here is a beautiful shot of San Francisco. No signs of any fog and temperatures running a little above average in most cases. 75 over santa rosa right now. Look at the sfo. 77 in oakland. 77 in livermore and san jose. 24 hour temperature change in most areas along the central and south they stretch. Warmer than yesterday. In the north bay cooled over novato and Half Moon Bay a tad cooler than yesterday at this time. The officer way continues and you can see the flow from the ease. Fair for fairfield reporting 12 Miles Per Hour. Oakland reporting northeast at 50 Miles Per Hour in the northeast wind helping to drive up the temperatures over oakland. It would look towards mt. St. Helena the winds of 40 Miles Per Hour there. Atlas peak reporting 23. In the north bay hills and east bay hills still dealing with the way and dealing with dry conditions and the red flag warning continuing until 5 00. At 4 00, you can see the relative humidity still dry in and around the north bay, the east bay in livermore reporting 15 . Look closer to the coast at the Santa Cruz Mountains. Relative humidity 35 to 45 . Closer to the water and of course the relative humidity is, and the advisory for the area expired yesterday. In the evening hours and relative humidity for inland cities in areas beginning to look a little better with 25 to 35 around at 9 00 tonight. That is what is to come. Afternoon highs for today above average. 75 expected over San Francisco. 86 the afternoon highs for santa rosa and 80 degrees expected in the south bay of san jose. Along the coastline, low 70s and pacifica. Temperatures cooling slightly getting into wednesday. Thursday, and Holding Steady through friday into saturday and through the weekend. Low 60s out because. Low 70s around the bay. Very pleasant temperatures and pleasant weather. Unfortunately, no rain in the forecast for the end of the month and perhaps the start of november. Back to you. Still to come, a historic billboard is coming down. Up next, why the cocacola sign is being removed after 83 years. And the price tag to take it down. The family from elsa brontc is celebrating the birth of a beautiful new baby and thanking the firefighters who helped deliver the child. Donnie hogan jr. And his wife are the proud parents of a healthy baby boy born last tuesday at his grandmothers home. The couple called 911 when they realize the baby was about to make his arrival a few days earlier than expected. The crew from firehouse 63 came to the rescue in minutes. I clamp the umbilical cord. As such and the nose and we got him crying. The house and family were truly blessed. Truly blessed. How everything turned out. The mom says he is looking forward to telling her scent the special story of his birthday. And plans to keep in touch with the crew at station 63. The coronavirus is putting countless holiday traditions on hold. There is one thing that a Global Pandemic cannot stop. Reporter while the holidays will look a lot different, one tradition is not going away. Holiday shopping. According to a Worldwide Survey of more than 5000 people by oracle retail, customers are eager to shop despite the pandemic. With nearly 60 print saying they plan to same the same normal on gives. The pandemic is affecting how Consumers Want to spend their money. Around half of respondents plan to split purchases between online and instore shopping. 20 say they feel safe shopping entirely in person. I think the stores are doing a good job keeping everything clean and sent to sanitize. Apartment Curbside Pickup is likely to be a popular trend with about 16 surveyed using the option as their preferred method. It is more convenient to pick it up or order it on the app and pull up curbside and have been handed to you. Reporter many consumers believe visiting brickand mortar shops is a big part of the holiday experience. If Retail Stores want to see more people walk through the door, they will have to make a safety precaution list and check it twice. Hand sanitizer stations, mandatory masks for staff and customers invisible cleaning efforts or keep the consumer confidence. I think what consumers are looking for is basic levels of protection and safety. They are looking for the confidence that their needs are being looked after. Reporter the Holiday Season is underway. Stores like best buy, macys and target have started rolling out black friday deals. It is the end of an era for a historic billboard in San Francisco. I always see that sign lit up coming off of the bay bridge. Knowing that im coming home. The cocacola sign is coming down after 83 years. Work to remove the giant sign began yesterday and he is expected to be gone by the end of november. City leaders say a permit was issued to remove the structure. The original cocacola billboard was to start on the rooftop in 1937 as the bay bridge open. It would flash and light up again. Is iconic. Coming down, it is a shame. Some people have asked if the billboard can be preserved. Cocacola is working to make sure the sun is recycled appropriately. The company says it decided not to renew the lease for the billboard because they want to focus on Digital Media platforms. Something new at Golden Gate Park to celebrate 150 years since golden gate open to the public. San franciscos biggest city park and the artwork is caught in twine. It is made of 2000 lights that change color. The exhibit opens on december 1st and will run through february at least. Game six of the world series is tonight and the l. A. Dodgers one win away from a winning the title. The dodgers lead the race in the bestofseven series 3 games to two. L. A. Has not won the world series since 1988 when hurt gibson hit that home run against the oakland as. This will be tampas 3rd elimination game. They one game five against the yankees and game seven against the astros. You can watch todays world series right here on ktvu. Coverage starting at 4 30 and the game starts just after 5 00. And i just noticed, my blue shirt. Dont look into it too much. It is just a shirt. May the best team win. All the regular news is on ktvu plus and thank you for joining us. Dr. Oz is up next. Infamous nxivm sex cult leader keith raniere. This man branded women. Will he be sentenced to life for his horrific crimes . His exgirlfriend opens up about escaping the cult after years of his terror and abuse. They hunted me like an animal. Dr. Oz coming up next. To oz i became a doctor help people heal. Now, im using the same science and medicine to take on true crime

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