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hasn't been great. one day it's good. there's the freeway. one day it's great. it seems to change hour-by-hour. we're dealing with that. in this pandemic lifetime, the u.s. open tennis tournament in new york begins but with changes due to covid-19. players will face off at the billy jean king national tennis center with no fans. i'm not sure what this video is. it's a tiger. but i'm going to talk about the tennis tournament anyway. [ laughter ] that's funny. one player unfortunately on the u.s. team, the one player on the french team has tested positive for covid-19 so those players have withdrawn. welcome to mornings on 2 the 9:00. i'm sal castaneda along with mike mibach and gasia mikaelian. gasia, yesterday or the day before, my kids asked me, are we ever going back to normal? i really didn't know what to say. i said, i think so. >> right. it's funny, i remember at the beginning, you asked us, what do we miss most from pre-pandemic life and we talked about sporting events and concerts and going out to eat. and i have a one-word, actually two-word answer to that now. that is personal contact. that's what i miss most of all. just that physical contact, that hugging, that close talking, that whispering a joke or just that physical contact that used to come between friends, family members. i feel like i've been living in this bubble. that 100% is what i miss most of all. >> it's gotten to the point where the longer it goes, you kind of tend to forget what it was. and when you get back together it may have a strange feeling. that strange feeling did not exist prior to the pandemic. that was normal life. now you really got to think back. even doing this. even doing the news, like being in a studio. it will feel different for sure. as for the u.s. open, i'll mention this because a lot of people are curious about the oakland as. one of the members of their organization tested positive for covid-19. we're waiting this morning to hear results from other members. but they're still in houston i believe. so as soon as we get more information on the as regarding coronavirus, we'll bring it to you. new this morning, we'll start in the east bay. two-alarm fire in hayward damaged a building with four businesses inside that building. let's check in with sarah. >> good morning. the hayward fire department is trying to figureire started buty did get people on the roof. that's something they're going to look into once the fire is out. when firefighters got on scene, they tried going inside the building to put out the flames but the fire was moving too quickly so they had to attack it from the outside instead. we heard from the hayward fire captain about the dangerous conditions they had to deal with. >> we had a truck company that was up there getting ready to punch out sky lights and cut a hole. they were called off the roof because the fire was coming out of the roof. >> we don't know the extent of the damage to the building and four businesses inside just yet. the fire department says there will at least be water damage to the businesses because they had to flow a lot of water in to put out the flames. we heard from one of the business owners who said he's relying on his faith to get him through this. we have a live look at the area. the fire happened near b street and foothill boulevard in hayward. you can kind of take a look at exactly what's going on right now. this is a live look that you're seeing. just some of those fire crews still stationed right outside of the building. can't really tell if they're dumping fire on the building. i think they might be as we zoom in there. it's hard to tell with the gray sky behind them. but of course still a heavy fire presence on scene of this fire. and we will continue monitoring this. check out our ktvu app and social media for updates. we'll have the full story on ktvu at noon. new this morning, the number of covid-19 cases in the united states has surpassed 6 it just added aew in the past h. california still has more cases than any other state at nearly 707,000. we're also the most populated state in the nation. 85,000 coronavirus cases are reported in the bay area. more than 1100 people have died. the new system for reopening the state of california during the pandemic begins today. it will allow hundreds of bay area businesses to reopen indoors, including hair salons, barber shops and stores inside shopping malls. many merchants at the west valley mall are among those moving inside this morning. shoppers will see signs indicating a store's occupancy limit with arrows to help them social distance and plenty of hand sanitizing stations. >> i think it's probably a good thing as long as everybody uses precautions. i think it will be a good thing for the businesses and a lot of customers want to get out and do some shopping. >> we're actually really excited. we have a lot of people, like a lot of our customers and loyal patrons asking us when are you guys going to open? when is the mall going to open? >> many businesses though were not yet allowed to reopen indoors in many parts of the bay area. that includes nail salons, worship, restaurants, movie theatres, fitness centers, wineries and bars. this is all part of california's four-tier color coding system. most of the area is in purple. that indicates a high risk of infection for covid-19. only san francisco and napa counties are in red. that's a little better. the second tier indicating a bit of a lesser risk. i mentioned at the top of the newscast that the oakland as do remain in houston, texas. a member of the organization did test positive for the coronavirus. that means yesterday's game against the astros was postponed to allow time for more testing and contact tracing. the as at this point have not told us the name of the person who's infected. we don't know if it's even a player or coach or staff member. the team is scheduled to begin a three-game series tomorrow up in seattle but at this point it is unclear if those games will actually happen as we await the results of those tests. you can find more on the pandemic on the ktvu news app. you'll find the county by county information on reopenings on that app. it's free to download wherever you get those apps. president trump is planning to head to kenosha, wisconsin after continuing protests following the police shooting of jacob blake. griffe jenkins reports on the violence and ongoing demonstrations in portland, oregon. >> reporter: another weekend of protests across the country, from the nation's capital to portland, oregon, where violent confrontations turned deadly. at least one person was killed over the weekend. president trump firing off on twitter with a message to the city's mayor, ted wheeler, saying portland is a mess and it has been for many years. if this joke of a mayor doesn't clean it up, we'll go in and do it for them. the trump administration has repeatedly offered to assist the city with the deployment of federal agents but mayor wheeler believes it would only lead to more violence. >> i think it would be helpful not for me to tell you how to do your job because frankly i don't appreciate when you tell me how to do mine. >> meanwhile, another city is trying to reduce racial tensions. president trump is making plans to visit kenosha, wisconsin on tuesday to see the damage caused by riots as a result of the shooting of jacob blake by police. wisconsin's democratic governor tony evers wrote a letter to the president, saying i'm concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. >> this president is out and about, reopening the country, demonstrating his respect for the american people by going to places where americans are hurting. >> democratic presidential nominee joe biden said he's open to going to wisconsin in the wake of the blake shooting but today he'll be speaking in pittsburgh. firefighters continue to make good progress against the three big fires burning in the bay area now for two weeks here. the czu lightning complex fire burning in santa cruz as well c. that's now 39% contained. it's burned more than 132 square miles. many evacuation orders have been lifted. cal fire does say one person died in the fire. that fire has destroyed more than 1200 structures. the scu lightning complex fire continues to grow but it's now 60% contained. close to 591 square miles have burned in seven counties and it's destroyed more than 100 structures while 20,000 remain threatened. 2,000 firefighters are battling these flames. cal fire says the dense brush is handling operations. they're making good containment at 60%. the lightning fire is the second largest fire in california history. firefighters also starting to get the upper hand on the deadly lnu lightning complex fire in the north bay. this fire is now 63% contained. it's burned more than 586 square miles in sonoma, lake, napa, solano, and yolo counties. more than 1200 structures have been destroyed. cal fire says firefighters are working to contain flare-ups within the interior of the fire zone. officials are working to repopulate areas they've deemed safe for residents to return. let's talk about the weather because it's pretty cloudy out there. foggy and a lot of smoke. let's bring steve paulson in to talk about that and more. >> sal, real quick, i'll get to that. this is for mike. you follow probably bob nightingale on twitter. he said great news for the as. all players and staff have tested negative that's bob nighn twitter. sal's right. we have a lot of smoke. we just talked about there's so much smoke. the white is fog. when you're going to see this coming up there, big talk fog bank. that's given the firefighters a break. higher humidity, cooler temps. that hasn't disappeared yet. that tent over land, that's all smoke. that's not going anywhere. it drifts around one day to the next. one day where it's clear, i text a friend of mine, i said it's clear. she said no way. then the next day the smog and smoke kept pouring in. these are the numbers from air quality management. they're still in the unhealthy category although they're not as high as some people are showing. still they're in the unhealthy category. the wind looks like it wants to pick up a little on tuesday. that might help a little bit. seeing some gusts for the wind forecast. and about the 25 to 30-mile-per-hour range. again, that would be a west wind. that kind of blows it toward the east. we'll see if that materializes. it's after wednesday i'm really concer can see sfo. the visibility is awful. the smoke, thethere's not much e today. so with that in mind, it is a warmer forecast. it's not going to be a huge jump on those temps today. not yet. some upper 80s, 90s return for those well enough inland. a lot of hazy sun. yesterday santa rosa, san jose was in the upper 70s. livermore hit 90. incredible. oakland, 68. today it's 70s, 80s to low 90s. these are pretty close to average except well inland where they're trending to be above. speaking of above, that looks to be the theme going into the weekend. we'll have more coming up about that in about 15 minutes. we'll take a look at that extended outlook and it has some pretty hot temps by the weekend. coming up next here on mornings on 2 the 9, getting federal approval for a coronavirus vaccine. in our next half hour, what the head of the fda has do to make the vaccine available as soon as possible. we're also checking in with tech life columnist about what's a different back-to-school shopping tradition. up next, the laptop shortage bay area students are facing as they navigate distance learning this school year. power through your morning when you wake up with mornings on 2. a new poll suggests that president trump didn't get much of a bounce from the republican national convention last week. the president's approval rating has remained the same, following one percentage week to 31%. the poll also found 37% approved. democratic presidential candidate joe biden will campaign in the battleground be the first democratic address since the convention. the biden campaign says he'll focus on whether voters feel the same in, quote, donald trump's america. this will be one of biden's first in-person events since. in washington, d.c., many democrats are now pushing back. john radcliffe says it's to prevent anymore leaks after details from a congressional briefing he gave last month were leaked within minutes. some democrats say the trump administration is trying to cover up foreign threats to the 2020 election. >> i'm going to continue to keep the promises i made. i'm going to continue to follow the law. i'm going to continue to keep congress informed. we've had a pandemic of information being leaked out of the intelligence community and i'm going to take the measures to make sure that that stops. >> they're trying to influence our elections with disinformation and this is not where you cut off congress from getting the information. >> ratcliff says from now on, briefing election will come new this , firefighters are investigating the cause of an overnight house fire in los altos. it happened around 3:15 this morning. when firefighters arrived, they found flames burning outside the garage near a gas meter. >> meanwhile, our hazmat crew assembled a hydraulic mustang tool. they were able to clamp the galvanized pipe that feeds the meter and shut the gas supply off. crews can extinguish the remaining fire on the fence and house. >> the family inside the home wasn't hurt but they won't be able to go back inside their house. seven of their neighbors were temporarily evacuated from their homes but allowed to return after firefighters finished their work. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, elon musk, tesla ceo, unveils a smart chip for the brain. how it reportedly could help diseases. also firefighters are making some good progress against three major fires. if you're at home thinking about your financial plan... so are we. prudential helps 1 in 7 americans with their financial needs. that's over 25 million people. with over 90 years of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help with secure video chat or on the phone. and no-medical-exam life insurance. plan for better days. go to or talk to an advisor. leave it to the pandemic to alter another american tradition. that is back-to-school shopping. it's still happening though it looks a lot different. and unfortunately things may cost more. to help us out with all of this, let's go to nationally syndicated tech life columnist and i should say former ktvu reporter, jennifer. welcome back to the show, jen. i don't know what to do here. prices are up. what's the inside scoop to help us out? >> well, you're exactly right. with parents shelling out so much more because they have to buy electronics this year, back-to-school and college spending could hit a record $100 billion. that would break all kinds of records for the priciest new school year at a time when most of us are really trying to save every penny we possibly can as the pandemic stretches on and on and on. so i've been reviewing all kinds of tips and tricks and new ways to help families and one novel new way comes straight from san francisco-based financial tech company, affirm. when you're shopping online, you're going to see this pop up as a way to pay at more than 6,000 retailers. these are the stores you're shopping at anyway like target, wayfair, maybe adidas. you add a few bits of info. maybe your phone number, annual salary. you get a realtime decision right then and there that does not impact your credit score. what i really like about youonee deferred interest. no catch. what i'm finding is it can be a real life saver for cash strapped families who have a budgeted income but maybe need that pricier laptop or desk, that more expensive item, and they don't want to overextend. that's one helpful tech trick right now. >> a lot of people can't find technology. they can't find laptops or chrome books and they want to buy them but they can't find them. how do we get our hands on one? >> there is a laptop shortage right now. there are supply chain issues and trade tariffs adding to months-long delays in meeting the meteoric demand. i say just go chrome at home. chromebooks can offer everything most students, especially k through 8, need for a fraction of the cost. i love one that's in buys in th. it's a chromebook duet. boots up in less than 10 seconds. it's off. then it's just on again. so kids can use it as a tablet or laptop. it's got a detachable keyboard. you can take it anywhere. and there are, maybe best part of all, plenty of these in stock and for sale at best buy in the bay area. >> do you necessarily have to buy a new device or can you buy something that's been refurbished and save some money that way? >> you can absolutely buy something refurbished. i'm going to tell you about that in a second. another great trick right here is if you do get a less expensive chrome book or you have a chrome book at home or laptop, chrome books often don't come with a lot of storage. you need to add on with a zippy little hard drive something like wd's new my passport ssd. this has been out for only a week now. it's a perfect digital locker for homework and other school assignments. it's a great way to add storage for that phonebook or move files between shared devices. this starts at $120 for 500 gigs. this might be the only tech you really need to get and it's completely available right now. >> getting back to not having to buy something new, you don't always have to buy something new, do you? >> no. you can get refurbished laptops or tablets. if you go to the manufacturer's website, dell or lenovo, for example, then you know you're getting the original and even better hardware and software. you also get a much better manufacturer warranty. anything that's five years old or newer is usually a safe bet, especially if it's been refurbished. to deal with all these new text needs right too. >> one more question because i have a million of them but i'm going to settle with how do you know when stuff is in stock? looking for it can be frustrating when you go to the website. how do you know? >> that's one of the biggest frustrations. you spend all this time figuring out exactly what chrome book or laptop to buy. you find it then it's out of stock. so sign up to get first alerts from stores. let's go back to this best buy example. you sign up for the student deals program and you get exclusive offers on tons of back-to-school tech must-haves. then also on best buy, theiran e which products are available at your nearest store. you won't be able to see quantity, how many they have there. if you see it in stock, buy it and run on over there right away and pick it up. but if something is out of stock, you can sign up to get alerted when it's available again. that gives you a head start. you can also sign up for alerts from other services like now in stock or zoo alert. those let you track several products at once. >> jennifer, friend of mornings on 2, technology expert. thanks for being back. good tips there, jennifer. >> thank you, sal. >> if you want more information on jennifer's back-to-school shopping tips, look for the school survival guide at under the schools tab. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, many more california businesses are approved to reopen this week. in minutes, the changes in health guidelines and what's happening here in the bay area. also, you may want to checkc is expanding a recall. also, if you haven't done this yet, now is the perfect time. you can have the morning headlines delivered to you when you sign up for our ktvu newsletter. head over to and sign up for this daily service. welcome back to mornings on 2 the 9. we're looking at a live picture of san jose. there's the adobe building. that's downtown san jose. and i do see some sun but there's also a lot of smoke in the air and the high pressure is returning. this is a great time to get back to our professional meteorologist. i'm just the amateur meteorologist. let's go to our pro, the ago in the clubhouse at minus 4, steve paulson. >> did you see some of the golf yesterday, sal? >> that playoff was incredible. >> the putt. unbelievable putt. just amazing. sal touched on it already. some hazy sun already. some of that fog is beginning to retreat. it looks like it's going to start disappearing in the next couple days. but there's a ton out there. and you can see the big fog bank out there and then the tent you see over land, that's a lot of smoke. we're not getting away from that. these numbers can change rapidly but any way you look at it, it's a spare the air day. one day maybe you go, hey, things are improving. the next day it comes pouring back in. you actually smell it in the house. i don't think this is going to change any time soon. what would change it? a roaring northwest wind or rain. that's not happening. 60s on the coast. 90s inland. we start to bump up. 50s, 60s, 70s already. lake port at 71. ukiah, clear lake, they'll probably be close to 100. inland temps are beginning to bump up but you can see there's plenty of low clouds and fog out there. when the high builds in from the pacific northwest this time, not the four corners, it starts to smash it down closer to the deck. hazy skies. we've had a break here for about five, seven days. i think saturday was probably the coolest day inland we're going to see for a while. the warming begins. inland temps are going to start to make that move slightly warmer. after we get past wednesday, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. temperatures a little above for some inland. it's after wednesday everything, all signs point toward a pretty rapid warmup. i think 100, especially sunday into monday could get 104, 105s back in there again. unfortunately but that's the way it's looking. a new cdc study has found 94% of the people who died from covid-19 in the united states were suffering from other major health problems. influenza and pneumonia ranked as the top underlying medical conditions linked to coronavirus death in the u.s. fewer than 10,000 americans have diedre-existing conditions since the pandemic began. the head of the fda says he's prepared to fast track the federal approval of a coronavirus vaccine under certain conditions. commissioner stephen hahn said he'd be willing to approve a vaccine before phase 3 clinical trials are completed if he believes the benefits outweigh the risks. hahn insists his decision would not be due from pressure from president trump who said he hopes to have a vaccine available before the end of the year. governor newsom and the california department of public health have unveiled a new color coded system for covid-19 guidelines. today many places are getting ready to reopen their doors for the first time's allie rasmus ha county-by-county look at what's allowed to reopen and when. >> in several bay area counties starting today, you'll be able to do things like get a hair cut or go to a shopping mall. the new color coded system to measure the spread of covid-19 and the safety of reopenings in california counties was unveiled on friday. it goes into effect today. counties allowing hair salons, barber shops and retail indoors include contra costa, marin, santa clara, sonoma, solano, and napa counties. strict limits on how many customers are allowed inside. let's show you this second list. these counties are still deciding what they'll allow indoors and when. they include san francisco andal meada. hair salons and barber shops must operate outdoors. in alameda, indoor malls can reopen if they limit how many customers inside. under these new guidelines for all counties, essential retailers like grocery stores and pharmacies can only have 50% capacity of customers in their stores. all other retailers must limit their capacity to 25%. allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 news. stanford university is going to great measures to avoid the spread of covid-19 on campus. officials say the school will start to turn away any community members trying to access the campus. the school says it's working to minimize interactions between nonessential students and staff. they'll be required to display stanford identification cards. chico state is canceling all in-person classes for the rest of the semester due to a rapid rise in the number of covid-19 cases. school officials say there have been nearly 30 new cases connected to the campus. they say the positive tests affect both classrooms and a majority of the on-campus housing facilities with more people exposed. students have been living in the residence halls and are being told to find off campus housing by next sunday. new this morning, the sonoma county board of supervisors has just ratified a local health emergency order due to the ongoing fires burning there in the north bay. sonoma county's public health officer issued the order last week because of the hazardous conditions caused by the lmu fire. the board ratified the proclamation. supervisors approved a separate proclamation on august 21st declaring the lnu complex fire a local emergency. in marin county, the woodward fire near the point reyes national seashore is now 15% contained. officials say the marine layer has limited the intensity of the fire but it's also limited the ability to use aircraft to fight the flames. the fire has burned about five square miles. the marin county sheriff's office has lifted a portion of the evacuation warning for the surrounding area. point reyes national seashore remains closed to the public and coastal roadways are restricted to local traffic. people along the gulf coast are cleaning up after laura. officials say it will be a long road to rebuilding after the storm. downed power lines leaving thousands without electricity. >> reporter: laura has moved off the east coast but it's left behind a trail of destruction across louisiana and southeast texas. 16 people were killed in the storm. thousands remain in hotels waiting to return. covid-19 social distancing guidelines kept many evacuees from going to shelters. >> they're saying don't come back. just stay where you are. it's not safe right now. >> can't even get to my house because there's so much debris and power lines. >> crews in lake charles, louisiana are beginning to remove fallen trees and repair roofs damaged by hurricane force winds. thousands of national guard troops are handing out meals, ice, water, and tarps. >> just kind of taking a look at things and my house is in pretty bad shape but we'll keep going. one step at a time. piece by piece. >> hundreds of fema workers are in the region helping with search and rescue efforts. the agency also conducting home inspections and handing out assistance. but the needs are substantial. thousands of people remain without par. officials say crews will work to rebuild hundreds of transmission towers and reset downed power lines. >> they're working extremely hard but that is not to say that power is going to be restored to all areas of louisiana very soon. and that's because the damage to the system is extensive. >> officials say nearly 350,000 people are still without power. that's the latest from lake charles, louisiana. ktvu fox 2 news. the call for racial justice continues to grow in the state of wisconsin. tensions still high in kenosha there one week after a police officer shot jacob blake. protesters had been flooding the streets demanding justice. jacob blake is continuing to recover in milwaukee. his family says he's paralyzed from the waist down and his father says he wants police to arrest the officer who shot his son. >> what gave them the right to attempted murder on my child? what gave them the right to think my son was an animal? >> president trump is scheduled to travel to kenosha tomorrow to survey the damage left from some demonstrations and also to meet with law enforcement. blake's family says there are no plans to meet with the president during his visit. wisconsin governor sent a letter to president trump yesterday asking him to reconsider coming to kenosha. it said, quote, i'm concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. i'm concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move forward together, end quote. the governor said he welcomes the president's support in passing police reform legislation in wisconsin. the violent protests we're seeing take place across the country are becoming a major issue in the presidential election. president trump is blaming the violence on democrats, saying democratic mayors and governors should crackdown on protesters. joe biden says the president is responsible for much of the violence. >> the mayors of these cities have let their citizens down. they've not upheld the laws. they've not protected the citizens. they've not protected small businesses. >> it's better for this president if there's more anarchy, more violence, more chaos. he's had every opportunity to try to fan the flames here and that's the reason we're living in donald trump's america. >> both campaigns are expected to focus on the issue of safety leading up to the november election. there was also a demonstration by supporters of president trump on the golden gate bridge in san francisco. >> walk away! walk away! >> the rally yesterday was part of the walk away campaign that organizers are taking across the country. they say they wanted to make the stop in san francisco to urge voters to leave the democratic party. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, there's still hope that millions of americans will get a second economic stimulus check. in minutes, when they could see the much needed help, if at all. plus, remembering the life of actor chadwick boseman. how the vmas honored the mark he left on the entertainment industry during his career. hey, my twitter is blowing up! dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. wow, i hear you. so i'm bringing back my juicy 100% all-white meat spicy chicken strips combo for only $5.99! is it the juicy 100% all-white meat? or because you can spice them up or cool them down? or because a little birdie told me you wanted them back really bad... get my spicy chicken strips combo for only $5.99. millions of americans will likely have to wait until at least october to possibly receive a second stimulus check. right now negotiations on a new coronavirus relief bill are at a standstill. the senate is currently on recess until after labor day. if congress and the white house ever manage to reach a deal, it would still take those checks a few weeks to be delivered. if you can't pay your rent because of the pandemic, help could be coming soon. a legislative proposal introduced last week in sacramento would protect tenants from eviction through january as long as they pay 25% of their rent during that period. california legislators will vote today as the state's moratorium on evictions expires tomorrow. new this morning amazon received federal approval to operate its fleet of air delivery drones. the approval from the faa gives amazon the ability to carry packages on small drones behind the visual line of sight of the operator. amazon plans to use the certification to begin testing customer deliveries. the goal is to deliver some orders in as little as 30 minutes. california supreme court judge has thrown out a lawsuit that would have required businesses that sell coffee to include warning labels for a suspected cancer causing toxin. it would have affected dozens of companies that sell coffee including starbucks and dunkin' donuts. it's done from research showing a chemical causes cancer in lab animals. for health watch, there's a recall of fresh peaches sold across the country including here in california. the cdc says the peaches came in plastic bags under the brand name wowona, prima, and organic marketside fruits. at least 75 people have contracted salmonella traced to the fresh fruit. the contaminated peaches were sold before august 20th. if you have the peaches, you should throw them out or return them to the store where you bought them. peaches sold loose or unb are not affected by this recall. elon musk is working on a new brain technology at his startup company called neurolink. musk unveiled the brain chip implant on friday that would allow people who are paralyzed to operate technology such as smart phones or robotic limbs with their thoughts. musk and the neurolink introduced the audience to a pig they had put a brain chip in two months earlier. he says the new technology is like a fitbit in your skull. >> there's actually a lot of functions that this device could do related to monitoring your health and warning you about a possible heart attack or stroke or other damage, as well as sort of the convenience features like playing music. it can do a lot . it's sort of like if your phone went at your brain or something. >> musk says the removable chip can be implanted in humans in an hour and patients can leave the hospital the same day. he hopes neurolink can get regulatory approvals for human trials by the end of the year. two babies are recovering this morning in a sacramento hospital after undergoing heart operations. the surgery was performed on a 2-month-old from stockton and a 6-month-old from the sacramento suburb of carmichael. both babies were born with heart defects that required surgery to survive. doctors at sacramento's sutter health center made small incisions under their right arms instead of the traditional method of opening up their entire chest. >> you don't have to break bones or cut through the sternum. and by entering from the side, these children actually recover faster. >> the two-month-old is believed to be the youngest person in the world to ever undergone this type of heart surgery. the regular commute to school and work during the covid-19 pandemic, there's an unintended positive consequence for wild animals. researchers at uc davis say fewer animals have been killed because of a sharp drop in traffic ever since shelter in place orders were issued. overall the number of animals hit and killed by vehicles in california has dropped 21% since march. deadly crashes involving mountain lions have gone down 58%. more dead birds and mosquitos are testing positive for west nile virus in contra costa county. officials say there's an elevated risk for the virus in the brentwood area. they're urging people countywide to take precautions against mosquito bites and to avoid leaving standing water on their property where mosquitos can breed easily. since 2005, more than 65,000 people in contra costa county have been diagnosed with the disease. today is major league baseball's trade deadline. the oakland as are expected to by buyers while the san francisco giants, they can be buyers but they could also possibly be sellers. a lot of teams might be calling the giants today to see if they have any interest in trading pitcher johnny cueto. he has pitched pretty good this shortened season including six strikeouts in the giants' 4-1 win against the diamondbacks. with one of the best records in baseball, the as could keep their team as is or go all in on a starting pitcher or another impact player. the trade deadline is 1:00 this afternoon. john thompson, legendary georgetown university basketball coach, has died. in 1984, thompson became the first african american head coach to win a major collegiate championship. he is known for building georgetown's program, taking the hoyas to three final fours in the 1980s. and he also helped develop several players who are now in the basketball hall of fame including patrick ewing and allen iverson. john thompson jr. was 78 years old. this year's mtv video music awards honored actor chadwick boseman who died on friday. the vmas celebrated boseman as he accepted the best superhero award for his starring role in the film "black panther" in 2018. at that time boseman thanked the audience and took time to honor another hero, james shaw jr. who attacked the gunman in tennessee, saving several lives. boseman died after a years-long battle with colon cancer. south carolina is also honoring chadwick boseman. the governor ordered flags at the top of the state house to fly at half staff. the actor was born in anderson, south carolina. the flags will be presented to boseman's family after they're taken down. and ryan kugler, director of "black panther" and a native of oakland, also wrote a tribute to chadwick boseman. kugler said he didn't know boseman had cancer before he died. kugler's tribute read in part, quote, because he was a caretaker, a leader, and a man of faith, dignity, and pride, he shielded his collaborators from his suffering. he lived a beautiful life and he made great art. day after day, year after year, that was who he was. he was an epic firework displayc awards show was designed for audiences at home. ♪ there were some pre-taped performances yesterday but others like the weeknd that you heard there performed live from a new york city rooftop. sets spanned all five boroughs of new york city to social distance while holding an award show. lady gaga had four wins including artist of the year. coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, we'll let you know about the new initiative that will allow people to text b.a.r.t. police. then after the break, terrifying moments as a child is swept into the air by a kite. motorcycle riders love the open road. and geico loves helping riders get to where they're going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. and because we're committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. the geico giveback. helping riders focus on the road ahead. don't settle for less. revitalift triple power moisturizer from l'oreal with not just one, but three derm recommended ingredients. pro-retinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. all in one powerful cream. revitalift does so much more than just hydrate. it visibly reduces wrinkles. firms. and brightens. now that's triple power. revitalift triple power moisturizer from l'oreal. we're worth it. the federal appeals court has decided not to dismiss the case against president trump's former national security advisor. in may the department moved to dismiss the prosecution against michael flynn even though he pleaded guilty and admitted to lying to the fbi during the russia investigation. when the judge in the case refused to immediately dismiss it, his lawyers asked a federal appeals court to step in. the ruling by the federal appeals court keeps this case alive. happening today, fremont will hold a virtual grand opening for its new navigation center. the new center is located on liberty street and is expected to help up to 45 people find permanent, stable, and safe places to live. a recent survey found homelessness in fremont increased by 27% between 2017 and virtual grand opening happens at 6:00 center. batter police launching an initiative to help riders make non-emergency reports to police. the program called text b.a.r.t. police allows riders and workers, anyone else in the batter system to directly contact dispatch at the b.a.r.t. police department 24 hours a day, seven days a week. it should be used for nonemergency reports. you can also use the line to send pictures. the number is 510-200-0992. now that firefighters have been able to create partial containment lines, some evacuation orders are being lifted. that means people are starting to head back to their property. for some, there's nothing but debris and ashes left. the red cross and officials are working to keep everyone safe during the recovery phase and beyond. fire crews who have been battling the wildfires for more than two weeks now are getting a show of support for people across many communities. in pleasanton, people stood at the curb as people waved and held signs of appreciation. community members say they want to honor the firefighters' dedication and hard work. we talked to some girls who spent the last few days making hand-drawn thank you cards. >> i wanted to come out and thank the firefighters for risking their lives every day to save us from all the horrible fires. >> some of our firefighters have seen some pretty significant disruption in the 14 days, and to see the community come out and support every single firefighter is overwhelming. >> if you have cards or thank you notes you'd like to send to the fire teams, there are collection buckets at the library, monte vista high school. also at 8:00 every morning, a crowd gathers at vernal and valley in pleasanton to wave and cheer the crews on during shift change. fire officials say this sort of appreciation is so much better than any material donation they could ever receive and they appreciate it all. for the latest on the fires, you can learn more by going to there you'll find the latest on the containment, evacuation orders, and information on recovery services as well. before we show you this next video, we want to reassure you here the little girl you're about to see is fine, that she was not seriously hurt. the 3-year-old girl was swept into the air after getting caught in the strings of a large kite at a kite festival in taiwan yesterday. the little girl's parents say she suffered some bruising to her face and neck. city officials immediately suspended the festival to conduct a safety review. a japanese company is one step closer to getting its futuristic ridesharing plan off the ground new video of a successful test flight of its flying car from this month. a pilot flew the prototype over a test field for about four minutes. the company, which is backed by toyota, says its world smallest flying car, 12 feet long, six feet high. sky drive says it hopes to have a two-seat machine develop and start its flying car transport service by the year 2023. and mike, if you were to be able to fly from your house to oakland, it wouldn't take that long, i'm thinking. >> no. not at all. enticing. jack london square. maybe park it out there by the estuary. have your own little spot. i don't know what the cost is. something to think about. can't believe that we're already talking about this, gasia. for now i'm going to stay on the ground. i like my wheels. >> you know what's weird? we're a two-car family and we have easily recognized we can totally be a one-car family these days. when i do get behind the wheel to drive, it feels like i'm 16 taking my driver's test again. very few miles being logged on the 100-year-old mazda on the driveway. thanks for joining us. we're back at it at noon. weekend >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ♪ ♪ now, here's... wendy! [cheers and applause] >> wendy: it's game time, let's get it on

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